Now, for the new installment you've all been waiting for!
Sorry it took so long to come out...>.>
Love ya guys!
I let Nami cry until she fell asleep against me. Somehow, I adjusted her to cry into the crook of my neck, and her soft—and wet—cheek was resting against my bare flesh. I felt her warm breath against my skin, rhythmic and lulling. Nami is one of those pretty criers; her eyes don’t redden or get puffy. I love that about her. She’s so, so beautiful…I could never tell her, though, because she would begin to think that I’m like the other guys who hit on her…that I’m not, of course. I genuinely love Nami.
Oh, wait. I’m way off topic.
Anyway, so Nami cried until she fell asleep, like I said before. And I just held her. Nami sleeping makes it easier for me to read her mind; it’s like a movie. So that’s what I did. At the moment, everything she just told me was running through her head. Everything, plus more, all in detail. I’m watching Nami’s memories, like I normally would, and then suddenly I’m in them. It’s like I’m the Ghost of Christmas Eve…except it’s not Christmas, and I’m no ghost. Then it hits me. This is the time period when I lost all contact with Nami. Those few years that I never knew about, and now get to see.
I look around for Nami. I spot her, surrounded by some girls. They’re talking and giggling, stuff young girls do. A boy walks by the group, saying something to one of the girls and she blushes. The others ask her about him, and she admits that she is crushing on the boy. They ask if she’s going to get him anything for Valentine’s Day, and she nods, still blushing, and hides behind a giggling Nami. She was even gorgeous as a kid (which makes me sound like a *****). The only differences are that she smiled and laughed a lot more than she does now.
Then, it’s days later. I think it is, anyway.
I’m not in the school anymore, but in Nami’s room. I know, because I see her sitting on a bed, a sign reading ‘NAMI’ above it.
Anyway, Nami is sitting on the bed, holding something against her chest and smiling to herself. Her cheeks are bright red, which means that it’s something good. Before anything happens, I’m ‘fast-forwarded’ to someone’s birthday. Decorations are everywhere, and it smells like cake. “Happy Birthday, Nami!” I read on the cake. Should’ve known. I turn and see Caddie and Nami sitting at a table. Caddie has an excited smile on her face and Nami appears to be sulking.
“Caddie, where’s Mom?” she asks.
“She went to get your friends, remember?” Caddie reminds her. Nami frowns and replies, “But she left an hour ago! It couldn’t possibly take her that long! My friends don’t live that far away!” At the same moment, their mother walks in the door, and tells Nami that her friends aren’t coming. She asks why, and her mother replies that her friends had last-minute changes in plans, and others didn’t want to come. Caddie frowns and apologizes to Nami. A quick thought flashes through her mind. It’s because they all think I’m being arrogant and stealing all the guys’ attention from them. Nami stares at her mother and Caddie, her face blank. She then abruptly stands and runs to her room, slamming the door. Nami slumps against it, and bursts into violent sobs. I want to run to her, hold her and tell her that it’s okay. But then I remember…I’m pretty much a ghost in this world.
Either way, I can tell Nami’s entirely devastated. And I can also see this is the event that changed her entire attitude. To the cold, closed, hard Nami I know today.
Again, I’m switched to another event. This time, I’m standing outside of a school. A bell rings, and students pour out of the building like a thick liquid. I find Nami; she walks alone. Sort of. There are a few guys hanging lustfully around her. But soon enough, they leave, and Nami is truly alone. She pulls a book from her schoolbag and begins to read while she walks. Nami is entirely engrossed in the book; to me it looks as if she’s shut out the world around her to be one with hers. It proves to be a bad idea when, moments later, Nami is pulled into an alley by some boys. There are three of them. One is about then-Nami’s age, and the other two appear to be high school age. She looks calm, but her hands holding the book are trembling. One of the older boys is keeping her still and quiet; one hand is covering her mouth, while his other arm is wrapped around Nami’s frame, pinning her arms to her sides.
“Nami Silvers, is it?” he breathes in her ear. Nami suddenly squirms around, trying to break free. The boy, in response, holds her tighter. She continues to fight his grip, and bites his hand and stomps on his foot at the same time. The boy yelps in pain and lets Nami go, and she attempts escape. A different boy, the younger one, grabs her arm and pins her to the alley wall roughly, causing her to drop her book.
“Don’t worry, Nami. We’ll treat you real nice,” he says, leaning close to her and licking her ear. Nami’s eyes widen in fear as the situation dawns upon her. The second high school boy ‘takes over’, for lack of a better term, but keeps Nami pinned to the wall. He brings her arms over her head and holds them there with one hand. At that moment, Nami is afraid and helpless, and I hate myself for not being able to do anything to help her, for being in this ghostly state, for only being able to watch in horror as the moment unfolds itself.
