Hey, Donut here with another entry about... Bumping into stuff!! Last year, 2008, I must have bumped into my coffee table at least 200 times!! That's about 4 times a week!! Seems like a small number doesn't it? My shin doesn't think so! sad
So, yeah I believe I will rearrange the furniture in my living room. I even thought about removing the coffee table completely. But where would I put it? The bedroom? xp That would be silly!! I mean, who has a coffee table in their bedroom!!? lol Hey you, yes you.. the one who raised your hand!! PUT IT DOWN! My point is.. It is not a common thing to have a coffee table in your bedroom!
Moving along!! I think the best time to rearrange a room, especially a living room, is sometime during the day. This way you can see which window in your home is going to cause the most glare on your television screen. Unless you have a home without windows!! rofl Then in your case you can place the TV anywhere you please. However, such as the case with my home, there are windows!! HUGE windows!! So, I think I will place the TV on the ceiling so I can watch a film while laying down!! mrgreen
Anyhow, I hope everyone had a good New Year Celebration! Mine went pretty well! smile
First Entry for the year!!! Woooooo!!! xd
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Mister_Donut's Two Donuts (Two Cents)
This will be just a place to write, type, about stuff that Is on my mind. It can be Serious. =| It can be silly =P It may even be about mischief }=] But mostly just me hearing myself type! ^_^
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