Chapter 22: Whoops
I felt weak, and suddenly sick as well as dizzy. Anastasia and Mat's figure's became blurry. "Mat..." I said before I collapsed. I was unconcious, but aware of my surroundings. "What happened?" I heard Anastasia ask Mat. "I think she's just exhausted from all the energy she used." He said. "I didn't even know she was capable of this sort of thing" "That makes two of us." Anastasia said. "She needs to get some rest." Mat said. "Seeing as she doesn't have a place to stay we'll keep her at my house." Anastasia said. "lead the way. I'll carry her." Mat said. I felt my body being moved, I opened my eyes a little to see mat, right before I lost conciousness completly.
I woke up in bed covered in pink. It was very confratable. I was alone. I got up and streached. I looked in the mirror, that was conected to the wall. My hair was long and pink, and my eyes red. I looked like a little girl. I always did when I didn't feel good. I tried to remember what happend. After a few minutes it dawned on me. Then I remembered that Mat had carried me to Anastasia's place. I blushed. I didn't really feel confrotable all of a sudden. It wasn't that I didnt' mind. I just didn't feel very trustive of boys right now, and it was just akwered, the thought of mat carrying me to Anastasia's home.
The next day was a little ackwered. I had been feeling strange around Mat. I didn't know how to explain it. I didn't know what was wrong. I just felt a pull or magnetic force pulling me towards him. It made me feel unconfrotable. And it just got stranger as the day went on. For startes when I walked downstairs dressed, Mat was already there, and he wasn't dressed in his hero like cloths. He was dressed like a normal teenager, but he still had his sword (of course). That was when the pulling started.
Anastasia had gone out for looking for some potion items so me and mat decided to hang out. There was a gentle breeze out, and I knew he could smell my hair which smelt like Cherry Blossoms. This did not help stop the pulling. "So feeling better after yesterday?" Mat asked. "Yes." I said. "Didn't think you could do the sort of things you did yesterday." He said. "Neither did I." I told him. We walked in silence again. But then it was broken when my cell phone rang. I reached in my pocket and pulled it out, and answered it. "What is it, Anastasia?" I asked. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED! NO NOTE! NO NOTHING! EMPTY BED!" She yelled so loud I had the pull the damn phone away from my ear. Mat could hear her. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I'VE BEEN! MAKE ME THINK THAT ONE SAILOR CAME AFTER YOU AGAIN!" "I'm fine, and Mat's with me." "Just get back here. It's getting late. It's not a good time of day to be out." She said and hung up.
Me and Mat started back towards Anatasia's place. It was at it's highest point, the pulling that is, and it was getting to me. He was walking ahead of me by a few feet. I don't think he noticed I was walking slower then him. Suddenly I stopped. "Mat?" I asked. Why did I just say his name? I didn't want to ask him anything. Nothing. Oh ********! What was I getting myself into now. He turned to stare at me. "What is it?" He asked. I stood there for a minute. I was standing right in front of him. Suddenly I leaned towards him, and my lips meet his. To be continued in Chapter 23...