Chapter 48: Restored
I was sitting in a room. It was dark, and I was sitting in the cornor of it. It was my room back in palace of Alantica. I was huddled up in a ball. I have to tell her about him. That's all I was thinking. This was a memory from earlier days. About the time I had turned 14 or I was 13. Really around the time you hit puberdy if your a girl. And this was a memory I never wanted to remember. Something that I everyday tried to forget but never could. What was worse was this person that I wanted to tell my friend about was a friend of my older brother kaname. "NO! NOT THAT MEMORY!" I cried snapping out of the vision and back into reality. I heard what sounded like swords clashing. I looked up still blinding by my pain, I saw the blue haired kid and Lelouch fighting one another. Lelouch just forget about him and lets run! My head was in intense pain, and another memory was forcing it's way into my mind. I didn't want these memories I had asked Lelouch to make me forget them, and this basterd had to force them back in.
I was sitting on my bed...crying. I remembered this. Valentines day in Alantica. Back when I was about 7. My friend walked in. My childhood friend. I haden't seen her in ages. (she will appear in future chapters so I won't give away her appearance yet...or name) "Melissa, are you ok?" She asked. "Melissa, just forget about them. Boys are jurks and at our age we think they have those things called cuddies." I had gone to give a boy I had a crush on a valentine, but he rejected me saying hurtful things to me. It had hurt. It was the 3rd hearache in life I had ever taken. "I didn't do anything to him though." I told her. Tears leaking out. "And everyone's just actting all lovey dovy to spite me! And it's working! This so called holiday is for couples and those who don't have one always get there heart broken." My friend gave me a hug. "Who needs boys, Melissa. We can enjoy this holiday together. It's not all about couples. It's about showing love to your family and friends to." She said. "I don't feel like it." I said laying on the bed. I was misrable and hurt.
My heart had ached for days after that, and it ended with my older brother kaname punching the kid because he found out why I had been so moopy, and I didn't even tell him. Well guess now you would know not to mess with Kanames younger siblings...otherwise you'll get your a** kicked. I was back in reality. Everything was normal. If you couted a sword fight between to guy's fighting over a girl normal. Yeah pretty normal to me. Then reality was gone and I was in the past again. "He violated her. Now look at her. She's tramatized." My brother Kaname said. I was sitting on my clam shell bed in Alantica again. My brother was talking to my dad in another room. "She doesn't understand what happened or what he was doing. Father, she's scared of boys now! She's untrusting of them! She won't even let me near her. She cowers in the corner if I try to!" That memory I never wanted to remember in my life. That was one of the memories I really wanted Lelouch to make me forget. And he did...but this stupid Soul Restortion had reverted that. It was forcing that memory back into my head. In reality again Lelouch was still fighting with that kid. I still couldn't place for sure if he was that Mat kid that Lelouch didn't want me to think about. He said he was unimportant. Then they vanished and the past took away the present. That pain built up in my head again. This was worse then a migran. And holding my head between my legs and in my hands didn't help either. I was laughing about something. There were two lizards next to a girl with brown hair pulled back in a braide. And sitting next to me was the same kid that was fighting Lelouch. "Are you series, you got your a** kicked by a poochie?!" We told the boy. I was helping him patch up his wondes. "He was strong for one too." The boy said laughing with us. I looked up at him and smiled at him. He smiled back. "Mat, your unbelivable sometimes you know that?" I told him I got that warm feeling in my head again. But why had Lelouch erased my memory of him and those others. This was a happy memory. Or was it that those people in the memory hurt me. Then I remembered what I had called him: "Mat"
That name. Mat? Then it hit me as if being slapped really hard across the face! The boy Lelouch was fight...was my friend Mat! And those others in the memory the girl was Anastasia! But then another memory hit me and I wasn't so sure if he and those people in that memory were my friends. Ana had thrust a powerful ball of magic at me. I slammed into the ground and got tore up bad. I couldn't trust them anymore. My so called friends had betrayed me. I had to know. I had to know why Mat and Ana had hurt me. "M...Mat..." I asked. Was he still my friend. Then another memory slapt me. Me kissing Mat. Did that mean we had feelings for each other. It had been a deep kiss, and Mat in some way seemed to be enjoying it. So there was more to me and Mat's relationship. Something other then friendship? Or was it that we were unsure of how we felt.
