“Class, shukudai o dashite kudasai, ashta. Please turn in your homework tomorrow.” the Japanese teacher said, as the bell rang.
When Jessica got out of the class, she found her black wolf friend wait outside, like he always does. This was the fifth day she had her mark, each day getting easier to live with the mar on her shoulder.
“And how was Nihongo curasu?” the wolf asked.
“You know I’m just learning the alphabet now. I have no clue what the means. I’d probably have a hard time spelling it.”
“It mean Japanese class. ‘Nihon” means Japan and ‘go’ means language. So ‘Nihongo’ means Japanese language.”
“Can you just let me learn the symbols first?” she asked jokingly.
“Sure why not.” the wolf teased her, giving her a toothy grin, reveling his yellow teeth. All the wolf’s teeth were pointed back into his jaw, teeth meant for biting flesh. But Jessica noticed that there were brackets on each of his teeth.
“You got braces?” she asked.
“Ya. Apparently two of my teeth are hitting each other wrong. I had to get braces because by the time I’m thirty, the teeth will have been worn through. Can we please change the subject. My mouth hurts enough as is. I don’t need to talk about it to” he said giving the vixen a pained look
“Ok.” she said starting to walk towards her next class with the wolf at her side
The rest of the day went by easily. The vixen was quite happy with her self for keeping her secret. She, like Kevin had to hide their shoulders with dark clothing because the green mark will show through light shirts. She was mostly happy due to the fact that the Government let her parents return home with nothing but a warning, mainly because the Government saw that Jessica’s gift was harmless. As the two were walking, Jessica remembered something she wanted to ask Kevin. she had heard rumors of this group but didn’t know what to expect. It was a group of people who did illegal activities of every kind. The Death 2F Gang. she had once asked Roy about it but he didn't know anything.
“Hey Kevin, I want to know more about the Death 2F Gang.” Jessica asked one day when they were on break.
Kevin turned to her and gave a little whine. “Do I have to explain it to you now?” he asked, hoping the vixen wasn’t too interested and could at least wait to find out.
“Yes. I want to know. I heard the gang is coming to our school and I want to know what it has to do with us.” she said, breaking the only hope Kevin had.
“That is true", he said with a sigh. "The Death 2F Gang, or one of their branches at least, is coming here. The ‘F’ stands for freaks, so Death 2 Freaks Gang makes it pretty obvious what they want. They are total anti-freakists. They are like the American version of the terrorist in the middle east, and we are the infidel. The Death 2F Gang is world wide and is bent on killing each and every freak they find. Now that they are coming here, we have to be extra careful. Luckily we don’t have any classes with them, but Roy has one class with the beta of the group.”
This news shocked the vixen. Now that the Death 2F Gang is coming here, Kevin, Roy and Jessica are in imminent danger. She tried to put the thought out of her head, but could not. The thought was just to real. For once, being a freak was deadly.
Roy was walking out of his last period class in the portables when he got a text. It was Kevin warning him about the Death 2F Gang coming. Kevin texted all the names and species of the Death 2F Gang members. The Alpha of the group was a brown bear named Mantium Carlosa, or Manty for short. The Beta was a cougar with golden fur, a bit darker than Roy’s, named Randy Panamen, who was in Roy’s 4th period class. The other members consisted of a black panther named Chance Fortela, a white wolf named Michael Sanders, a brown lion named Paul Late, and a Boar named Calvin Cheene. He had already seen the Beta in his 4th period class so he wasn't too worried. Roy called his mom telling her that he will be heading over to the Flying Pie Pizza Parlor. “Alright, just try to get a ride first so I don’t have to go and pick you up.” the snow leopard said into the phone.Roy knew he could call Kevin for a lift.
As the otter was walking towards the Pizza Parlor, he noticed a group of people behind him. Taking a quick glance he found out it was the Death 2F Gang, but they seemed to be missing the Alpha of the group, Manty Carlosa. He tried to keep calm knowing that being calm was the best way not to be detected. As Roy opened the door to the Parlor, to his dismay, he saw the Death 2F Gang follow him in. the otter got in line to order with the Gang behind him. After ordering, he sat down while the Gang ordered. When Roy got his food, he quickly ate it, trying to get out of there as fast as possible. When he got up to leave, the Gang noticed him and decided to get some cash out of this otter. The white wolf an panther got up and blocked the exit. The cougar, he Beta of the group now in charge while the Alpha is missing, came up behind the otter
“Hey otter!” he said, “ there’s a toll on this door and you got to pay me if you want to get out of here.”
“What do you want the money for? To kill more freaks?” the otter asked almost spitting in the cougar’s face.
“Ya. What’s it to ya? You care if we kill the abominations of this world?” the cougar asked.
“Yes I do, because you don’t kill the abominations, you kill everyone. The abominations are the people who used their powers to hurt people. You just kill everyone no matter what they do with their powers.” Roy said angrily.
“You better watch your mouth otter. Or I’ll rip it off.” the cougar snarled.
“I’d like to see you try.” Roy taunted, starting to lose his temper
“You want a piece of me b***h” the cougar almost yelled at the otter, walking towards him with the boar and lion on his flanks.
“No. I could never take all you on. I just want to, disappear ,” Roy said with a smile, turning invisible as soon as he said “disappear ”.
