At breakfast Jordan tried to find a way to get my voice to come forth. It was cute to watch him try but with Ursula's magic I couldn't say a word unless I got true loves first kiss. Which was highly unlikly. I didn't think he liked me. I was very strange as it was. Why would he want a girl like me? I couldn't even talk to him. And he was convinced that the girl who saved him wasn't me? Well he wasn't positave....but he was right in a way. The girl who saved him could speak....I couldn't. She had sung to him....I couldn't cause Ursula had taken the part of my voice that could talk to him. I was never going to get that kiss.

The human world was very different from mine. Very different. They had things called movies...and sports like 'football' made no sense to me. Human life 101: Lesson 3-humans are very very strange. Jordan had to help me get the whole walking thing down. I was still stumbling. I hated these stupid things called legs. Jordan made it look so easy. He assumed I was just a bit uncowardinated and a little bit of a clusts. Right now it made sense he would make that. He showed me a lot of things.
We even came to a place where you could see the ocean perfectly.The room where I was sleeping at his place even had a perfect veiw of the ocean. As I looked out towards the water that was my home it made me feel like crying. I was homesick despite wanted to go to the surface so many times. Now that I was here I wanted to go home. My father was probably worried about me. "Beautiful view." Jordan said. "I found you down on the beach. You were in pretty bad shape." Then I thought about Ursula saying how I needed true loves first kiss within three days to get my voice back. I had been unconcious for 2 days and the day I woke up was the third day..no kiss. So did that mean I would never be able to speak to him. Or did it have to be within three days after I woke up. If so I only had today and tomarrow to get that kiss. And I wanted it, and I would get it!
"Something wrong?" Jordan asked noticing my sad expression. I nodded my head no. We went down to the pear and sat down near the water. It was romantic, and fun cause Jordan liked to splash me with the water and see me react to it with pleasure. I finally splashed him and we laughed. It was perfect, and it made me start to think I was going to get that kiss. I just had to play my cards right. Everything was perfect. I could be happier if I could talk to him. But this would have to do for now. Jordan looked in my eyes and I looked in his. Suddenly he closed his eyes and started leaning towards me. OMFG! He was going to kiss me! Before I could stop myself I closed mine and started to lean forward too. It was finally going to happen! The kiss that would allow me to talk to Jordan!
Suddenly we heard a sound behind us and we jerked away to see what it was. Two men stood behind us. There were two men behind us. They were Sailors. My father said they were one of the cruelst humans of all because they caught fish, merpeople and ate them. This sent a chill down my spine at the thought. "Can I help you." Jordan said. Neither of the men answered. They were looking at me with narrowed eyes. Like they knew something about me. Did they know I was a mermaid? No....No they couldn't. There was no way they could. Unless they had seen me swiming around in the ocean one day while they were out at sea. Or was it just something about me that made them suspect something.
That had to be it! They had to know what I was. But how? Well in legends my people were described as being very beautiful. The females were portayed as having beautiful voices, and impossibly smooth skin. Eyes that mystified almost any boy she came near....like she could hypnotize them just by there singing voice or by there looks. Human or merman. In the case of Merman they were described as being very handsome. Able to mesmerize any girl, human or mermaid, by there looks and charm. "No just passing through" One of the men said not looking away from me.
The men turned away and walked away. Despite being human now my mermaid senses were still strong. I could hear what they were saying even if they were out of human earshot of me and Jordan. "She's got to be one of those mermaid's." One said. "Definiatly. She looks just as there portrayed in the legends, myths. She's after the human boy." The other said. I wasn't going to kill Jordan. I was in love of him...not out to kill him. "This could be our chance to prove to everyone were not crazy and that mermaid's do exsist." One said as they walked away laughing to themselves. So not all humans thought my people exsisted. Big problem. These guys were enemies. They wanted to capture me. Expose me for what my people and me were. If that happened I'd be in a lab being studied in horrible ways. I'm not going to let them hurt you." Jordan said. "I don't know what they want with you but I won't let them hurt you." this made me feel better in so many ways. But somewhere inside even with his conferting voice I was still afraid.

To be continued in chapter 10....