Mmmkay day.
It's ironic.

I was drawing this when my sister came home high. I didn't need to see her bloodshot eyes. I could smell it. My mom always had a sorta sensitive smell (nothing impressive, just enough to make us sneeze and get runny noses more easily), and I guess I inherited it... Also, she was giggling and more friendly. Now that's just creepy. I don't know how to handle that.
I don't know what to think about her doing that. We're normal people on the surface, but I guess that saying about books rings true... Anyway, I'm used to a lot of weird/unnatural things by now. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
I live in Canada! Whee! So I made a... zombie beaver... a Greaver (c) me, hopefully. Yes, it pooped on Why-So-Cirrus' (c) me, again hopefully rainbow tail. Crow is in the bottom left and shoots LAZER BEAM EYES RAWR! (dr. octagonapus goes BLAAARGHHHH!)
~Update, 2:30AM~
I went to the kitchen for a glass of chocolate milk, and saw my sister (who is supposed to be asleep) saying she feels sick. I didn't show it, but I am very worried. I'm also reminded that though I've learned a lot compared to my younger years, I am still very naïve.
She's been in my dreams lately, which supports the notion that I feel that something is wrong. Dreams come from the subconscious, and I have a tendency to repress feelings and memories (thus they go to my subconscious). So, perhaps I'm forgetting something important...
If only I could rewind time... (´°n°`) I could be the sister you always needed. Perhaps there wouldn't be a need for deception, and maybe our stained horns would be replaced with bright halos...