I got bored with this story that i wrote from the last two years,....XD!
Lily (the I or me person)- 4’11”, 14 dark eyes, shoulder-length dark brown hair, very good figure
Nanny Ann- 32 tall ( 5’7”, bony, brown waist length hair, brown eyes
Jake- 17 tall, 5’9”,dark hair, dark eyes, abs , enough muscle to be visible, good figure
Reed (gang leader) 19- tall 6’3”, blue eyes, brown hair, extremely muscular
Anthony 18- tall 5’11”,Black hair , blue eyes, very muscular
Conner 17- tall 6’1”, blond shoulder length hair, green eyes, very muscular
John 17- tall 5’ 10”, a little long dirty blong hair, brown eyes, very muscular
Brittany-4’11” 14 hazel eyes, tame frizzy golden hair, good figure, pretty
Shadow-6’2” age???, very muscular, black hair, very pale, eye color?? (black almost)
Brandon- 6’ Black, shoulder length hair, tan, awesome smile, very muscular black eyes,
Cassandra-4’3”, blond hair, blue eyes, good figure, pretty
Jerks in the World
Jerks. Jerks. JERKS! Everyone are just plain jerks. Even your best friend or friends is a jerk. Well, they can be sometimes.
Well, anyway, the story all begins when my parents died when I was THREE YEARS OLD! So, I didn’t really feel close to them. Jerks. All of the family I have left were my big seventeen year old brother, Jake, and Nanny Ann. Nanny Ann took care of us and my brother and I feels like she was our mom our entire life. We didn’t really care about money because our parents left us a mansion and more money than you can imagine.
We were all Russians, but look a little American too. We pretty much blended here in the neighborhood. I have dark, brown hair, dark eyes, and the kind dudes would call hot, but whatever.
Lots of dudes ask me out. I turn them down. They were all jerks anyways.
My brother had the same characteristics. Nanny Ann had waist length, brown hair, kind brown eyes, and a good shape. Middle-aged. I’m fourteen.
That was my life. Went to school, and I got a lot of friends. But now, I learned that they were all jerks. I don’t talk to anyone much after the last few months of ignorance I had came through with my so called friends. Jerks and dorks. Urgh, I hate them all! Go ahead say I have an anger management problem. Ha! You haven’t been through what I have! Or maybe worse. I don’t care.
Well, I was walking on a normal, warm day to a store like ten blocks away to get some peppermints (my favorite candy) when this dude wearing this black tank top on that showed off his abs got in my way. He was about eighteen. Maybe a gang member. Lots of gangs hang around this place. Jerk. I tried to go around him, but he grabbed my left wrist.
Yeah, yeah all of that, “Let me go,” stuff, but I don’t that. My big brother showed me some moves.
Well, I elbowed him in the guts with my other free hand with force that took the guy by surprise.
Ha! That was for getting in my way big dude. The guy caught on fast. I was going to fight dirty, and he was too. That was when I aimed a kick at the forbidden spot.
Now that was for holding my wrist. The dude had fallen on the ground and I kicked his stomach. He grabbed my leg and I tripped. As I fell, I slammed my elbow to his face.
That was for not letting go and for making me trip. Then two pair of hands snatched me from behind and they were hard as steel.
Not good.
I tried to fight back a bit (biting, kicking, scratching, etc.). Well I tried. But bad luck for me, as usual. As they dragged me to a nearby alley way, I stopped struggling, but I didn’t let my guard down, to see who was going to punch me.
I’ve seen lots of physical fights some people get into (my friends), and I, occasionally, was included.
The guy who I beat up was a gang member. Great, I thought.
Jerk. Jerk. JERK!
The dude in front of me was huge! He defiantly had muscles that any girl would like.
Too bad I wasn’t one of them because to me, he was a jerk.
The dude who (I think) was going to punch me was probably the gang leader.
Yup. He was.
“Well, look what we’ve got.” said the huge guy.
He chuckled.
Not good.
“Looky, looky. A ball of fists are you? You wanna see some more? ” he threatened.
“Do your worse jerk!” I snapped at him. Probably not the best thing to say in a situation like this.
“Ooh. Not very friendly are you? Especially in a situation like this.” he retorted. The two dudes who held me chuckled. The hands that held me near my shoulders loosened a bit. Just a bit.
The guy who I beat up appeared behind the gang leader and whispered something in his ear.
