Hi ppl! smile *sigh* I'm very bored 2day so i'm gonna wirte all about my favourite animes! (Warning: I'm gonna wirte each animes i've watch so its gonna be really, really long...)
Ok, so first i'll start of with Shugo Chara! ^^ its one of my NO.1 favs in animes of all times! xd My favourite characters r Amu n Ikuto! Amu is a girl who has 4 shugo charas named, Ran, Miki, Suu & Dia (unfortunately, Dia is still unhatched yet...). Ran is a pink chara. She is very energetic n wears a cheerleaders outfit (shes kinda cute. biggrin ). Miki is a blue chara. She is very artistic n wears a painters outfit (she looks lik a boy but i asure u tat she's a girl 4laugh ). Suu is a green chara. She liks 2 cook n clean, she's also very motherly n very strict when it come 2 cleaning n cooking (so beware!!! o.0 ). She wears lik a chefs n a maids outfit (sry, i'm not good at describing their clothes... sweatdrop ). Dia is a yellow/orange chara. She is a singer. She noes ppl radiances inside their hearts (i think is something lik tat...). She wears a short sleeve-less shirt without covering her belly-button with a microphone (i dunno wats tat called... sweatdrop ) n a mini skirt. Amu is now in the 6th grade n has a cool 'n' spicy character in school n in her house. She has 4 chara-naris, theres Amulet Heart, Amulet Spade, Amulet Clover & Amulet Diamond. N theres Ikuto!!! (i lov him soo much!!! >.< wink Ikuto has a chara named Yoru. Yoru is a blue, cat lik chara. Ikuto is almost a senior in his high school. His chara-nari is Black Lynx! (hey? y am i writing an introduction anyways??? confused ) Err...oook... i still don't understand y i worte the introductions but i'll move on. Ikuto is one of my favourite anime boyz in my list!!! whee heart Even when he makes his expression, he always look soo cute n hot!!! heart Amu is very funny when Ikuto starts 2 talk in his pervert way. She always blush when he's near her or when he touches her (aww...soo kawaii [cute in japanese]!!!).
I don't really lik Tadase though, he really piss me off! stressed There was one episode where he confess Amu saying he liked Amulet Heart (one of her chara-naris [aka: character change])! He only lik tat part of her true-self n not 4 Amu being Amu!!! scream At least Ikuto liks Amu 4 being herself n not one part of her character! xd heart (no offence 4 those who r tadamu or tadase fans...)
Ok...i think i really talk 2 much about Shugo Chara... eek sweatdrop
Oh well, i guess the next time i'm bored i'll talk about other animes then. ^^ 3nodding C ya next time ppl! wink blaugh
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