Unfinished story,
Chaux, 17 years old, stared out of the grimed-filled window. The run-down filthy apartment groaned from the billowing wind outside. The 9 year old girl, Amber, stared at a boring crack in the wall, while Star, 14 years old, sat on the dirty, torn couch that sagged heavily, completely oblivious to everything since she was lost in her thoughts.
“It’s time for dinner” piped up Amber, the youngest of the three foster children.
“Alright,” sighed Chaux, and got up from the moldy window sill. Star followed them silently into the kitchen.
Amber began her usual job of setting the table, placing the dishes on the table, while Chaux and Star prepared the food. They all sat down and began to eat quietly. Chaux’s glowing green eyes gazed at the Screen, where it was showing another massacre somewhere in Malaysia. Star nibbled quietly on her food, her mismatched eyes of green and blue also watched the Screen. Amber was eating her food noisily, keeping her glowing orange, nearly red eyes on her dinner plate, unaware of the tragedy animating on the Screen.
“…and we have over one hundred thousand bodies that were uncovered from the explosion, that analysts believe to be the work of a 300X-Nen nuclear bomb…”
Chaux whistled. “Damn,” he softly said, “wish I had a 300X-Nen.” He looked pointedly to the feeble 20A-Aop in the closet, at resumed eating his dinner. Star looked over at him and scoffed, but she didn’t say anything. Amber clearly did not notice anything.
When the three children were finished, they went to their usual spots again, none of them daring to sleep for the constant crimes were occurring outside of their tiny apartment, in total chaos.
Chaux stared out of the window. He looked at the broken street below, filled with stealers, beggars, agents, spies, murderers, and poor civilians.
A sleek, black hover car then came into view, trailed by beggars, and civilians.
Chaux blinked his eyes and sat up quickly, his mouth partially open.
Star and Amber looked up at this movement.
“s**t,” he cursed as he scrambled out of the sill, Star and Amber stood up, clearly intrigued and nervous of his behavior.
“Grab the rays, and go! They’re here!” he ordered them.
Star and Amber scrambled up, to collect their set belts, and fitted their 2000-Rays. Chaux fixed his set belt up, grabbed the 20A-Aop bombs, and ran out the door to meet his sisters who were already in the lift.
“Common!” cried Amber.
“Yeah! Just a moment!” said Chaux, he threw the bombs down the ancient, rotting stairs, and climbed into the lift. “Hurry! I’ll detonate them three seconds before we get to the top! They’ll be up here any minute!” he yelled.
Star punched the up button and the tree shot up onto the roof.
“…Five, four, three,...” Chaux whispered to himself, and hit the button.
The explosion boomed as the kids clambered out of the lift, and onto their stolen hover boards.
“GO! GO! GO!” cried Chaux.
They were halfway in the air when two hover cars came and cornered them.
The three stayed still. Once the capturers signaled it safe to approach the three, one hover car landed in front of them. A man in a crisp black suit came out wearing an eyepiece.
“The Government of 560DTE recognizes Chaux Leon Arbur, Star Pentom Sonemit, and Amber Tari Mekosia.” the man said, and motioned for them to get in the car.
The kids remained immovable.
“If you do not obey, I’m afraid we are going to have to take you with us by force,” the man threatened.
Chaux looked at the others and knew they had no choice. Star kept her usual emotionless face, but Amber was completely terrified.
The three went into the car.
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part of my life,
random stuff, XD
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