Chapter 25: The Phantom of the Opera
I started at the man, frightend as the thunderous A-minor chord playing on the organ went off, nearly making me jump. He was staring down at me. He was just staring. I knew who he was though deep down. He wore a dark black cape with red trim on the inside, so dark he looked like he was a shadow that took form in the darkness of the cave. But what really gave me the hint was that he wore a white half mask! The mask...the mask was the clue...the key....he was...the Phantom of the Opera! He was the guardian. My Phantom Guardian! The one who had helped me realize my powers as a mermaid.
Was I dreaming? Was I really staring into the eyes of the phantom. THE Phantom of the Opera?! He stared very still, his purple eyes looking down at me. They seemed like daggers piercing me, but at the same time they didn't. They seemed gentle and full of sorrow like I was over my heartbreak. I wanted to stand and talk to him without fear face to face. But it's like he's eyes were so frightning I didn't want to make any sudden movements. What caught me even more was that Anastasia and MAT could see the Phantom. Mat had reverted back to his regular form of a human. I swollowed the saliva in my mouth, and continued to stare at him. The organ was still playing...playing "overtrue" from the Phantom of the Opera. "Melissa." I heard him say so softly I hardly heard him. Anastasia nearly squeeled with fangirlish delight at the sound of his voice (back off HE IS MINE DAMN IT! *hiss*) and Mat...Mat heard him. But I didn't understand. How could he. Me and Anastasia should have been the only one's that could. When you both dream of him or something you become linked subconsiously. Had he dreamed of him or something. Suddenly a furios wind broke through the cave. "Melissa?" He said. And without another word he broke into song.
Insulent boy this slave of fashion Basking in your glory Ignorent fool this brave young suiter Sharing in my trioumph
His voice rang out so magnifacently. It was like it was sending me into a trance. Anastasia and Mat stood behind us listening both frightend and amazed at the voice. I knew by 'insulent boy' he meant Mat and by 'slave of fashion' he meant 'ignorent fool this brave young suiter' you guessed it. He meant Mat. He was insulting him. Suddenly I found myself standing and looking at the phantom while I had a possesed look in my eyes. Then I started to sing back to him.
Angel I hear you Speak I listen Stay by my side Guide me
Angel my soul was weak Forgive me Enter at last... Master
I paused waiting for him to sing back. I couldn't help it. I felt the need and need to sing to him as he was with me. I felt like I was looking in a mirror for some reason. Just like christina did in the movie. But it might have just been the water beside us.
Flatering child you shall know me See why in shadow I hide Look at your face in the mirror I AM THERE INSIDE!!
That was it! I had lost control of myself. I felt a pull on me towards the phantom. A pull I couldn't resist or stop. A pull I wanted to answer. I felt I could trust this man. Love him. Be with him, and not fear being hurt ever again. I felt something building inside me! A feeling from the heart was what I was feeling.
Angel of Music Guide And Guardian Grant to me your glory
Music played in the background and all around us in the cave. Suddenly his voice became so gentle so soft. So mesmorizing. His hand, which was covered in a black lether glove, reached out to me. I wanted to take the badly. I felt trust in this man. This phantom. This Angel of Music. My hand slightly trempling I started to reach out for his hand not taking my eyes of his face.
What part of me that was still not hypnotized by the phantom was thinking. What about Mat and Anastasia? Would they even care if I left with the phantom. Fell into the cluches of darkness. Fell victom to it. Expecially Mat. After that kiss how did he feel? How did he feel towards me? Did he feel the same as me?! I could see Anastasia holding Mat back as he tried to get to the Phantom to tear him to shreads. (he was starting to lose control and turn into a wolf because of his anger) I couldn't think straight. I felt like I was leaving my body. I wanted to call out to him and ask him. But I couldn't. The Phantom was all I could think of. I listened to his soft, and gentle voice.
I am your Angel of Music Come to me Angel of Music
I am your Angel of Music Come to me Angel of Music
Suddenly I took his hand. Everything at that instent happend so fast I couldn't begin to describe it. And I heard the thunderous A-minor chord on the organ go off again as I stared deep into the phantom's eyes. I heard Mat screaming my name. My full name "Melissa Sapphire Triton" over and over. Suddenly I felt a pull to answer Mat's cries. Half my mind was aware of everything again. While the other half was listening to the phantom. Suddenly I felt the Phantom sweep me into his arms. And then the splash of water was heard. I was more aware at this point. I was submerged in water and the Phantom was holding me close swiming somewhere. I felt a need for air though I didn't truely need it. Up above the surface I heard the sound of Mat's voice cry my name one last time before I was hypnotized and gave into the phantom's voice completly.

to be continued in chapter 26...