Recieved Art
One <-- Chimiiki
- by Sanjirou
Your Best Reference to date
- by spray paint hero -
Name = Erues Nouveau Dredge
Age = 19 -20
Gender = Female
Background = Born in the older times, victorian and romance times, she was born underneath one of the greatest steampunk inventors, Hallopher Dredge.
Since her mother died in childbirth, Erues was reared by her Father and Grandfather, learning everything that there was to know about the arts of Steampunk and Metalwork. Erues's first gift was watches and clocks. So her Grandfather gave her, her first pocket watch. She fell in love with them ever since, creating and tinkering around with her clocks. Her first real steampunk creation was a little six legged spider names Kroenen. Little Kroenen had a mind of his own and loved skittering around to help her if she needed to reach a real small spot on her other creations. Her Latest Chart was to make a lion fish that could swim in the water. She wasnt the best at keeping her desk clean, with all her charts and books being slightly unkept up in her shelves. But she was destined to be one of the greatest prodigies of her era and she was determined to not let anything stop her.
She can be a bit loud sometimes but she loves her work.
Having made many many male friends in the metal working business, she learned the trades of a man's factory labors. She enjoys herself immensely and has proved many times that she is just like one of the boys in her group of friends that work in the machine factory's. Sometimes she calls her work there 'Glitch Work', always having to reach in some of the smaller parts for fixing machinery where as the men can not reach because of their thick hands. They delved in teaching her everything she knows now about factory work. Her grandfather and her father also stepped in and taught her about pocket watches, clocks, and the finer points of real intricate machinery. Thus her first true creation, Kroenen, was created! The dedicated time they spent with Erues nurtured a love for pocket watches like they've never seen, pouring her heart into every piece of work she came up with from then on.
Short bio on her attitude and personality change when it comes to her wearing formal wear.Artwork by Glory___x
She goes from being completely outspoken and boisterous to a more shy introverted girl who is trying to make her father proud when they go to public gatherings or private parties.
It was not really normal to see a girl with such shortly cropped hair in those days so her short hair is covered by hair extensions that were fashioned for her by the family's long time friend, Isabella Nomel, a hair stylist who loves her job more than just about anything!
The only real time that her true personality would show through that facade is when someone brings up watches or clock work items, then you truly see her glowing with pride and happiness and she instantly joins into the conversations, showing her works and giving her two cents in the matters. Her father wishes that she would find a nice boy and settle down someday soon so that he can get her out of his basement, she calls it her personal working space in a private secluded area, so he can use it to work down there himself. They do share the space and they enjoy their time together, as she is working for her father as his Apprentice, he wants her to break out into the world. Erues doesn't want to leave yet, its her home where she grew up and she is quite attached to it. She knows she will have to accept one of the many suitors one day and settle down but for now, she avoids it like the plague itself.
Looks = CLICK ME
she MUST have this scarf.
Since Erues is modeled after me a bit, her hair style should look like the one in my photos. Her expression can be up to you.
Face & Hair Reference
Face & Hair Reference
-Cellophane has a scar over her right eye and her eyes are a brilliant blue.
-Her hair was bleached to give it a flamed highlight but only to that little strand of hair.
- I want her wear something similar to these two images
-for the Cap and Goggles, look at the last of the two images for a similar idea.
I would, however, like the cap to look like this.
[******** Design
The inside with the fluff would be nice, just dont have it going all the way down the flaps.
-The GOGGLES. I want them to look like this.
Goggle Design
just make them a little smaller and sophisticated.
For her collection of watches and more watches :3
These two would go onto her hips somewhere.
Hip One
Hip Two
Hip Three
These are her keys, they should be on her hips as well.
Key and Chain
Her collection will steadily be growing,
think of them as how a prisoner guards keys would look.
This is to go on her left arm.
Left Arm Gauge
This to her right.
Wrist Gun
Wrist CoatOfArms
This should go up above her right arm's wrist gun.
These are an example of what kind of boots she would wear.
Normal Boots1
Normal Boots2
I LIKE THESE biggrin
Formal Dress Boots
**Can Be combined with either the Causual or Formal Attire!
These are her glasses for reading, scoping out, and all around wear.
Glasses reference
She has one necklace/choker.
Clockwork Necklace
please try to make it as close to that as you can. ^ ^
One of her watches also looks a little like this, its really pretty and she was fascinated with all the colours so she couldn't help but keep it.
nouveau watch
THIS is kroenen biggrin
Mechanical Spider
Untidy Desk Appearance
Desk apperance skattered over her charts
and this is her new work that she put on pause. Its a dragon fly.
So its sitting on the side of her desk, waiting to be worked on. x3
New Creation
For her background. I was thinking of something like these two images.
In the top left Corner.
Clockwork background1
Clockwork Background2
I hope I have given you a good detailed description <33
Tell me if its too much x3
you may take out whatever you feel is too complicated for you