As the two furries started for the car, Jessica seemed more hesitant as they got closer to the front door. Jessica was nervous about going outside, into public. Seeing her paranoia, Kevin tried to calm her.
“Don’t worry, you wings won’t come out unless you want them to.” Kevin said, trying to sooth the vixen.
“I know, but I just can’t help it. It’s different than your gift because I can’t use it without showing everyone.”
“If anyone see’s, I will erase their memory.” he said, getting a charge up to prove his point, his eyes glowing a light blue like they always do when he uses his power.
Jessica had a new outfit on to cover for the one she had been wearing. She worn a reddish yellow t-shirt that went to about the mid section of her thigh, which was covered with a blue pair of jeans. As she opened the door and stepped out side, she thought about the what she did the week of her absence, curled up in a furry ball. She had been in such a wreck, she hardly ate anything. Her stomach growled, as if to agree with the vixen.
“I’m hungry.” she stated.
“Ok. We’ll stop by Burger King or something.”
The vixen gave out a little whine but still agreed. She hardly ate fast food because all the fat on the meat didn’t go well with her fox anatomy, but now she so hungry she would eat anything.
The two pulled into the drive-through lane and ordered 2 Whoppers with cheese. As the feline who was manning the window gave them their food, he saw the nervous expression of the fox.
“Ma’am, are you alright?” he asked. Then he looked at the wolf driving. A thought struck him. That wolf could have easily over-powered her and forced her into the car. the feline started to reach for the phone.
“Is he holding you against you will?” he asked calmly.
Kevin just gave a little chuckle. Jessica didn't answer right away so the cat asked her again. “Huh? Oh! No. I’m just nervous about my parents, they had a fight last night and are still going at it now. So I asked my friend here,” gesturing to Kevin, “to come pick me up and I’m just worried about, what I will find when I go back tonight.” she lied.
The cat seemed to relax a little bit, but still had his hand on the phone. The wolf drove out of the drive through a slow pace, trying not to startle the cat who seemed to be taking down his license’s plate number.
“God, what’s his problem?” Jessica asked, looking at the cat who was still staring at the car.
“Um… Jess? You look like your waiting for the end of the world.”
“Do I really look that nervous?” she asked trying to change her expression even the tiniest bit.
“Ya, you really do.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“Hey, don’t apologize. If he knew what you went through, he would understand as well why you’re so paranoid.” he said sweetly handing her the bag.
After stopping in the parking lot to eat, Kevin realized that he forgot to ask for his burger without tomatoes. With a ugh of disgust, he tossed the tomato out through the window.
“You know, there are some people who would be starving enough to eat the tomato, even though its on ground.” she teased him.
“People starving huh? Kind of like you?” he replied, with a smile after hearing her stomach growl again to prove his point.
The vixen greedily tore away at the meat, while Kevin just sat there and watched, eating his own burger. He had never seen her like this, the instinct in her showing. After finishing the burger she leaned back in the seat and relaxed.
“You know, I could go for another burger.” she said, trying to get her hint across.
Popping the last bite in his mouth, he rolled his eyes and started the car.
Giving a little grin at her victory, Kevin saw her give that smile he always enjoyed. He saw her sharp fangs in perfect alignment. He envied her. Kevin teeth were very crooked, teeth for biting. After ordering the other burger, the cat that was manning the window relaxed even more now that he vixen ’s expression lightened and they were back, showing the wolf wasn‘t hiding. Kevin drove to his house while the Kitsune happily munched away.
When the pair reach their destination, the vixen wondered what kind of reaction the wolf’s parents would give to find out one of his friends is a freak. Lost in her thoughts, Jessica didn’t even notice when Kevin opened the door. The quiet bang of the door broke her concentration.
“Mom? I’m home” he called.
“Hi honey!” she called back from down stairs.
As the fox heard the pound of feet against stairs get louder, a mother raccoon came up. She had a head of brown hair that hung down to her shoulders. Her fur was a dark grey color that had black circles of fur around her eyes. She had 2 inch wide stripes going in rings around her tail, which was much more bushier than both Kevin’s and Jessica’s put together.
“How was your day? What took you so long to get ho…. Oh! Who’s your friend?” she asked eyeballing the young vixen next to her son.
“Mom, this is Jessica, you know, the fox I told you about.”
“Oh! Is she the one who…” she tried to murmur to her son but was aware of the vixens keen hearing.
“Yes she is also a freak.” he replied without any hesitation.
“Well then, it’s nice to meet you. Kevin has told me a lot about you”
The vixen was extremely surprised at the lack of care that she was a freak in the mother raccoon’s voice.
“Nice to meet you Mrs. Torn”
“Please call me Cathy.”
