Okay... so I haven't writen in afew but its okay.So alittle has happend. I have blue and pink hair now. amanda is 16 and mom is 46.Emily has boobs o.0. i still hate tim. i don't like dillon anymore. im still dateing daysi. i got a new ipod. tim got a new job even if it took him 3 months to find it. i got "depresstion" or whatever, i kno i dont. i still suck at school. i got into nt, we have testing on bthe 2nd. i went to see patd,the cab{twice}, and dashbord...and a few others...o and plain white t's. I got over a crush names alex. hmmm..what eles, o and cody and i dont talk to much anymore.i joind a thing after school and we went to comp, we didnt win but we did better then we thuoght we would. it was wicked fun. okay..thats about it. im always off/on with people. me and zach r friends, me and dally rnt...hmm thats about it.....
 Mars Army 05'