? B A (e) ?
------4---5s4s5-2-1-- (x2)
Je me souviens la caresse du vent,████████████████████
frôlant en douceur la verdure...████████████████████
et la seule pensée du fond du cœur.████████████████████
████████████████████Translation: I remember the caress of wind,
████████████████████brushing softly against the greenery...
████████████████████and the only thought from the bottom of my heart.
I remember a small bean I planted in a cup when I was small. I remember how fascinated I was when I first noticed it had poked its head out of the soil, and how lost I was when I it died. I felt it was an important memory though buried away from view usually, but I don't know how or why it feels so special.
Perhaps it is because though I've experienced the loss of a friend and think of it as my first true eye-opener on life/death, the truth is perhaps I always had the ability to understand, and I just didn't want to believe it. This Crow was a very sheltered child who grew up in a church for the first nine years of her life, and death isn't exactly a subject adults talk to children about (ever).
In any case, I felt perhaps music could help me figure out that memory's true significance, and
what that feeling is when I think or sing about it.