I had my memories back. What all was between me and Mat? I was confused. Did we like each other in the romantic sense or not? Were we unsure of how we felt? Or did he truely love me and want me to be with him? But could I trust him? But I had Lelouch so why didn't he give up? Or was it perhaps that they both wanted me and they were fighting for me? Finally after his long struggle Lelouch punched Mat in the gut and knocked him backwards. "M...Mat..." I said again. Lelouch sheathed his sword and ran over to me. "Lelouch....wait...what's going on? Where are we going?" I asked. "Shh...don't worry. He's not going to hurt you again. We're going home." He said, lifting me up into his arms. "Home?" I asked. "Yes." Then he ran for it, with me in his arms. Mat struggled to his feet and then he was chasing after us. "I'll catch up! Blasted mermaid bit me!" Aoi yelled. Well that's what you get b***h! I still had memories poaring back into my head. It felt like a ton of bricks being slamed into my head at once. As the memories flowed back into me there were only brief moments when I could tell what was going on in reality. When I snapped into reality for a moment I realized that we were inside some kind of ruins. It looked like we were still outside. It was fairly warm, a little to warm for me. Being a mermaid and always being in water I could only handle so much heat. Lelouch melted us into the shadows and we ran in the shadows. Mat came in at that moment. He seemed to see the running shadow though. Maybe he gained a way to see our aura's and us in the shadows now.
Mat started chasing the shadow. Lelouch ran up the wall and jumped down to the floor and ran for what looked to be a huge, and really deep pool. Right now I hoped I'd change into a mermaid to avoid needing air as a human. Lelouch jumped in. There was a unbelievable undertow that was dragging anything that got in down. Thank god me and Lelouch were in teh form of shadows. So it didn't affect us. Lelouch ran on the walls as the shadows down. Mat wasn't crazy enought to jump down and follow was he? I mean I knew he had his dare devil moments but was he really crazy enough to jump and follow Lelouch. The water was draining somewhere but I couldn't tell where. Just then I heard a splash. I jerked my head towards the top of the deep pool! HE JUMPED! Lelouch was at the bottom of the pool. He moved quick in the shadows. There was a gate here at the bottom, and the water was flowing into it, being consumed and dragged somewhere else.
I looked back at Mat again and I think he noticed. He had this look on his face that just seemed to say "I'm going to save you" or something like that. What did I need saving from was my question? Just then my mind blacked out into the past again. "Melissa, we shouldn't be here." I was a mermaid again.My friend Flounder winned. He was making up excuses not to explore this underwater temple we found. "I've...uh...got this cough...YEAH YEAH! THAT'S IT! I'm sick!" He then pretended to cough. "Oh, Flounder, your such a guppy." I teased. "I am not!" Flounder protested. "Fine. If you don't want to go in...then you can just stay out here...and I don't know...watch for sharks." I said with a smile. I turned to go into the temple. "Yeah. Yeah you go in and I'll watch for...sh-WAIT A MINUTE! MELISSA, WAIT FOR ME!" Flounder cried swimming after me. We swam till we found a pretty sword on the flower. "OH WOW!" I said. "What is it?" Flounder asked as I picked it up and swung it around. "It looks like those weapons that the merman soilders use when they go to battle." I said. "I think they call them swords. But this one's from the human world." My eyes were full o delight at the sound. "Melissa? Did you hear something?" Flounder asked. "No, stop being such a guppy. Oh there's something engraved on here. Near the hilt." I said. The words were small they read "To my son, Mat." Mat? cute name. Wonder if it was short for something. "Melissa, I think we should leave. I just heard something outside." Flounder complained. Flounder stop being such a guppy." I said.
I still had that sword to. It was somewhere under my bed at Ana's place. I cherished that sword for all these years. It was a treasure from the human world. And a nice one too. It was one of the tresures not in my trove. So my dad didnt' destroy it like the rest of my tresures. Then the rest of the memory played like a movie would in my head. Me and Flounder turned to leave at last finding no other treasures. Carrying the sword in my hand I too finally heard the sound Flounder had apparently heard. It sounded like something was close. Something undfriendly. "OK!" Flounder said in a frightend high pitched voice. "I KNOW YOU CAN'T SAY YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT!" I looked around. Suddenly a shark came busting through stain glass window on the wall of the temple. Flounder and me looked at each other a little unsure of what to do at first and the we let out a scream of terror! Still screaming our lungs off we swam for it! I still had the sword in my hand, but then it slipt from my hand as it got caught in a anker hook. I swam back to it. I didn't want to lose my tresure. The shark was coming at me! My eyes grew big and I let out a scream. "COME ON, MELISSA, JUST FORGET THE SWORD!" Flounder said. "NO! COME ON STUPID BLADE!" I yelled at the innanimate object. Then the rusted anker broke as I jerked the blade out just as the shark got ready to take a bit out of my a**. Me and Flounder kept swiming. Shark kept following. We were coming to a metal part that was small enough for me and Flounder fit though. Not shark boy though. "GO FOR THE METALL THING!" I yelled. Flounder swam into it...but his round body woudn't go through. My eyes got wide as the shark edged closer. I shoved flouders fat a** through teh thing and then tried to go through myself. shark boy wasn't smart so he'd try to go through and get stuck. If he didn't kill me. My a** was stuck in the thing. My hips were holding me back from getting through. Son of a b***h! Right now I was really hating hatting puberdy! Stupid ******** round hips!
That moment of terror scared the hell out of me. I was on the verge of death. I looked behind me and saw the shark opening it's mouth to bite my a** off! I was going to die! I let out a scream and tried to get out again! Finally it pulled off at the last moment! I got out of the way as the shark came and tried to get through himself. Unsuccessfully. He was stuck. Flounder went up to the shark and stuck his tonge out of it. The shark tried to bite him and he screamed. Me and Flounder celabrated as we swam in a half dance from the temple. I held the sword up in victory like I had just slain an enemy. Though it was terrafiying it was a little fun. Even flounder had a little fun. Even if he denied it. I was back in reality as I heard someone say my name. "Melissa?" Lelouch's voice asked. "Huh?" I asked. "Scared me. Thought you'd passed out or something. Your zoning in and out on me." He said as he continued to run in the shadows. I remembered what was going on and looked back to see Mat still persuing us.
I didn't realize that we were running underneath the opera house now. In it's sewer. Lelouch made his way, as a mere shadow, across the wall as fast as he could. He looked like he was exhausted. Mat seemed to notice. We burst into Lelouch's lair at last. He ran into our room and slammed the door with his foot, and used magic to lock it. He ran to the bed and layed me on the bed. He got on his knees and held my face in his hands. "Are you ok, Lelouch?" I asked. "You don't want to remember any of those memories do you?" He asked me. His grip on me growing stronger. "You don't want to have all those painful memories do you?!" "No." I said. His hand still holding my face he wrapped his other one around my waist and lifted me up. He motivated my head to where I was gazing into his deep purple eyes. He moved his hand to strock my cheek. He lend in towards me and then his lips were smaking lips with mine. I couldn't think straight suddenly. I was dazed and wasn't sure what all was going on around me. I felt faint and weak. My legs were shacking ready to cave in on me. Lelouch held me up. His eyes were closed. He was taking in this kiss big time. I liked this kiss to. Nice and passonite. But I didn't know what it was doing to my mind...or body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not caring what was wrong with me, closed my eyes and kissed him back. Just then I heard the door bust open. I opened my eyes and looked towards the door. I saw Mat standing there with is door kicked forward. He'd used his foot to get through the door. He saw what was going on, and got this really pissed off look on his face. He knew what Lulu was trying to do through this kiss. Glad he did I wasn't sure. Lelouch had asked me if I wanted to remember any of what had just happend. I had said no. Maybe he was trying to erase my memories again by means of this kiss.