And with a simple greeting the two started talking like old friends. About 3 minuets into the conversation, Kevin interrupted.
“Hey mom, the reason I brought her here is because the government found her and sterilized her.” he said, trying to be a quiet as possible so the vixen couldn’t hear but knew it useless.
The mother raccoon turned to the vixen with worry in her eyes.
“Oh my god, are you alright? Did they hurt you? DAMN that government. They take innocent kids and teenagers and torture them with their ’cure’.” the raccoon said, sneering the cure to imitate the government.
“I’m ok really. I got over it once Kevin shocked me.” the vixen replied.
Once Kevin’s mom heard how she got over her sterilization, her concern turned to anger. Expecting it to be unleashed on her, Jessica was surprised to see it go towards Kevin.
“YOU SHOCKED HER? I want to know EXACTLY how much voltage you put into her.” the raccoon yelled at her son.
He put up his hands in a defensive manner. “I only used enough to get her out of her trance.” he said sheepishly.
“Fine. You know how I hate that, so don’t do it again,” she turned to the vixen, “Will you be staying for dinner or will Kevin bring you back?” she asked, softening her voice.
Barely even recognizing that the raccoon was talking to her, it took Jessica a full second to respond
“Huh? Oh. No I’m going to head back with Kevin to my house.” she said.
After an hour and a half of chatting, Jessica thought it was time for her to get home. So Jessica said thank you to the mother raccoon and left to Kevin’s car.
“I’m probably going to stay at Jessica’s to make sure she’ll be ok until her parents get back.” Kevin told his mom.
“Alright. Be back at around ten o’clock.” she replied.
As Kevin got into the car, he noticed that the fox was a lot more relaxed than she was when she first got into the car earlier that day. The wolf drove her home in silence, trying not to disturb the vixen’s relaxed, and happy smile. When the two finally got to Jessica’s house, she was hesitant to leave, fearing that as soon as she was alone, she would spiral down the path of insanity again. She tried to think of anything to stay in the car.
“Soooooooo. Why did your mom get mad when I told her you shocked me?” she asked trying not to sound desperate.
“Oh that? When I was younger, I always used to shock people for fun and when I got angry. So my parents got on me every time I did it. I once actually saved their lives, I think. Some reptile was walking behind my parents and pulled out what I thought was a gun. So I threw two pieces of wires I had at him and used my electricity to make them go faster and stick into him, tazzing him. He dropped and my parents noticed him making it impossible for him to pull out the gun. I then quickly retracted the wires so no one could see me.” he said, triumphantly.
“Wait. Did your parents know that you were there?” she asked skeptically.
That stopped the wolf in his tracks. His ears flattened to his head, giving the vixen an embarrassed look.
“I… I was… curious, as to what they do when they go out. So, I followed them.” he quietly mumbled
There was a brief pause while Jessica took in what the wolf said. Then she let out a little snicker before bursting out laughing. It took her a full fifteen seconds before she could regain enough air to speak.
“That… that was… what you were doing,” she said between gasps, “that is the most stupidest reason to be spying on your parents.”
“Ya, ya. Yuck it up. So are you going to be alright alone or do you need to stay with you for a while.”
“Hmmm. Sure come on in.”
As the two went into the house, Jessica started to feel dizzy again as she started to remember what happened to her a eight days ago.
“Hey. Are you alright?” the wolf asked, concern in his green eyes.
“Ya. Just bad memories.”
Kevin stayed for about two more hours. He just talked and comforted the Kitsune. After he cooked her a meal of pan-steak, the two sat down to watch Spider-Man three. About half way, Kevin realized that it almost ten thirty, he was so grounded.
“Aw crap. It’s half past ten. I got to go.”
“Alright. You’ll be at school tomorrow right?” she asked.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world”
At school when Kevin got of the bus, he rushed over to his first class, which is conveniently right across from Jessica’s. There he found her, sitting, wearing an extra long sleeved shirt. Kevin came up and sat next to her.
“Hey. You alright?” he asked.
“Ya. I just feel so dirty wearing this… this… thing.” she said, gesturing to her shoulder.
“I know it’s weird having it, but you’ll get used to it.”
“I know. It… It’s just hard to take in, ya know?”
“Oh ya, I know. Ok I will see you during next passing period.”
“Ok. See ya.”
As the wolf went into his class, Jessica went to hers. About half way through it a thought struck her. So far no one has even looked at her. The only way she is drawing attention is her behavior. It she acts normal every thing will be fine.
“Jessica-san, genkideska?” asked the teacher, thinking she wasn‘t paying attention.
“Hai, genkides.”
She finally felt ok after nine days. She thinks now that she can make it through the rest of her life being a freak.
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