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Poem#2:My Beautiful Girl
So Beautiful as a rose
So depressing as watching your house on fire
Your Beauty strikes me with a feeling that i can't
Explain like if i was struck by lightning
I want to be with you even when we die flowing in
The breeze together
Every time I'm next to you, smell like a bloom of flowers
Just as I'm been strucked by love at first had
The biggest crush for so long to be with you
Now that we are together I'm afraid if one of us
Dies that the other one will fall too
There are so many things that I want to do to you
That you know and don't know
Now that you know I feel shy of doing it too you
Your beauty strikes me hard
I just want to be together forever until the end of time
Once again,
I've been gone for along time and now you have
Brought me back
So beautiful now I'm not confused and I understand
My beautiful girl comes to me...

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Crescent Artemia
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 05, 2009 @ 04:28am
*does the wierd noises*aww!! heart

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