If u guys wanna noe wat i was in the Original Avatar Contest, i was dressed as a 'Magical Genie Princess' (ok i noe the name sounds very cheesy sweatdrop ). I think some of u guys (or my frens smile ) saw me wearing one when i was still thinking of wat 2 wear 4 my avi's Christmas clothes. ^_^ I wish i can show u how 'i' look lik. (the 'i' is my avatar if ur're confuse wink )

Well, i'm also not in the top 10 so u won't be able 2 find my avi there. But no matter, those other avatars at the top 10 was great, beautiful, nice n handsome! Seriously, they r soo much better then mine. xd Next time i'll try harder n maybe i'll be in the top 10! whee
I can't wait! I'll try 2 think of something better n more brilliant! xd Muhahahaha!!! xd ( sweatdrop ...lol lol , jk jk. ^_^)
Katara signing out! wink ~