That struck a nerve with me. They...we weren't weak. At least they weren't. I was the one who had needed help. I had no powers I knew of. "Are you going to take that?!" A voice in my head asked. A man's. "who are you." I said under my breath. "A guardian." He answered. "A guardian?" I asked. "Why are you doughting yourself?" The guardian's voice said. "I don't have any powers." I said. "I can't help them." "YES YOU CAN!" The voice shouted back. "Your powers are there waiting to be awakened." I stared in disbelief. The voice sounded like the Phantom from the Phantom of the Opera's.
So I had powers....but they haden't awakened yet. Well how the ******** was I supposed to make them. "Can't you feel it flowing through you right now?" He said as a retorical question. "It's flowing in your vains right now" Now that he mentioned it...I did! I could feel an omunous power flowing through me. Quick, swift, furious like water during a storm. A powerful one. But I hadn't felt it before. "Get up and fight!" The guardian's voice said. "How? I don't know anything about these powers. How to use them...nothing." I said. "Wait for them to make you mad. Then you'll know. Awaken yourself." The guardian's voice said starting to fade. "But who....are you." I asked. "A guardian phantom is with you." Is all he said.
"MELISSA!" Mat yelled. "A little help here." Anastasia said. I jumped down from the tank, and laneded gently on the ground between my friends. I felt like I was swiming for some reason. "Oh the mermaid's going to join in." The skinny sailor said. "So scary she's not going to do much better." The muscular one said. "Shut up!" I yelled. "I think she's mad." The muscular one said. "I thought mermaid's were gentle. Guess not." The skinny one said. "Shut UP!" I yelled. "Mat, I'm senseing a omunes power around her." Anastasia said. "That makes two of us." Mat said. "What's wrong mermaid?" The skinny one said. "Did we offend you. Even though you know it's true." The muscular one said.
Suddenly I felt a massive bit of anger inside of me. And massive power. "Shut........up!" I said. "Watch out she might blow a cascit." The skinny one said. That was it. I'd lost my temper. But I'd always had a short temper so this was much worse then my usual temper. Very different. "SHUT UP!" Suddenly my hair and eyes changed to blue. My body started to flash blue. The water tanks behind us shook. The water uneasy and angry like I was. I could tell Anastasia and Mat were looking at me! (come on....I'm sure you would too) "Melissa are you ok?" Anastasia asked sounding worried. "YOU TWO ACT LIKE I'M A PRIZE TO BE WON! JUST ANOTHER FISH IN AN AQUARIUM!" I yelled at the sailors. "WE'LL YOUR WRONG!"
Suddenly my cloths started to change completly. some of the water from the tank that had fell to the gound started making swirls around me. Everything about me probably seemed different. But Anastasia and Mat were used to my eyes and hair color chaning sometimes so that seemed pretty normal to them probably. Otherwise everything wasn't. I knew the Guardian Phantom was watching me, guiding me thorough this whole thing. Suddenly I stood before my friends in different cloths. I had a really short blue skirt on, a white top with a big blue bow on my chest with a light blue heart jewel in the center. Gloves that went up to my elbow on my arms. Knee high blue boots on my feet with a little bit of white on the top. And a little tiara with a blue jewel in the center. A bow on the back of the skirt. And a blue choker around my neck.

I looked at the holograms on my visor. I found there weak spots. "Your not getting away." I said. "Melissa are you feeling ok." Anastasia asked. "Never better." I hissed. "SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" I yelled. I gathered water from the tank. A single drop. It came out and fell to the ground, and I spun around, conjuring up water. I guided the water through the air with my right hand, the then shoot a massive column of water at the sailors. Freezing them solid. In a block of ice. The mist died out, and Anastasia and Mat stood shocked at what I had done too the sailor's.
"I'm not done yet." I said. the visor was gone. I got a wicked smile on my face. A mysterious blue flame burning in my eyes. "MERCURY AQUA RHAPSODY!" I yelled. A harp appeared, and I started playing it. Suddenly water shoot out from the harp, and shatered the ice around the sailors. They gasped for air. Unfortunetly one got away. But I wouldn't let the other. "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" I yelled. "MERCURY AQUA MIRAGE!" I yelled. A swirling stream of water came from the tank and started to form a sphere, which I guided with an arc with my right hand, finally causing it to drop and splash at my feet. It then began to swirl around my body. I then raised my arms above my head and thrust them in front of me, seding forth a large column of water that divided into a smaller columns, which seeked out the sailor that was left and strouk him, forming a glowing sphere around the enemy, which suddenly exploded into a huge wave of water, revealing the targeted sailor, who was now just a mass of water, he then exploded also.
I prepared to go after the other sailor but Anastasia grabbed me. I looked at her, tears in her eyes as the blue flames continued to burn in mine. "Please....stop!" She pleaded. Mat was even looking scared of me. Suddenly all the anger seemed to vanish like a ocean calming after a furious storm from hell. The blue flames gone. My hair pink, and my eyes brown again. My jeans, and ruffled black top back. My hairbow in my hair again. I looked at the tank and trough it. I could see a figure on the other side. The guardian! The Phantom Guardian. "You have awakened." He said before vanishing.

To be continued in chapter 22....