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Poem#1:Lets Go Into Melodic
Baby you got to scream louder, louder no one can hear you
Girl you got to warn everyone, no one can hear my scream
I'm going to miss you on my trip
And I will get him back since he's the "Demon King"
I will take him down if the melodic self in me comes
Had to stab him through his ******** heart
His blood rising splattering on my face
I'm back to see her black hair again and now I
Hate her for hating me, that i left
Don't you understand me enough to know what you
Are getting yourself into
I'm leaving you forever and I don't want to see you again
I thought we had something special
I had to stab her through her ******** heart
I hate myself forever leaving her alone
Always having her arm up against mine
I'm alone now...WHY!!!
My stupid self, I want to be with you
Now theres only one way to be with you forever
Had to stab myself through my ******** heart
I'm in a melodic mood to be next to you and to kill forever...

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