Today Sarah and Hope are coming over and we will be doing something. Something. I don't know yet, but something will be done. We can usually find something to do. Dasha was supposed to come, but she can't because it is her mother's birthday today. Too bad.
What have I been doing lately? Not much. Just hanging out at home. It is nice to be home, and have my own nice computer again. I can whatever want, now. You know what I am listening to now? Brendon Urie's cover of 3 Little Birds. I like itttt.
Just because I love this picspam so much, I am going to post it again.
Ok, you see that? Go there.

Nice microphone placement, Brendon.
Page stretch, just a tad.
What else would I like to show you? Much, I would like to show you. One second, while I find some.
Haha, sorry, I just got distracted by the beautiful picspam. I will go find something to show you now.
Ta daaa!!! It's beautiful, and you know it. Listen to it, them beautiful wonderous songs.
Ok, now I am trying to find a certain macro to show you. It's funny. Actually, there are two I want to show you, but let's see which one I can find first.

Ha, I just found that one. It isn't one of the ones I was looking for but I still like it.
Hahaha, I just found some other funny ones but I REALLY WANT TO SHOW YOU THOSE TWO.

That one is funny too, but it wasn't the one I was looking for D:<
Gaahhh, I keep finding all these other funny ones but I can't find the ones I was looking for...

I just had to show you that one because I love the way Ryan looks in that photo.

Ok, so I couldn't find either of the pictures I was looking for and I don't feel like looking anymore so maybe I will show you another time.
Oh, and you need to see this website.