“Now Anthony has a brilliant idea,” the leader taunted, “why don’t you join our gang? We have lots of things for you to do.”
I showed him the finger.
I know, I know. Not a smart move. But the finger was only reserved when I really need it. And I did now because join their gang? Not in a million years.
Glaring at him, maybe I can run? The hands were still firm on my shoulders. Nah, I don’t run.
The leader snarled, “I’ll let you think about it until tomorrow, just because you’re cute. And because I’m nice like that.”
“You? Nice? In your dreams!” I said.
The band protested it was a better idea to beat me up.
“Shut up!” their leader shouted (they winced).
The guy grabbed my chin and forced me to stare back at him.
“Remember this: I know where you live.” he breathed at me, “Run away, and we will find you.”
The dudes let me go.
I was itching to fight, but I knew they would be on me like wolves over dead meat.
With one last glare at the gang, I walked to the store.
I’ve been friends with the clerk (eighteen) who sometimes gives me my peppermints for free sometimes. He was one of the not jerks (but can be one sometimes).
I must have looked angry because the gang was a street across that caught the attention of the clerk.
He must have figured that was what probably caused me to be mad.
“Should I call the cops?” he offered (eyes full of concern).
He was fond of me.
“Nah, I could handle them.” I said.
He probably didn’t think I could handle them.
He was a sexist. That’s probably why he can be a jerk sometimes.
“I can handle them.” I said again, “really.”
He sighed. “Okay.”
I paid for my peppermints and walked home without any gangs in sight.
• • • • •
I went to my room. I thought about the gang. And joining.
“We have lots of things for you to do.”
What did they want me to do? Probably nothing good.
I had no choice. They’ll make me. They’ll hunt me down.
That was when my brother, Jake, knocked on the opened door.
“Someone’s bothering you.” Jake said.
He knows me. I hate that sometimes.
“Want me to beat them up?” he asked, flexing his arm muscles.
“You wouldn’t last a minute.” I said.
“A gang?” he guessed.
Did I mention a pretty good guesser too?
“Yeah,” I said, looking at him in the eyes, “and I have to join.”
“No,” he shouted, “you’re too young!”
“What can I do about it?” I questioned him.
He sighed, “Just don’t get hurt.”
After that, he left.
• • • • •
I woke up. I want to forget yesterday. I decided I can.
That was my mistake.
I ate cereal and went outside to a so called friend’s house to hang out.
That’s when my mistake folds out.
Walking towards my friend’s house, two pairs of steel hands, once again, clutched me from behind. This happened, and my only thought was: jerks.
“Made up your mind yet?” said a familiar voice.
“Yeah,” I began, “why don’t you and your little playmates go and have fun at the playground and leave me alone.”
“Too bad, you’ve got no choice.” the leader said, “Common, let’s go and make sure you are ours.”
My thought: Arrrggggghhhhhh…..JERK!
Now I’m going to get a tattoo or something on who knows where.
I half walked and they half pushed me to this place where-oh god………..
• • • • •
Nanny Ann is going to KILL ME! I just got a gang tattoo on my right arm-aaaarrrghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
These people are so going to pay.
I struggled from their grip and punched the nearest face I could find and then two pairs of hands snaked around me once more.
“Whoa, you don’t like it little one?” the gang leader asked, smirking.
“You f***ing b****!” I screamed, still struggling.
He laughed, “Let’s show you where we hang out.”
I struggled all the way to their place. Their hands were pure steel.
I had tears in my eyes. What are they going to do to me? Very bad situation.
They forced me into this half room and half alleyway place.
The leader looked at me and said, “Pretty, aren’t you? Let her go. I think she can behave.”
I gave him my dirtiest look. Who did this jerk think he was?
The guys who held me let me go and sat on either side of me.
I wiped the tears out of my eyes and looked straight at their leader’s eyes. They were blue.
He smiled.
“Don’t worry little one. We won’t hurt you.” he said, still smiling.
Jerk. Jerk. JERK!
I glared at him.
“All I want you to do is just stand around and look pretty.” he said.
I still glared at him.
Was that all he wanted me to do? I mean, not that’s all bad or anything but, just stand around and look pretty? He had to be kidding. Usually people would have to do stuff that are illegal or killing.
I don’t kill.
“It’s time for you to meet the gang,” he said, “Anthony,” he pointed to the dude I beat up, “Conner,” he motioned to the dude on my right, “John,” to my left, “and I’m Reed.”
