Lucy McGryte
Human BUT
If she sees something she can automaticaly do that thing.
sort of like a copycat power.
Glock, .32 Magnum , desert eagles,8 inch hunting knife,shuriken throwing stars. 3105 trench gun. M1A1 carbine.
(equipables= silencers, laser pointers,scopes,gernade launchers.And this all fits in her handy dandy purse.Or various other hidden spots.Surprisingly)
Hidden,Acts fake most of the time, its part of her job,loves to sneak around, and she is very high in power and she knows it.Bitchy, Yet she can be a little..not so bright..shes smart in the subject of killing and guns
job occupation:
Pros and cons:
She has one blind eye.It doesnt look like it but it blind.Shes missing A left pinky.
She is a master in martial arts and very strong.eveyrhting on her is muscle.She hates running,And ruining her nails.
Shes born of high authority,she went to the military and bailed out.She didnt go to school she ran away because she found out how to switch the safety off the gun.Her bank acount is full of millions and many would kill to see her dead.She is a 'gun for hire' Shell take jobs but she mainly loves to steal.She is part french so shell have an accent if she doesnt concentrate.She can mimick anything shed like.
(song is criminal- by eminem)

(she has a tramp stamp of angel wings, and a bullet on her inner wrists, one says 'hate' the other 'die'.)
Her ride:
Sizuki crotch rocket Is equiped with two rocket launchers on the side.
along with GPS navigational system and autopilet.

Lucy McGryte
Human BUT
If she sees something she can automaticaly do that thing.
sort of like a copycat power.
Glock, .32 Magnum , desert eagles,8 inch hunting knife,shuriken throwing stars. 3105 trench gun. M1A1 carbine.
(equipables= silencers, laser pointers,scopes,gernade launchers.And this all fits in her handy dandy purse.Or various other hidden spots.Surprisingly)
Hidden,Acts fake most of the time, its part of her job,loves to sneak around, and she is very high in power and she knows it.Bitchy, Yet she can be a little..not so bright..shes smart in the subject of killing and guns
job occupation:
Pros and cons:
She has one blind eye.It doesnt look like it but it blind.Shes missing A left pinky.
She is a master in martial arts and very strong.eveyrhting on her is muscle.She hates running,And ruining her nails.
Shes born of high authority,she went to the military and bailed out.She didnt go to school she ran away because she found out how to switch the safety off the gun.Her bank acount is full of millions and many would kill to see her dead.She is a 'gun for hire' Shell take jobs but she mainly loves to steal.She is part french so shell have an accent if she doesnt concentrate.She can mimick anything shed like.
(song is criminal- by eminem)

(she has a tramp stamp of angel wings, and a bullet on her inner wrists, one says 'hate' the other 'die'.)
Her ride:
Sizuki crotch rocket Is equiped with two rocket launchers on the side.
along with GPS navigational system and autopilet.