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My Random Junk
Writing things was never a easy thing for me so might as well just write what you can write and don't give a **** what someone thinks, or so.

“W-who are you?”
“I am Light” said a mysteries voice. “Light? If you are Light why can’t I see?” “Don’t worry” said the voice “Your Guardian will show you Light.”
“Who my Guardian? Who are you? Where am I?”
The voice echo’s “I am Light and your Guardian is your Light. Your Guardian will forever protect you.” “What…you’re not making any sense.”” Don’t worry soon your Guardian will come and show you Light.” As the voice trailed off. “Wait! Please don’t go! I don’t want to be alone!” All was silent but the crying of a little boy.

“M-master Alexander p-please wake up” said a small voice. “W-what…where am I?” Waking up from his long sleep, 6 years old Alexander wakes up to see his maid Isabella and servant Mairina trying to wake him up. “Are you ok Master Alexander? It sound like you had a very bad dream.” said Isabella. “Stop calling me that!” yelled Alexander. “I’m very sorry Master Alexander…” said Isabella in a small voice. “Ugh…” groan Alexander.” Can you people do anything right!” Alexander looks furiously at his servant and maid. “My head hurts now” “Would you like anything to drink Master Alexander?” Ask Mairina.” Just water” mumbled Alexander.

The day was sunny but for Alexander, a sunny day is always never a sunny day for poor little Alexander. It was always gloomy for this 6 year old. Being cared by servants, butlers, cooks, maids, and so many other people who only take care him. His mother died by the time he was 4 month old and his father never show feelings that he cared for him. Day after day cared by the same person without love or happiness. Even for a rich boy, poor little Alexander life was miserable, lonely, and depressing.

” Where my water!” shouted Alexander. “I’m so sorry Master Alexander” said Mairina. “I’ll get right on that. “Alex…” mumbled Alexander. Alexander never like being called Master Alexander and no one knows why but everyone calls Master Alexander. “Master Alexander!” cried out Isabella. “You should hurry and get dress before you miss your birthday party.” Alexander glared at his maid. “I don’t want to go” grumbled Alexander. “My birthdays are always the same. Always boring and also my father never come to my birthdays so why should I go?” Isabella sighed and said “well you father is a really busy man and…” before she could say another word Alexander shouted “Even if he busy! He my father he should at least come to his own son birthday!” then that’s when Alexander storm off at of his room. Isabella watches her little master run off and sighed again “Oh I wish your mother was here….Everything would be ok.”

Alexander wanted to run away. He wanted to run away from the servants, maids, butlers, and mostly everything. He was tired of being called Master Alexander and tired of the world he is in. Then all of a sudden Alexander crash into a much older boy. “Hey watch where you’re going!” yelled Felix. As he looks down to see Alexander, Felix made a grin. “Well isn’t Master Alexander?” Said Felix. “My name is Alex” growl Alexander as he got up. “Well ‘Alex’” said Felix. “Why such a little gentle men like you doing out here in this huge field?” “Nothing” said Alexander in a small like voice. “What was that?” ask Felix “I better think you should run home Master Alex I think your to small out here in the big world. Go home Master Alexander you’ll be safer there” chuckled Felix. “I’m not going home, I’m not small, and stop calling me Master Alexander!” scream Alexander. “What you going to do about it Master Alexander.” Laugh Felix. Before Alexander could say something a hard rock hit Felix behind the head. “Ow!” cried Felix in pain. He look back and roar “Who threw that!” “I did” said a gentle voice. Alexander and Felix were astonished to see a girl close to Alexander age. “Why you little...” before Felix could finish the girl threw another rock right at his face. “ Ow!” yelled Felix as he fell on the ground covering his face. The girl giggled and dash off over the hill. “Hey wait up!” cried out Alexander.

The girl ran faster then he did but she seems to slow down when Alexander got tired. “Hey I said wait up!” shouted Alexander. “Why should I?” questioned the girl as she stop. “Well I don’t really know for some reason I wanted to follow you.” The girl looks at him and smiled “Your silly if you’re going to follow me. If you do that you’ll get lost in the woods.” Alexander look around and notices that he was in the forest. “Wow” said Alexander. “I never had been in the woods before. “The wood is the fabulous place” said the girl. “You can climb trees, play with the animals, run around, and lots of stuff.” Alexander look at the girl and asks “What’s your name?” The girl giggled and said “What’s you name?” Alexander look at the girl puzzled but answered “Alexander, my name is Alexander.” He never liked his real name but he had to use it anyway. Again the girl giggled and darts off past him. “What! You didn’t tell me your name!” shouted Alexander as he chased her. But by the time it look like he caught up she was gone. He look around and sees he’s back at the field. Alexander sighed and asks him self “Who is that girl?”

As Alexander walk home he wonders about the girl he met and wonders who she is. Most of all he wonder what her name was too. “I’m home” said Alexander as he walked through the doors. But all was empty in the mansion.

To be continued…

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    commentCommented on: Fri Nov 14, 2008 @ 12:22am
    tee hee mes like its *giggles*

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