so its sunday. its 12:07. im not tried. but i kno i will not be awake a few days it will be thanksgiving +}. well i only eat chicken now so i dont kno what im going to eat...o well.i went shopping with tori again for christmas gifts. well im an athiest but i dont care really. i got her pants cuz she only has two. aslo the best guy in the world has been talking to me on myspace +}+}+}+}+}+}!!!!! he is so cool i love him so much! his name is dillon. he went to my school in 6-7 grade he left this year but i think that he still lives in town +}. its a few houses away from tori and dally. as u can tell dillon was a good friend of mine. he didnt have many friends cuz he was new and didnt want to be in my crappy school. well my school isnt going to be credieded.....i cant spell..... well its not going to past this test that it has to take every ten its not going to be constiterd a school......yup still cant spell. so was i said earyer.....dally......hummmmmm.... what to say about her... shes fat,lazy,poser, copycat, and a lier. but she is my friend sadly.
friends: tori,maggie,senya,daysi,dally <----- these are my clostest friends in the world
ive known tori since the 2nd grade and we practicly live together at my house.she loves her old rock she is such a rocker and likes to mess up her x boyfriends brains.
maggie ive known since....6th grade i want to say.she was bad asma. and she is darker than most ppl like me.
senya ive known her since the 5 th grade.....she is mad crazy.. she is way to much fun to be around.she was this insain curly hair and it is so pretty staightend. she is very sporty. and mad ill
daysi there is so much to say about her. she is my bi friends. she is one of my best friends. ive known her since the 7th grade {last year}she is getting over the drugs she does, the abortions and the tharipy but i love her anyways.she ahs i think 3 xgf's and i think 4 xbf since ive known her. ya i kno she reallly just goes through ppl like phases. but w/e
dally iven known since the 7th grade but not as well as the others.
family:amanda :{older sister} emily{little sister} tim and mom
amanda is way jock and loves johnny depp. she is 15 and in the 10th grade tall and more to love. long curl brown hair.
emily is creepy. 6th grade 11. kinda short never combs her hair. dity blonde i think its hard to tell.loves monkeys and pooh. plus any thing on nick and disney.
tim is a jerk. i hate him
mom....well shes mom. crazy fun funny loving and the usal mom stuff
and me. im caitlin i dont kno if i said that earlyer but w/ 13 blue and green hair. iven benn dyeing my hair since i was going into the 5th grade. im a year younger then everyone eles im my grade so i get stuck in the dumb classes. me and all my freinds are in the 8th grade. we are all 13 exept dally she is 14. i love music.....most music....not rap,r&b and some country and folk but i think thats it.i have 2 crushes dillon and other im not going to say cuz im a cool kid like that.well kno its 12;34 and this didnt make me tried at all, plus i dont like walking up my stairs alone in the dark
love u all heart
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