“WHAT THE ********? HE’S A FREAK! FIND HIM.” the courage bellowed.
As Roy silently slipped behind the counter, he saw the Gang search frantically for the otter. They were tearing the place apart despite the yelling of the owner. He heard one of the members go into both bathrooms. Knowing that he would not be seen, Roy made his way to the door. Before he could reach it he heard the cougar growl in anger.
“I want to know who hangs out with that freak . I want to know everything about him.” the cougar snarled.
“His name is Roy Vadafi. He hangs around Jessica Cune, a fox, and Kevin Torn, a black wolf.” the panther said in a low voice.
“Good. If we can’t get him, we’ll get his friends.” the cougar said, with an evil smile
Roy, still invisible, started to panic, and slipped out. He had to warn Kevin somehow. He decided he would go invisible during second period to leave a note on Kevin’s desk to warn him.
The next day Kevin was in geometry, his second period, listening to his teacher, Mr. Reed, talk about slopes. Because Kevin finished early, he was just listening and not doing anything. He didn’t know why, but he felt like he was being watched . Hearing a quiet tapping that too quiet for anyone else to hear on his desk, Kevin looked down. On his desk was an envelope with the name Kevin written on it. Recognizing Roy’s hand-writing, he realized that the otter came into the classroom invisible and left this note. He opened it up and started to read.
I’m sorry, but the Death 2F Gang knows about me. And because you and Jessica hang out with me, you are on their target list. I have to stay in hiding until it is safe for me to come out again, but I had to warn you. I’m sorry again and wish you the best of luck.
Reading the letter twice to make sure that the he didn’t misread it, Kevin thought of all the possibilities that could happen. The worst being the most likely. After the bell rang, he rushed as fast as the crowd would let him to Jessica. Luckily, she was standing where she always stood to wait for him.
“Jessica,” the wolf said, running towards her, “it’s the Death 2F Gang. They found out about Roy and because we are his friend, we are also targets.
Horror came over the vixen’s once happy face. She understood at once the seriousness of the situation.
“Do they know about us?” she asked in a quiet barley audible voice.
“No. they are just mad at us for being friends with Roy. They don't know.” he said.
Her face lightened slightly but still looked horrified. She knew that if the Death 2F gang found them, they would most likely die. The plan for the rest of the day was to stick together as much as possible. This was the best chance they had. But they didn’t know that nothing would stop the Death 2F Gang from reaching their goal.
During lunch, the two furries sat together. As the two sat down, the Death 2F Gang got into position. Far enough away not to draw attention, but close enough to attack. This time the Alpha of the group, Manty Carlosa, was with them.
“Hey wolf!” Manty called in Kevin’s direction.
Kevin turned around and saw the Gang box them in. Positioning himself in a defensive posture he tried to watch all angles of the box.
“You hang out with Roy Vadafi.” the bear said.
“Ya so what?” he Kevin said back.
“We found out yesterday he was a freak. We saw him turn invisible.” the bear said with a smile.
Now attracting a crowd, gasps could be heard through the cafeteria, followed by whispering.
“So what?” Kevin asked.
“So, we will beat you instead of him ’cause he ran away before we could grab him” the bear said cracking his knuckles.
Realizing that thanks to the crowd, running to an exit would be impossible. He knew the only way out. He had to use his gift. Giving Jessica a look that said “it’s ok trust me”, Kevin nodded to the vixen. Understanding what to do she moved the two hidden holes in her shirt to the right spots on her back.
“I’d like to see you try and hurt me.” Kevin spat at the bear.
“Alright. Guys? Take ’em.” the bear said.
As the Gang moved closer, Kevin pulled his lips back, reveling his sharp fangs and giving a low growl which made everyone, even the Gang, take a step back. Even with braces, a wolf’s snarl intimidated anyone. After getting over the intimidation, all the Gang members moved in closer again. Kevin just stood up strait and raised his right hand, with his palm pointing open and upwards. After Kevin put his hand in the air, everyone went quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of electrical sparks coming from Kevin’s hand. After the sound of sparks got louder, everyone could see electrical arcing between the black wolf’s fingers. Soon an orb appeared in his hand. It was a sky blue ball with small electric sparks coming of it. The orb kept getting bigger and bigger until it was the size of a softball.
“What the? Oh crap! HE”S A FREAK!” The bear yelled over the deafening sound of electricity.
After five seconds of having the orb in his hands, Kevin shot it towards the ceiling. It went about as fast as the average person could throw a ball. As it hit the ceiling , the orb quickly expanded to the size of a truck and obliterated the part of the ceiling it hit. The electrical explosion sounded like the quick shot of a gun and the low boom of a grenade. As the ruble fell on the crowd, everyone ducked giving Jessica a chance to pull out her wings.
“Both of them are freaks!” someone from the crowd called.
Everyone turned to see the vixen with angelic wings. When Jessica’s wings were fully exposed, she grabbed Kevin’s hand and flew through the newly made hole in the ceiling. Just to make sure that no one would try and follow then, Kevin shot three more orbs of electricity of the same size as the first one in the middle of the crowd, knocking most people flat on their backs.
“Where do you want to go?” Jessica yelled over the wind.
“Anywhere. Just away from here.” Kevin called back.
As the two saw the school slowly fade into the distance they knew life for them would never be the same.
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