Suddenly, everything in Nami’s eyes dissipates, and is replaced with a look of hate. It’s only a fleeting look, because seconds later, her eyes are filled with nothingness. None of the boys catch it. Nami smirks playfully, and the boy holding her smiles back.
“That’s more like it. No more struggling, okay?” he coos. She lets the smirk fall from her face and she nods obediently. All the boys have wide grins on their faces. Nami makes herself blush, looks away, and looks back at the boy. She offers a shy smile before leaning forward and capturing his lips with hers. The boy smirks, feeling accomplished, and the others are thinking the same thing:
How did her get her to do that? They exchange amazed glances, but their attention is all too soon averted back to the first boy as he cries out.
Nami has bitten his lip, hard enough to draw blood. His free hand, the one that isn’t holding Nami’s arms, is examining the damage to his lower lip. He glares at Nami, and she smirks back. Nami has a look of twisted pleasure on her face as she parts her lips again. This time to scream. A deafening, shrill shriek. As they say, loud enough to wake the dead.
“Make her shut up!” the middle boy school yells.
“And hurry the hell up, before she attracts attention!” The boy with the bleeding lip frantically racks his mind for something to do. He comes to a conclusion and Nami pauses for air.
The boy slaps her across the face. Her voice catches in her throat, her mouth hanging slightly open, and her eyes wide in shock. Nami’s then-pale face is red where she was hit. The boy smirks, leaning closer to her, their faces centimeters apart.
“That wasn’t very nice,” he growls. “You’ll have to pay for that.”
“Cole, don’t hurt her,” one of the boys warns. Cole, apparently, grins, not taking his eyes from Nami’s now-petrified face.
“Don’t worry, Dylan…I won’t,” he answers, closing the gap between Nami and himself. She squeezes her eyes shut, and keeps her lips tightly closed. Cole grunts and starts to unbutton Nami’s school shirt with his free hand, still holding her arms above her head. Dylan, the other high school boy, says something to the youngest, and I barely catch his name; it’s Toby. Toby moves off toward the entrance of the alley, as Dylan stalks toward Cole. He snatches Nami away from him, but Cole’s still holding onto her shirt, causing it to rip open as buttons fall off. Her open shirt reveals her undergarments, and Nami hurriedly cover herself, humiliated. Dylan is standing in front of Nami, and Cole is behind. She realized that there’s no way to escape, and begins to silently cry, hanging her head. Dylan puts his hands on either side of Nami’s face, and she shakes her head tries to back away…right into Cole’s waiting arms.
I want to look away, but find that I can’t. I’m praying that someone, anyone, comes to save her because I’m not able to.
Cole places his hands on Nami’s small waist as Dylan slips—forces—his hands under her shirt. Tears continue to pour down her cheeks, and she sniffles softly. Dylan makes some kind of sound that he thinks is comforting.
“Shh…you don’t have to cry,” he whispers, pressing his lips against Nami’s.
She stops crying, and something passes over her as she visibly shuts herself down, letting—what she thinks is—the inevitable happen. She’s slipping into some sort of void, and I can’t stop it.
The bastards press themselves closer to Nami, groping her, and she remains silent until Cole’s hands fish their way under Nami’s skirt, and Dylan’s freely roam her half-exposed body. She tears away from both of them, tripping, and falls to the ground in a heap, wailing loudly.
“Shut her up!” Cole hisses to Dylan, and he takes a step toward Nami.
“Leave me alone! Go away! Get away from me, you filthy maggots!” she shrieks. Obviously angry and having taken a blow to his ego, Dylan kicks Nami in her side. She momentarily stops breathing, the wind knocked out of her, and clutches her sides. After that episode (and I start breathing again), she begins to sob even louder, wretchedly, and FINALLY catches the attention of the FIRST passerby.
Why did Nami have to live in such an unpopulated part of town, anyway?
The person wrestles Toby to the ground, and kicks him in the head, and goes deeper in the alley.
Nami watches in horror as her savior takes out Dylan and Cole (not dead…but unconscious). But much to her discontent, that savior is male, and her view of all males has been irreversibly distorted. He tries to help Nami to her feet, but she writhes away from him. She quickly gathers herself, pushing past the boy who saved her. Stopping, she mumbles a barely audible “Thank you,” before running home.
The boy stares after Nami, and notices her dropped book. He picks it up and looks toward the sky.
That’s when I notice.
That boy.
Yaaaay! There's your Christmas gift from me!
And, dudes, I just noticed that I stopped italicizing the story.
You'll live. xD
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I don't actually know. Stuff. I'm pretty random, and sometimes moody, so you never know what you're gonna get. Lots of my writing, that's for sure.
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[i:5954274804]You know what you should do? Give me random comments. c:
It will make my day.
Also, let me know what you think of my signature.
It will also make my day.
Unless you say terrible things. Then I will have to kick you in the jugular.[/i:5954274804][/color:5954274804][/size:5954274804][/align:5954274804]
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