Suddenly I wasn't able to think to well. Where was I? What had I just been doing a few minutes ago? Everything was fadding. "Not going to let you drain her of what she has a right to know and remember!" Mat yelled. Lelouch broke the kiss and I remembered everything suddenly. Lelouch layed me on the bed, turned to Mat, and hissed like he were a vampire. "You can't have her! She's already choosen! She wants me! If she wanted you she would have left me and come back to you!" He yelled. Mat and him drew there swords. "She doesn't belong in the dark like this! She's supposed to be in the sunlight! Where she's healthy! In the water where she's happy!" Mat yelled. "She is happy! Happy with me! I can give her all the things she'll ever need in life! Besides how would you care for her when she's sick or something!? Your always running around on some adventure leaving her alone and defenseless! And you have Aoi!" Lelouch yelled.
It was true. If Mat went somewhere on an adventure it was him and Aoi. How did I know there weren't feelings going on between them. And then there was the fact that I was alone while he was gone. They were thrusing away at each other with there swords. Mat had the upperhand though. Because Lelouch was tierd from all that running, and swimming. I sat on the bed huddled up in a ball. I didn't know what to do or who to cheer for. Suddenly Lelouch's sword dropped to the ground with a clang. Mat had left a gash in his right shoulder. He screamed. Mat sheathed his sword and grabbed me. "We're getting you out of here, Mel." He said. I didn't want to go. I wanted Lelouch. "Lelouch!" I cried. Mat was dragging me away. I tried to escape his grip. He swung me over his shoulder to where my stomach was laying on his shoulder and he started to run. "LELOUCH! LULU!" I cried out. He was staggering to the ground. Holding his injured shoulder. Ignoring the pain he grabbed his sword and chased after us. Mat kept running till we were on the streets of Port Town again outside the Opera House. He darted towards the beach and I realized he was taking me to Ana's. NO! "NO! NO LET ME GO! PUT ME DOWN! LELOUCH, HELP ME!" I yelled. I pounded my fists into Mat's back, and kicked him in the stomach as he ran. Either he just didn't feel it, and my kicks and punchs weren't hard enough, or he was just ignoring the pain. Lelouch was following the pain showing in his face. He needed medical attention and I was the only one that could give it to him. "LELOUCH!" I cried out again. Aoi ran up by then and she hit Lelouch upside the head, knocking him out cold. He fell to the ground now unconcious. "LULU!" I cried. Suddenly we were inside Ana's place. "I'll drag his a** back to his home that way he can't come barging in. Plus he'll need his sweet time to recorperate." Aoi said to Mat before running off. Mat headed into the living room and sat me down on the couch. He stood there watching me, apparently incase I tried to make a break for it. Which was what I was hopping for right now. Escaping. I got to my feet and he was suddenly ready to wresle me back onto the couch if I made a sudden move. I took my hand and slapt him straight across the face. "YOU BASTERD! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT TO LELOUCH!" I yelled. He was taken back for a moment. I decided to use that as my escape. But he grabbed me around the waist and picked me up again and took me upstairs to where my room had been. Ignoring my prostests and insults.
He sat me on the bed and pulled the covers over me. What he want me to do...take a nap. What for. I did feel tierd though. Excitment always did that to me a lot. He sat in a chair by my bed and watched me instensly. God it was like being at the palace all over again. But for like when you were in deep trouble and had to be watched to make sure you didn't do it again. I started drifting off soon, and before long my eyes closed. I only hoped Lelouch was all right and that he could save me from this hell soon. I woke up later to the sound of voices down stairs. Mat and I think Ana. Along with Fletsom and Jetsom. I climbed out of the bed and strolled to the door, and towards the stairs. "Mat, you look like you've just been through hell or something." Ana said. "You'll never believe who I found in town today." he said. It's like he knew I was behind him because he pointed towards me, and I came down the stairs rubbing sleep from my eyes. "MELISSA!" Ana screamed. She ran to me and knocked me to the ground as she started hugging and kissing me like she hadn't seen me in a thousand years or something. She was squeezing the hell out of me. "Ana, quite your going to chock her. She has to breath." Mat said. She wasn't listening. This was gross. I didn't want hugs or kisses from Mat or Ana. I jabbed my knee into her stomach and kicked her off of me. I think that pissed her off. It's not my fault it was so gross and everything. Little did I know that soon my feelings about everything...expecially mat...would change completly.

To be continued in Chapter 49...