I didn’t relax. Knowing their names still didn’t make me know these people. They were still all jerks.
“We still don’t know your name.” he said. The gang all looked at me.
I glared at him.
“Suit yourself,” he said, “we’ll find out later. Big day for you huh?”
I still glared at him.
He smiled, “Go home. Don’t forget to show off that new tattoo. It’s for life.”
I showed them the finger.
Nobody did anything, so I walked out of there.
I found my way to the house. I was angry.
I was on the porch, opening the door, and then glanced at my pain stabbing tattoo.
I opened the door.
• • • • •
Nanny Ann, oh I am so lucky, looked at me and said, “They’re not hurting you in any way, are they?”
I shook my head and said, “They just grab me around my arms.”
“If they hurt you in any way, I’m calling the police.” Nanny Ann said, still looking worried.
“Okay.” I said, and left. I knew Nanny Ann was still looking at me when I left. I went to my bedroom and turned on some rock music. Nice and loud. Just the way I like it.
That was when Jake appeared.
“Did you…..really….the-the-have….a tattoo, did they get you one?” Jake stammered.
Ohhhh! Why now?
I showed him the tattoo.
All Jake did was gape at me. Then he recovered pretty quick.
“I almost joined a gang myself.” Jake said, he flinched, and went on, “But I guess you didn’t have much of a choice I guess.”
All I did was just stare at him.
“Look, if they hurt you in any way, tell me okay?” he said.
Oh, yeah right, like that was going to do anything good. Maybe he was just trying to be the Best Brother of the Year, I guess. At least he made an attempt.
“I shove my fist into their face and make sure they’re in the hospital for years. Got it?” he said.
I pursed my lips and said, “Okay.”
Like, then again, that was going to do any good.
He left.
I then decided, since it wasn’t hours till dinner, to go to my non-jerk friend’s house to tell about my situation here.
Brittany. Really nice friend. Awesomely cool.
I went to her house, and found that she was on the computer, chatting away with friends on Myspace.
She turned around and said, “Oh, hi Lily, didn’t see you come in, did you here that new hard rock song on 100.3? I forgot the name, but it was pretty cool. So what’s up?”
I told her everything. Surprisingly, for somebody cool as her, she could really listen. She also knew what to say in any situation. That’s why she’s a non-jerk.
“Are they cute?”
We both cracked up on that one.
I don’t know why I did, but Brittany always makes situations seem less appalling.
“Are you in a gang?” I asked.
“No, but sometimes I wish I was.” was Brittany’s reply.
Some one gave Brittany a buzz and we all jumped. We forgot about the chat in MYspace.
Brittany signed out and asked me if I wanted to go anywhere.
We usually hang out everywhere.
I said sure and we hanged out at the mall.
I was not much of a clothes fan, but some outfits were really cute, and I know you can count on Brittany to tell you all the latest styles, and what you would look good in, no matter who you are. Brittany could even dress up an ape and make him look pretty (or handsome, depending on the gender).
Brittany picked out like ten thousand bags of shoes, pants, shirts, accessories, you name it, and she bought it.
I only got like two bags of outfits, and they were cute! I couldn’t wait to wear them tomorrow.
I forgot all about the gang stuff, and I finally felt relaxed, WHICH IS A FIRST! until I saw my “jerk of a friend”, Cassandra, who was obviously headed for me.
“Hey, Lily, I heard you got into the Demon Gang.” she said.
“The Demon Gang?!?!?!” cried Brittany, “They are the cutest gang EVER! I should have known…” and she started babbling about her crushes on them.
“Well, anyways,” said Cassandra, ignoring Brittany’s babbling,” me and the gang were going to ask you to join our gang, but seeing as you are already in one….”
I totally stared at her. Her! In a gang?!?! Didn’t even bother telling me about it? That was soo low.
“Lily, Lily, are you listening?” asked Cassandra.
“Uh, yeah. I’m listening.” I said.
“Well, anyways, you must be soo lucky to join their gang! Did any of them asked you out or something, I mean to be in that gang, I don’t know what you have to do!” she said.
“I dunno, I just beat up a dude.” I murmured.
“Oh my freakin’ GOD! You beat up a dude?!?!?!” screamed Cassandra, and a few people turned to stare.
“Look, Cassandra, not right now, ok? I mean I dunno how you found out, but on instant messaging or on the phone we could talk about it ok?” I pleaded.
