Chapter 24: Vanish As You Hear His Voice and Before Your Eye
I lay in bed that night thinking about the voice I had heard earlier. Why did I feel compeled to find it. Should I even look for it at all. Anastasia was already frantic with worry, along with Mat, because I was refusing to come out of my room. Sense I decided to find the voice that day I had acted "strange" as Anastasia, and Mat put it. I had been singing dark, and frighting emo songs in my room (along with they had said..."evily" and like "a women gone insane or mad" wink One's from The Phantom of the Opera in particuler. They thought it was the heartbreak finally reaching me. At one point one of the poems, which were emo, I had been writting, slipt out my window and Anastasia become extremely worried. Her and Mat both. They probably thought I had gone insane. Let them think that. I thought. As if I'm already pathetic enough. I'm a mermaid who's had her heart broken 8 times...she has to spend her life somehow. Why not in a dark corner or dark room (there were no lights on in my room as I had turned them off) where she can work in peace and write about her depression.
They, many times that day, tried to get me to open the door. At one point I had snapped at them both. Expecally when they were both at the door together. Mat in particular. As he was of the sex that I felt hatred to right now I particularly enjoyed snapping at him. Though I didn't mean to deep down. At one point in the day when they came banging at the door Anastasia said. "Melissa, come out. PLEASE!" She begged. I did not enjoy being disturbed, and I knew Mat was at the door with her. "Yeah, Melissa. You've been in there all day. Your starting to worry about you." He said. I could see there faces through the door perfectly (not because the door was made of glass but because I knew them so well I knew what there faces would look like). Their faces looking like on the verge of tears. "Melissa, is this because of Jordan hurting you?" Anastasia asked.
I knew they must have jumped at that point because I had slamed my fist on my desk so loud it sounded like a cannon going off. "I WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!" I yelled. "Melissa, come on, you need to see a doctor!" Mat said banging on the door. "Your not yourself!" I was about to grab my syth from the cornor of my room and take a swing at Mat's head. What part of "want to be alone" did they not get? "Melissa you haven't eatten all day! COME OUT!" Anastasia yelled. I was to depressed to eat. "MELISSA! OPEN THE DOOR!" Mat cried. "NOW!" So he had lost his patince with me. But I could do better. I could be more furious when angered. Much much more then he could. "Mat?" I said softly. He had never told me if Mat was short for Matthew or not. Which I'm not sure why I mentioned that (sorry got sidetracked) "What?" He said just as soft. What did he think that I had clamed down.
"Melissa? What is it?" He asked. "If you don't leave me alone! I swear that tomarrow you two will wake up very lost and very confused!" I said. "NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" I took it they took the threat series. Cause they did not say another word. In fact they had left the door. Probably thinking of a way to get me out of the forecasken room. I wasn't going to come out. I had choose what I wanted to do. Friends or not...I wanted to be left alone. That's what I wanted, and was going to get.
As I lay in the bed I decided I couldn't stay in the house any more. I got up and dressed. Rather much in an outfit that was not what you would expect of me to wear. The Melissa they had known was gone. She had been eaten away by darkness. I didn't want to be that old Melissa any more. That Melissa had been hurt to many times. I was never going to be that Melissa again. I had taken to many beatings as that Melissa. Never again would I be her. "The angel's will weep tonight." I said. I meant this as the Angel's had lost one of there people tonight and would be crying over there lose. If they even cared that is.
Anastasia's room was right next to mine so I removed my heels as I left my room. And closed the door quitely. I had all my things. My poems, dvd's, books, everything. I was going to leave. As I walked down the stairs and towards the exit I saw mat on the couch in the living room. Why was he still here? It didn't matter. I was leaving. I quitly tiptoped to the door, and left. I quickly placed my shoes back on and started running. In heels it didn't bother me. I had gotten the running and walking thing as a human down. I ran through the night until I came to a cave as the sun rose. The cave was near Anastasia's house but about an hours worth or walking, if you ran it was about a 10 minute run. I ran into the cave with my ghostly looking cape on my back as it started to poring rain. suddenly I slipped and fell and hit the rocks hard. I let out a shrik of pain, but quickly covered my mouth. I didn't want to be discovered here. Not unless it was the voice who had wanted me to find him. I sat quitly as the rain poared. I sat with a lantern lite so I could see as I worked on my poems. Saying the words as I wrote. For at last I had had peace. No one bugging me. No one nagging me to come out of my thinking area. Suddenly I heard and organ eco through out the cave, and a ferious wind blew the lantern light out. I heard the sound of Anastasia and Mat coming towards the cave. But at the entrense it wasn't them I saw as I looked up. It was a man!

To be continued in Chapter 25: The Phantom of the opera (Part 2 of chapter 24)....