prisoner by Alexis
..When i start thinking about cruel,dark and unusual things... the only thing that crosses my mind over and over is suicide... ..i look around for the knife that might end everything.. the knife that decides if i die or live... ..i don't care about the ones that i leave behind or the ones I'll never get to meet...because there's no one... as i stare into the dark alluring blade..i think of everything that's gone wrong...every little mistake that i have made... ..and the things i should of done..... well as staring into the blade of death..i stare at the metal bars of depression...these bars are the only things that keep me sane...keeping me from everything....i never once thought that those bars were to lock me away...i thought that they were there to shield me from the much as i wanted to be out there.. i was always dragged back to my own hell ... ..i take my last glance at the blade...and then before i knew it...there was a piercing pain...the smell of rust and salt fills the room...clearing my head..all i could hear was the sound of yelling...and as i drift away into nothingness..the only word i could think of was spinning around in my head...and i weakly cried out my last word.... ...prisoner...
 The end
XBloodSoakedYukiiX · Sun Mar 22, 2009 @ 08:24am · 1 Comments |