This moment is mine to hold.
This rage I feel is more than bold.
I can feel it all welling in me.
This bubbling torment and screaming.
Blood will over flow the walls that hold it in.
For one can only take so much before they break.
Will regret have its day?
Yes, the day after they are broken.
Maybe the day after that.
There's no denying this one suffers of envy.
Snakes flow and writhe under her skin.
Her heart is so heavy, dragging the chains of the lost and hopeless.
She screams in anguish on the inside.
Ripping her to shreds oh so slowly with her nails.
A small glimmer of manic peace crosses her face..
So happy to be breaking someone else other than herself for once..
Her face falters and remakes itself, nothing is wrong..
She shakes her head, slowly regaining her posture..
...why ..
...why would anything .. be wrong?
..Today, this moment is mine..
I am alone.. in my heart.
No one to accompany me and let me be filled with peace.
He returns..
asking how is she?
She responds.. with a smile she hopes someone will not believe..
She is well..
even though everything is so wrong with me..