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My Random Junk
Writing things was never a easy thing for me so might as well just write what you can write and don't give a **** what someone thinks, or so.
The Koneko Twins
By Angel

This story is about my two favorite twins in the whole world. Yes, they are Japanese but they are really fun to hang around with. First one is Kitty Koneko, the youngest twin. Her nickname is Akira because one of her friends from long time ago called her that. Akira is a lovable girl, funny, cute, hyper, fun, and is very nice to others. The other is Kitten Koneko, the older twin. And her nickname is either Hinata or Hina but I just call her Hinata because back then she was shy but not so shy. The way I describe Hinata is that she can be somewhat bossy yet fun. Hinata can be sometimes mean but that just Hinata for you. There birthday is March, 15 and was born I think 1993, so there like 15 right now.

Akira Koneko is the nicer yet more confused Koneko in the family. For an instance when saying big words in a sentence right away she gets confused. Another way she gets confused is just easily getting confused. Yet Akira is a nice person to hang around with and very entertaining. The favorite thing she likes to eat is well cookies. Funny thing is the Koneko sisters don’t get fat while eating cookies. And people I know Akira is like a boy name but it’s also a girl name so get use to it. The thing I like about Akira is that she makes me happy when I’m alone or sad. Also she can easily make me laugh. I just really enjoy being with Akira a lot because she so cute yet sadly she can easily get hurt. One time at the mall we lost her for 5 hours and we found her at Jc Penny hiding. I can’t really tell if she was scared or was just playing hide and seek but it sure wasn’t funny when we lost her. One time Akira lost her memory when running away with Hinata. She acted so different when she came back it almost made me cry yet I knew it was the same Akira.

To be continued…

Hina Koneko is just an average teen girl or is she? I can describe Hinata Koneko as much as Akira but Hinata can be one party girl. Hinata is fun but can be quite scary when she gets mad. When she was really mad she threw Akira out of the room. Poor little Akira was just trying to help. Anyways like Akira, Hinata likes eating cookies too. Its one of the favorite food and snack for the Koneko Twins.

To be continued… (Because I can’t think of anything else of Hinata)

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