Ana was already gone. Mat led the way to the beach, and I just kept my arms crossed as we walked. Even though I was in a bad mood and didn't like being in the light like this Mat was happy and he was still lingering on the thought that he could get me to change back to light but use my dark magic for good. I think it was also the fact that he was just glad to have his friend back. Well what was left of her I suppose. He still thought his Melissa was still in there. While he led I was getting annoyed with all this. "Mind telling me where we're going?!" I scolded him. "You'll see. Besides I wanna see if that cute bubbly mermaid I love is still in there." He said. Ugh. What a pain. Right now I was regretting wearing black, and heels. I would have blisters tomarrow. If I didn't die from a heat strock that was. Mat said that the sun seemed to be bringing the color back to my face. So what. Big deal. Nothing to get all happy about. I finally got pissed off by my heels and took them off. Carrying them in my hands while Mat continued to led me who knows where. Finally after hours of walking we came to a little forest. "Hicking?" I winned. "No, you'll be ridding on my back. Obvisously heels wasn't a very good choice. Besides we're no hicking." He said. I was red in the face, partly because I was burning up, because I was pissed at him "I would have known what to wear if you told me where we were going basterd!" I snapped at him. Against my will he lifted me up onto his back ignoring my complaintes of "put me down" or "you little basterd" or even (though I was relucent to my title of a princess) "I'm a princess you can't treat me like this". He found me completly amusing. He started running through the trees and I screamed any time he came close to hitting a tree. Honestly I think he was doing it just to scare the s**t out of me. Teasing me.
As he started to stop I saw a clearning up ahead. When we ran into it. I saw it wasn't a clearing. It was a medow. Flowers were everywhere. And this must of been a magicly inhansed medow because it was expersionsing spring. There were flowers everywhere, and I could hear birds chirping. He placed me on my feet and laughed at my reaction to the medow. It was very pretty. There were birds singing, squirrls playing, it was like something you would see in a fairy tale. "Pretty..." I said still sounding stubbornly pissed. He ran into the center of the medow and sat down, then he motioned me forward. Who'd he think he was telling me what to do. He wasn't my dad or any way a guardian. Still barefoot I walked forward and slumped down on the ground next to him. "I found this place not long ago." He told me. I flopped back on the ground. "Don't you feel special?!" I said. "Come on, Melissa. Why are you rejecting me like this? I know you have feelings for me and to be honest I do-" I took my hand and slapped him. "How dare you!" I yelled. "I don't have any more feelings for you then what your thinking! I have Lelouch who you rudely snached me away from for no reason!" "That's not true." Mat said. "He was destroying your light little by little to a point it would be extenguished like the light on a candle. I'm trying to get that light back." I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes. "Just shut up!" I snapped. He took his hands and placed them at my side. "Take your filthy hands off of me!" I ordered him. Ignoring me he started tickling me instead.
Though it tickled and I wanted to laugh I resisted with all I had. I think he knew I was resisting to. "Come on. I know that bubbly mermaid's still in there." Mat said. "What bubbly mermaid. Sense when have I ever been bubbly?" I asked. "You always seemed like it before Jordan-" I jerked around and popped him across the face. His nose started bleeding. I was still pissed about that Jordan thing. "Don't you dare say his name! Don't mention him or anything!" I yelled. I think Mat knew deep down he shouldn't of said that name. Or mentioned it. He took the risk and said it though. He whiped the blood away. I barley noticed there was a tear in my eye, and my voice was betraying me. Mat threw his arms around me then! WHAT THE-! WHAT WAS HE DOING?! I hardly realized I was blushing till he pulled away and pushed my tears away. "What makes you think that...you have the right to hug me?" I asked. He didn't answer he just smiled at me. I felt a funny little thing inside me once he smiled then. Strange it was, and I couldnt' really say what made me feel this way. Most likely, your guess is as good as mine, I think it was his smile. It's like when he smiled at me then I didn't want to be so rude to him. Didn't want to slap and hit him. Like I felt bad about it. I think he noticed I was blushing. I think now he had this idea I was starting to soften up on him. "I don't think I've seen you blush except for once." He said. I spoke back, but I realized my voice didn't sound as rouch or angry now. It soundered gentle, and calm. "So...is that some big accomplisment?" I asked playing with a strand of my hair. "Well yeah." He said. "Your not all stone hearted, Melissa. Really you just don't want to get hurt again so your trying to make it seem that you don't give a damn about anything. Making it seem like you'll break someone if they break you." It made sense. I sat up and crossed my legs, facing him.
He looked downward a gave a laugh he was trying to restrain. It looked like he was looking at my a**. His laugh grew louder. "What's so funny?" I asked getting angry again. He pointed at my a** and said, "I think the bunny likes your skirt!" He laughed. "Bunny?" I asked confused. I felt something nibbling away at my butt. I turned my head and looked down. Sure enough, just as Mat had said, there was a rabbit there...nibbling away at my skirt. Or to me it looked like it was nibbling at my a**. I blushed and Mat laughed at the amusment of the rabbit doing this. I found it a little amusing, but embarassing. "Hey stop that, this is one of my favorite outfits!" I whinned. I reached for the bunny and it hopped a few feet away. My skirt was a little wet where the bunny had chewed on it...but there was no other damage. He hoped in front of me, and now sat on it's hanches in between Mat and me. It looked at Mat as he sat up and looked at me. Then it turned to me. It's nose wrinkled as it looked at me. It was so cute. I think in that moment Mat realized I had a soft sport for animals. I always had. I tried to pick it up again but it hopped into my lap and then made it's way to the top of my head. Mat gave a laugh. This time I wasn't embarassed. I found it very amusing. I started laughing and grabbed the rabbit. "Your very playful aren't you?" I asked it smiling at it. My voice wasn't sharp or angry. It was still soft, and calm....gentle. "Your laughing...and smiling now." Mat said. I was...wasn't I? I felt a warmth between me and him. A strong one. I blushed and looked up at him and smiled. The bunny scwirmed out of my arms and went up Mat's shirt. I started laughing harder. Mat was reaching up his shirt trying to catch the rabbit. Suddenly the rabbit popped it's head out of the top of his shirt and jumped back into my lap. As Mat pulled off his shirt so the rabbit would stop being able to wonder around his shirt.
I blushed deeply. That warm feeling grew, and I looked at the bunny not sure if I was supposed to be enjoying seeing him shirtless or not. I think he noticed my blushing for a moment. I petted the bunny's head and he placed his shirt back on. Mat and I played with the rabbit for a while. That rabbit really liked either going up Mat's shirt or nibbling at my skirt though. I think it liked Mat's shirt more though. Eventuall so the rabbit would stop he took his shirt off so it couldn't wonder around in it now. I only could hope it wouldn't start wondering around and try getting in his pants. Then he'd be blushing from embaressment. I really didn't mind him being shirtless now. It was getting late but I liked the bunny a little to much. I didn't want to leave it, or the medow. Mat promised we could come back again sometime though, so I finally let the rabbit go, but not before I wrapped a small piece of cloth I found around it's leg so we'd know when we came back it was the same rabbit we had played with. As Mat lifted me up onto his back again, this time I didn't mind, I wrapped my arms around his neck in a tight squeeze. He scared me when we were running through the trees and he teased me nearly hitting them, and doging them at the last second. It grew darker and darker as we approched the beach again. "I can walk now." I told him. I think he would be tierd now where he'd been carrying me. He set me on my feet, and I walked holding my heels in my hands across the sandy beach. As we walked back to Ana's we walked along the shore of the beach. The water felt nice on my feet. I kinda missed not being a mermaid right now. I still had that feeling in the pit of my stomach that it may be fadding again. Like though Ana had helpt me regain it. It just seemed like it happened very rare now that I would become one. I think I heard Mat telling Ana he was starting to get the ability to read what people are thinking so I wondered if he knew what I was thinking.
He still wasn't wearing a shirt. I guess when we left the medow that he thought if he placed the shirt on his back again the rabbit would persure us and try and get up his shirt again. When we were leaving the medow I noticed that his skin felt very warm. I saw a pair of dolphins jump out of the water and back into the water. I smiled at them, and the wind blew. I looked at Mat who had been staring at me. I wonder if he knew what I was thinking about about how I was worried about me never going to be able to be a mermaid again. He smiled at me, I guess trying to make me not think like that. I couldn't help but smile back. "Sorry about hitting, and yelling at you earlier." I said looking away. He pulled me close, and hugged me. "Don't worry about it." He said. I blushed. Why was he so happy like this? I got that same feeling in my stomach as I did back in the medow. Feeling bad about how I had treated him, and how I felt like hugging him. A pull towards him. A want to be with him. It's like then I felt bad about being so mean to him earlier. So rude. I felt like stopping the hitting and slapping. Just then it started to rain as he let me go, and I fell to the ground my tail having appeared. Now my a** was sore. "AH ********!" I said. He gave a laugh and picked me up. "And so the mermaid show's her true self." He teased. He rushed inside so no one would see us. I was expecially worried about sailors. Once inside he let me go so I could swin around on my own. He had never seen me actually swim as a mermaid. He'd hardly ever even seen my form of a mermaid. He'd only seen it that one time those sailors captured me. "There you two are." Ana said coming into the leaving room where I sat on the couch. "I was wondering where you two were." Feltsom and Jetsom followed her. "Your in your mermaid form too, Melissa." Ana added. "We can thank the rain for that." I said. We all laughed. I streached and got up.
"Anyway's I'm off to bed." I said. "Night." I told Mat as I swam past him my tail brushing against the back of his neck. I wonder if he knew I was flirting with him. If he was reading my thoughts I sure he did. I swam upstairs and climbed into bed. My bed was very welcoming after a nice day like this. More like a romantic day. Romantic? I pushed the word from my mind. No I had Lelouch! I loved Lelouch...not...Mat. Or did I? I turned over in the bed. Maybe I did. But I had Lelouch, and though I felt feelings for him....Lelouch was my lover. "You actually got her smiling and laughing? Really?" Ana said in amazment downstairs. "Yeah." Mat said. "I hate to say it, Mat, but your the only one that can restore her light. She may have a lininte trust in boys, for some reasons unknown, but she trusts you. And only you. With her heart, her fears, her secrets." I closed my eyes and drifted off. Trust? I guess I trusted him. But could I trust him with my heat. Or was it Lelouch I wanted to have my heart?

To be continued in Chapter 50...