The water was relaxing. Hot and steamy...but I was used to it being warm...but hot was nice to. And the bubbles in the bath made it very nice. So relaxing I almost decided I never wanted to get out. While I soked in the water I started to wonder. Back in Ursula's cave she took my voice at least the part that would keep me from talking to Jordan. She said in order to be able to talk to him...I had to get true loves first kiss before the third day. But she never said what would happen if I didn't. What would happen if I didn't get the kiss? Would I turn back into a mermaid in front of Jordan and expose my people?
I was lost in my thouths before a knock came from the door, and the women from earlier looked in. "How are you dear" What was with her calling me dear? Of course I didn't answer her. If I couldn't speak to Jordan then it would seem a little strange I could talk to her and everyone else but him. But would it kill the women to give me a little privacy?! GEEZ! "When your done let me know and I'll help you get dressed." She said leaving me alone again.Screw her! I didn't plan on getting out of this water for a while! Not when it was this relaxing.
Ok so I did get out of the bath. But only because it was dinner time and I was hungry. The women had helped me into an evening gown for dinner. I didn't care much for the whole pampering thing. I had been waited on hand and foot all my life as a princess, and even as a human I still was. I sighed. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Jordan was a prince.

"There's the chance she might not have lost her voice. She's just shy, and quit and doesn't want to talk about it." A voice argued with Jordan. "And I'm telling you something happened to her and she lost her voice." Jordan said. "She might even be the girl who saved me during that storm cause when I woke up and got a small glimpse at the women who rescued me and was singing looked like her!" I blushed. COME ON ALREADY! IT WAS ME! "Oh, Jordan! Girls don't just swim around in the middle of the ocean during a storm and rescue people!" "Say what you want! But that girl is still out there and I'm going to find her. UH! YOU ALREADY DID IDIOT!
The women coughed, annocing our arrivel. Wish she hadn't. The man Jordan had been talking to, stood up, and Jordan did to. The man walked over and kissed my hand apparently this was another human custome of some sort. Human Life 101: Lesson 2-humans have very many different and strange customs. "You and Master Jordan will be dinning alone tonight." He said leaving the room with the women. Great! Leave me alone with the boy I loved....not a smart idea.
Dinner was taking a while to arrive so Jordan spent some time trying to get to know me. Which wasn't easy considering I couldn't talk to him. He asked me where I lived, no answer. He asked me if I lived near here, no answer. Even if I could talk to him....I'm not sure how I would have answered that question. Cause my kingdom was in the sea. So in a way it wasn't even near here. He even commented about how lovely I looked...making me blush as red as a rose of the darkest shade...and him to laugh a little.
Suddenly we heard load banging noises come from the kitchen. It sounded like pots and pans crashing, and a man yelling. "Where are you you little crap. Your alive I know it! Where are you!" Wait crab! SUBASTION! Oh no! He, Flounder, and possibly Skuttle must have followed me to Jordan's! Suddenly Jordan placed his hand at his temple and started to laugh, while I saw Subastion scury into the room. I waved him over making sure Jordan didn't see me and hid him as best I could. "I'm sorry." Jordan said looking up and smiling. "The cheif is a bit of a....nut case." He said.I smiled.
Finally when dinner was served me and Jordan began to eat. Unfortanitly i made a fool of myself in the process. Skuttell told me once that this thing humans called a fork was called a "dingglehopper" and that they brushed there hair with it. I'm an IDIOT! I started brushing it through my hair and Jordan looked at me real strange. It only made him worry cause he thought I had been through a lot that may have also caused me brain trama or something which made me get several things. Throughout dinner though Jordan looked at me.....smiling...and never looking away.
Throughout all of dinner Jordan never took his eyes of of me. Through the candle light in the middle of the table I could see him smiling at me, hardly eating. He just looked and me...smiling and never looked away. It only made me blush. And as the sun set outside it became hard to tell that's what I was doing. A cool breeze blew through the window making the flames of the candle. I looked at Jordan. He looked at me. And at that moment. I knew our love was starting to grow.

To be continued in chapter 9....