Khalah Azlu
When in her spider form(see pic) She is 10 feet tall, she can range larger or smaller though depending on the spiders in the area.Human is.5'7 perfect body,spiders, when she goes into swarm, she can be bird sized or pea sized.
(spider host:a swarm entity of spirit shards in spider host bodies.)
They go by many names.Uratha...They are now called werewolfs,lycans, cetera.
rat host
Music. They love music.
They can change into a swarm of spiders, or one alone, human disguises are known.They eat the male innnerds, and females heads.The more azlu the better, they can gather and get bigger.more powerful.They can also weave, and weave they must.They have deadly venom.
Bad things-jace everett
About her:
she is A brat.She loves a chase.She craves attention and she will literally eat your heart out.If you get her mad.Shell bite your head off.
Her kind,when in danger she will reincarnate herself by laying hundreds and thousands of mouse brain sized eggs.They take human form.They suffer nightmares of there enemy, the wolf.They enjoy the taste of werewolf flesh.What they want? a world full of docile, half-sleeping cattle, for them to prey upon at will.Has potent venom,They subsume on another, the powerful takes the weak, and they can be a danger indeed.
Main form:spider:

small spider and eggs:
Khalah Azlu
When in her spider form(see pic) She is 10 feet tall, she can range larger or smaller though depending on the spiders in the area.Human is.5'7 perfect body,spiders, when she goes into swarm, she can be bird sized or pea sized.
(spider host:a swarm entity of spirit shards in spider host bodies.)
They go by many names.Uratha...They are now called werewolfs,lycans, cetera.
rat host
Music. They love music.
They can change into a swarm of spiders, or one alone, human disguises are known.They eat the male innnerds, and females heads.The more azlu the better, they can gather and get bigger.more powerful.They can also weave, and weave they must.They have deadly venom.
Bad things-jace everett
About her:
she is A brat.She loves a chase.She craves attention and she will literally eat your heart out.If you get her mad.Shell bite your head off.
Her kind,when in danger she will reincarnate herself by laying hundreds and thousands of mouse brain sized eggs.They take human form.They suffer nightmares of there enemy, the wolf.They enjoy the taste of werewolf flesh.What they want? a world full of docile, half-sleeping cattle, for them to prey upon at will.Has potent venom,They subsume on another, the powerful takes the weak, and they can be a danger indeed.
Main form:spider:

small spider and eggs: