Last name: Unkown
Age:human age=16 actual age=unkown
Race: Vampire

Story: When Leviticus was 16 he was in a gang. A verry powerful gang that had many enemies. Some of which were supernatural but Levi didnt know right? So when he went to war with a certain gang he was taken prisoner and...No one knows how he escaped or how he became the enemy himself. He spends most of his time tracking other vampires and killing them in hopes that somehow they will become human and have a better life again. Ofcourse he wishes to be human. Most vampires wish that. He also spends his time learning about his old human life. No one knows his real name or actual age...Someday he wants to find the vampires that did this to him and give them suffering.Or worse...
Weapons :Katana, Sniper rifle , Silver Bullet Pistol, Shotgun, and crossbow...and dark magic