I don’t like this news very much. NOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT, THANKS TO THIS FREAKIN’ JERK!!!
“Ok, and I think the whole school knows about it now. Oooohhhh! You’re gonna be the most popular girl in the entire school!” Cassandra sang, (and sort of did a dance to it).
Such a preppy JERK!
I told her bye and went to walk with Brittany again.
“I guess you’re never gonna hear the end of this, I mean, the Demon Gang. Whoa.” said Brittany.
“What so special about them anyways?” I asked, (CLEARLY ANNOYED).
“Oh my God! You don’t even know?!?!?! Well, they’re like the best athletes ever! They practically played every sport there was, and plus, they’re the most popular, coolest, (and cutest) people when they were in school…….”
After Brittany was done, I said, “So what? Just because they were all of that, doesn’t mean they are, like, the coolest dudes on earth!”
“I’m sorry, Lily,” Brittany apologized, “Didn’t see how big of problem for you to put up with them.”
“S’ok.” I said.
“Hey, you want to get some ice cream and go back home?” Brittany asked.
How does she do it? I mean, Brittany always knows what we want a certain times. She has to be psychic.
“Sure.” I said.
And that’s what we did.
• • • • •
Well, today is school.
I took this chocolate-blue (my favorite color, brown and blue) outfit that I got with Brittany yesterday and decided to wear it today.
I went downstairs and ate my breakfast, getting ready for the bus. Sometimes I just wish I was a car rider. I mean, we have a car, but food markets and supplies are near enough just to walk to.
I went out and stood at the bus stop, where five other kids stood.
“Hey! Demon Girl! You’re in the Demon Gang, right?”
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I snapped out of it and said, “Yeah, I guess I am.”
“That’s really cool.” she said.
And after that, most kids in school began bombarding me with questions that just drove me CRAZY!
“Can I see your tattoo?”
“How didja get into the gang?”
“Can I be in your gang?”
“How didja beat that guy, Anthony, up?”
“Can you ask Reed out for me?”
“What do they make you do in that gang?”
And so on and so on.
The other kids, mainly girls, just glared at me, like I totally did something wrong, glare at me with envy eyes, were silent, or started making a fool of themselves when I was around now.
It probably could go on for YEARS!
• • • • •
After, like, ONE WEEK OF SCHOOL, I now think that my ears ARE PERMANATELY DEAF!!! After all of those jerkfull questions, I could still hear them!
That was when I decided to go out for a nighttime stroll at, what, like 12:00pm!
Ok, walking out here is really cool when no JERKS ARE AROUND at the park, to BLOW ME UP with QUESTIONS!
So here I was just walking, minding my own business, looking up at the stars, (they are so beautiful, aren’t they?) when I hear a bush rustle.
I mean, the small bush between two trees in a forest.
And then this dude walks out.
If this was another gang member, I’m gonna really, I mean really, run.
“Why would someone like you be out here, like yourself?” the dude whispered.
I just stood and blinked.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” he said.
“That’s what they all say.” I blurted out.
The dude chuckled and stepped out of the shadows, “You can kill me if I do.” he said.
The dude was in a black jacket, and gothic-looking pants. His face was what made me blink in surprise. His face was just as pale as a sheet of paper, and his hair was darker than the sky that fell in a way over his eyes that made me like him.
I totally snapped out of it. I mean, he could be some kidnapper, or worse.
“Are you ok?” he asked.
I blinked again and said, “Uh… yeah, guess so.”
“So why are you really out here?” he asked again.
That’s my business.
“Just wanted fresh air from being around people.” I said, just a summary.
“Uh-huh.” he said and led me to a nearby bench. We both sat.
I don’t think he believed me.
“What about you?” I asked.
“The night is my day.” he said, “I don’t spend much time doing anything in the day.”
“Why not?” I asked.
“Well, I travel to places every three or four years. And I watch the stars.”
“That sounds cool.”
“Look, nice talking to you, but I got to be going home.” I said.
“Ok, I’ll see you later somewhere, sometime.” he said.
I stood up and walked away. I knew he was still looking at me. I got shivers up my spine just from that thought. Who was that guy?
I went home.
• • • • •
Well, today’s Sunday, and I’ve got nothing to do.
Ok, let’s just say that I found something to do. Here it is.
My Ranking
Not Bad
Not So Bad
Wicked Awesome
Like it?
I do.
Now what do I do? I’m bored out of mind.
Then Jake appeared at the door.
“Hey, you wanna go to that nature place, ya know, that place where we went every Saturday last summer?” he asked.
“With who?” I asked
“Me…” he shifted a bit, “… and my girlfriend.”
“Who are you going out with? You didn’t tell me!” I said. Jake is going out with whom? I hope she’s “Ok” (the LIST).
“Tanya.” he answered.
I “coughed” and said, “She’s nice, but no thanks. And don’t forget to tell me if you do something accidentally stupid like that last time when you kiss, ok?”
He turned red and went, “Shut up!”
I loved that time when Jake was just about to kiss a girl named Allie, and he totally tripped over her!!! I was spying too, but at least I didn’t trip him over. Anyways, I totally cracked up and I don’t think Allie ever wanted to go out with Jake no more.
Well, maybe I should spy on this date. Ooohhh la LA!
• • • • •
Ok, so I took my skateboard and went to that nature place, you know, where they want to “preserve” nature, (as if).
Well I’m guessing that Jake took that path where it led to our favorite picnic table under the oak tree.
I guess I was right, I guess.
I walked along the path and I remembered when I saw a green snake slither into a tree. I thought it was wicked awesome.
I turned a curved and tripped. I felt muscular arms catching me and when I opened my eyes, I saw black. I stepped back and traced the part where my face landed on, and to the face.
Well, what do you know? It was that night dude.
“You ok?” he asked.
Whoa, is he like a stalker or something?
I blinked and said, “What are you doing here?”
“Just walking.” he said.
“Then you would be on the path, if you were walking.”
“Yeah, but I know other routes.”
“What are you doing?”
“That’s sort of my business.” I said, I mean, really.
He chuckled.
Then we talked. I dunno, what we were talking about because it seemed as if we were talking about absolutely nothing. Until the sky darkened.
I looked up.
“Um, I don’t quite know your name. What is it?” I asked.
“Shadow. Yours?” he asked.
“Lily.” I said.
“Well, Lily, seeing that we’ve been talking for hours, I guess you’ll be wanting to go home?” he asked.
“I …uh…. yeah.” I said.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” he asked.
“Uh… no thanks…” I said.
I am such a jerk!
“Ok. I’ll see you around then.”
` “Bye.” he said.
Man, it looked as if we were talking for hours! Sheesh!
I sailed away on my skateboard.
Shadow, huh? He seemed like a real stalker.
Maybe, maybe not.
• • • • •
I woke up and ate breakfast. The usual “school day”, you know.
I was bombarded by the usual crowd, but my “jerk of a friends” began acting as my security and wanted some of my popularity too. Whatever. I mean, like, before I joined the Demon Gang, I was the one who was shoved to the side, and if I ever needed to get somebody’s attention, I have to like, practically shove atomic bombs down their throats!
Yeah, to make things worse, I think I’ve got some gothic dude’s attention. He is soo creepy, I mean just thinking about him gives me shivers up my spine. Really.
So, I was at my locker, and my friends were surrounding me, just chatting, and then this dude, who I totally never known before, (except his name, I think it’s Brandon) comes up to me and asked me out. I told him no. He walked away, and he whispered to another dude, which seems to be his friend.
I was totally thinking about moving to a totally different country then.
I went to my math class, and guess what. A pop quiz. I seriously am very, very, bad at math. I think I totally would of flunked, when this note landed on my desk. It was from a nerd. A weird one. And I said “would’ve flunked”.
I didn’t want anything to do with him, but I opened the note, and here’s what it said:
1.) x=45.3
2.) a= 25
3.) b=4
4.) m=11
5.) z=2
I copied onto my paper, and looked at him.
He smiled and winked at me.
That was like totally gross. Don’t think that I went out with him or anything, but that moment was glued into my mind. Yuck! Seriously. So this is what I did.
I walked over to him.
“Thanks for that note.” I said.
“Yeah, you looked like you needed help.” he nervously smiled at me.
“Huh. Well, I’ll see you later.” I said.
“Yeah. Bye.” he reddened when he said this.
“Later.” And I walked away. Cool and smooth.
That was good.
• • • • •
I woke up.It’s going to be a really, really good day. I felt happy. Tuesday. Okay. Tuesday. Cool.
I dressed and went downstairs. I still felt happy. You know, it’s like you just wake up, nothing on your mind, and you’re happy. Right? Yeah.
So I ate my breakfast rather quickly and went onto the bus.
It was the usual boring, classes. After all of them, I still felt happy. That was good. Even though everybody was still questioning me. Oh well. I still felt happy.
Yeah, and what do you know. Something to ruin my happy mood.
I walked home, from the bus, and I felt people were behind me. I turned around and it was the Demon Gang. Great. Really great.
“Wanna hang with us for a while, Lil?” Reed asked.
“How did you know my name?” I asked. I mean really. I haven’t told them my name. Ever. (Did I?)
“A girl, Cassie, I think, -“
“Cassandra.” I corrected.
“Yeah, she told me.” he said coolly.
That jerk of a friend. Didn’t even bother asking me if it was ok. Jerk. Jerk. JERK!
“How ‘bout it? You can ride with me, Lil.” he smirked.
I just stood. I looked around him and saw four, rather sweet motorcycles, parked on the corner. I didn’t notice John and Conner steering me with them. I followed, not bothering to struggle, because I know I’d end up loosing, as usual.
The gang smirked at each other.
I got a closer look at the motorcycles, and they were really, really, (let’s refer to the list now) Speechless. Yeah, Speechless.
Reed helped me on, and I sorta hated that, because I could get on a bike myself, thank you very much.
The gang started their engines, and you know what that would sound like of course. IT WAS FREAKIN’ LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I slipped my arms around Reed’s waste, not too tight (Ugh!).
They rode around to places, catching people’s attention, and I was sure everybody was looking at us.
Reed made a rather sharp turn and I automatically tighten my arms.
He laughed.
The gang rode to this place that looked like some broken garage, and house, but there was a huge back yard. I mean like the size of a football field!
“What is this place?” I asked.
“Our second home, man.” answered John.
Apart from the broken down house, I pretty much think that the backyard was cool.
Reed led us into the house, and it was totally nothing like the outside of it. The interior was just four rooms. The biggest room had a huge window that showed the backyard and a huge flat screen TV, surrounded by a couch to seat three people, and four big ball chairs. In a corner had all the game stations you could imagine, you say it, and they had it. Besides the game stations, there was a huge cabinet, full of games, movies, and CDs. I totally loved it.
The second room was a kitchen, a small sink on the left and a refrigerator on the other side. One could imagine what was in there with this gang. There was also a ton of snacks piled beside the refrigerator. It looked as if some one had a snack attack.
The other room, right across from the kitchen was a small bathroom, ya know, the regular sink and toilet, nothin’ special about it.
The last room was a garage. My jaw, literally, dropped. The garage was huge! It had one sweet car with the kind of wheels, you know that are waaayyy tall? Well, anyways, it was SWEET! Imagine the coolest car you’ve ever seen. Now add them spinning wheels on them, neon lights, two huge speakers, a ton of more color, and that’s about what it looked like. Seriously.
I fell in love with it.
“Like it?” Reed grinned, “That’s our sweet ride.”
I looked around again. Parts of cars and motorcycles were everywhere. That was pretty much it.
“Hey, Reed, man, you gonna play?” said Anthony, holding a bag of chips.
“Ask Lil’, here.” Reed answered.
“I’ll just watch.” I murmured.
“’k.” said Reed, and went to the game room.
I went outside.
Fresh air. That felt good.
I then noticed a pond in a corner in the shade. I walked toward it. I looked at the pond when I was the edge of it. I sat down.
Out of nowhere, I think you know who came by.
“Hi.” he said.
I didn’t say anything.
“So, you’re that Demon girl I’ve been hearing about.” he said, “Don’t worry, Reed’s cool. I sometimes hang around him, and his gang.”
“So you’re in their gang?” I asked. Man, this Shadow dude was creepy.
“Nah, he’s just my friend. Conner is my cousin.” he told me.
“I thought you said you traveled.” I accused, is this dude lying to me? “I do, but only for a few weeks, or maybe a month.” he said.
“Oh.” I said. Maybe I was wrong.
“Aren’t you going in? I think they’re done playing their game.” he said. “Uh, I don’t know. I don’t really like them.” I said, looking at the house.
“You’ll get use to of them soon.” he said, “I gotta, go. See you later.”
“Later.” I said. Weird. I went back inside.
“Hey, Lily! I was wondering where you were. “ said Reed.
“Uh, outside.” I said.
“Hmm.” he answered, and turned to watch Anthony.
