Name: Matthew Whitefield
Street name: Duel
Age: 21
Race: Shapeshifter [looks human]
Bio: Matthew has two personalities[Thus known as duel]. Murderer and Mafia boss. He likes to be in control of everything and kind of has an "I am God" attitude. When he is in his killer personality [literally] he tends to be quiet and highly logical. When he does talk you can tell that he has an extreme amount of Pride. He also enjoy flirting with chicks even if they ignore him. When his crime lordship takes over he knows nothing but receiving respect and fear from people. Cross him when hes like this and you''ll be screwed. He actually is quiet kind in his crime lord state. He often robs other rich criminals and gives to hospitals and people with multiple personalities. But don't forget, he wouldn't think twice about getting a hitman to kill you... Watch your back around him...
When I look in the mirror as a Murderer:

When I look in the mirror as a crime lord: