Hi Hi Hi.. This is just a copy of my first Entry for the "Who is Mister_Donut?" section on my GaiaOnline Profile..
This is just for me to remember how everything started. Not that I would forget. But this way I don't have to remember, It'll be stored here.
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Hey Gaians, Mister_Donut here, welcome to my little page of wonders! When I say 'wonders' it really means, "I wonder where all the cool stuff is at on this page! Wow, this bloke really doesn't know what he is doing!" -_- So that should just about sum it up for you lot! I haven't got a clue what I'm doing here half the time. And, the other half of my time, I'm currently trying to raise Cheer for Santa.
Did you know his mind was swapped with that of a cow's. **See #31 O Holy Cow** When I heard what happened I unintentionally made this comment to the elves, "We must help Santa!! Come on you elves we've got to get a Moooo-ve on!!" Yeah, they didn't laugh either. They gave me this sad look of 'is he serious' and so we went to go rescue Santa Cow.
Who do you think chopped up that wall so the elves could escape with Santa Cow? Yup, me! And just after I chopped that wall up I got a splinter and it really hurt!! And when I looked up to see how the rescue was going the elves had disappeared!! And thus Mister_Donut was not in the Manga Storyline.
Oh, well.. So.. Let me tell you my name, It's Donuteseunoe. It's ok, you're not the first person to think to themselves, "He's pulling my leg!" The truth is I will tell my friends my real name. And, even then, my friends will still have to wait until I'm ready to tell them my real name. But in the meantime you lot can address me as Donut because Donuteseunoe is such a mouth full your tongue may fall out and a fisherman may mistake your tongue for bait a put your tongue on a hook and feed the fish your tongue! O_O That would not be good at all.
So you're still reading this huh? Well, since you've made it this far I suppose I could tell you where I'm located huh? Here's a clue, "The stars at night, are big and bright *clap clap clap clap* Deep in the heart of..." Those are just few words from a song that has the name of the place I'm located.
My age is an important thing for you to know also. So, I'll tell you this.. Back on my planet they tell their age by the months instead of years. And so my age is 333 months old. March 18th is when I was born so each 18th of each month I become one month older! What would your age be?
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razz Talk to you later!
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Mister_Donut's Two Donuts (Two Cents)
This will be just a place to write, type, about stuff that Is on my mind. It can be Serious. =| It can be silly =P It may even be about mischief }=] But mostly just me hearing myself type! ^_^
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