Anthony was doing back flips and complicated moves. Then stopped and Conner seemed to try to outdo him. It was some kind of dance-off, but with heavy metal music.
I just stared. They were really good.
Soon enough, I found myself enjoying their company.
SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I looked around for a clock, and I found one on the wall. It said 6:50. I had to go home.
I went out of the house, and found that I didn’t know where I was.
“Going somewhere?”
I turned around. It was John, fixing his neon lights on his motorcycle.
“Going somewhere?” he said again.
“Home.” I told him.
“Need a ride?” he smirked.
I wanted to punch him. That jerk.
“Duh.” I said.
“Let’s go then. ‘Sure Reed won’t mind.” he said, and glanced at the house.
He helped me on. I still hated that, but I didn’t say anything.
The engine roared and my arms were around his waist.
He turned sharply and I gasped and, (what do you know), I tighten my arms.
John laughed.
After a few minutes, I found that I was at my house, once again.
“Thanks.” I said, and got off as quick as I could.
“What, not going to say ‘bye’?” John smiled.
“No” I said, and went into my house.
What a day.
• • • • •
I woke up. Another peaceful day, I hope.
Then my phone rang.
“Hello? Lily? Is that you?”
It was Brittany.
“Yeah, Brittany, it’s me.” I answered.
“Ok, good, ‘cause after school, you wanna go somewhere with me?” Brittany asked.
“Like where?” I asked.
“Uhh, you know… a double date?” she said.
“Who are you going out with?” I asked, smiling. Literally.
“That dude named Brandon. He is SO HOT!” Brittany giggled.
“Oh, why do you want me to come with you?” I asked.
“Please? I mean, if you have a date and we could “coincidentally” meet, and then it would be a double date! How ‘bout it?” she asked eagerly.
“Who will be my date?” I asked.
“Oh, don’t worry. You’re a Demon Girl. Every dude will ask you out at school. No sweat.” she said.
“Brittany.” I said.
No sweat? Yeah right. I’m sweating up already.
I sighed. “When?”
“Uh, taday girl!” she said.
“Sorry Brittany, but no way. That Brandon guy totally creeps me out.” I told her. Well, it’s true.
“Oh please?” she begged.
“Brittany, no. Ok? Because it’s your date.” I said. Now I feel mean.
I heard her sigh on the other end, “Ok, Lily. I get it. ‘No, it’s your date.’”
I laughed.
“Can’t blame me for trying huh?” she asked.
“Nah, when did he ask you out?” I asked.
“Oh, just yesterday.” she said dreamily.
“LILY! GET DOWN HERE!” cried Nanny Ann.
Brittany heard on the other end, “Well, I guess you’ve gotta go, well, see you at school.”
“Yeah, I guess so, bye Britt.” I said.
“Yeah, bye.” she said.
We hung up at the same time.
• • • • •
“Didja like yesterday?” asked Reed.
I once again, found myself in their midst.
“I guess so, it was pretty fun.” I answered.
I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bit my tongue.
Reed smiled.
They went back to talking about tattoos, big boobs, stuff like that.
Once we were at the corner, the motorcycles were waiting for us, patiently waiting for us. Reed, (as usual), helped me on.
I rolled my eyes. Such a jerk.
I circled his waist, and we rode LOUDLY to places.
We walked around, like, to small stores and shops, John even got a new tattoo. I laughed and walked with them to the arcade. It was totally awesome!
I finally got home, laughing. Literally. I stopped once I got in my room. Oh my god. I can’t believe I just went with them. That was soo stupid.
• • • • •
Thursday. Ok. It’s Thursday. I woke up. It’s gonna be a nice day outside, I can just feel it.
The usual routine, yeah, yeah whatever.
I went to school. My usual jerky-friends came to greet me and surround me. I went to my first class. Second class. Third. Well, you get the point.
It was sooo freakin’ boring!
I remind you, i written this a loonnnggg time ago.
It was a lot so i didn't want to delete it even though it sucked some, xp so i decided to save it somewhere.
*Note to self/future centry humans/ and/or aliens/'intelligent' life,
written by a 12-year-old-girl, THIS IS NOT AN ENTIRE STORY, DO NOT JUDGE THE HUMAN RACE/SPECIES BASED ON THIS. Thank you, and good day. Oh, yes, self, finish the other story, where EVERYTHING is there, *ahem* HP world+Mermaids+the other stuff+ Regular M VS. Gifted M
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part of my life,
random stuff, XD
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