demon Slayer
Well...not to much to explain, it just looks like a nifty demon slayer, I got bored and wanted to make a item using the Vampire Hunter and Gothic Veil items, and this is what I came up with.

Total Value: 429,658 Gold
After Exclusions: 265,509 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gold Promise Ring
Vampire Hunter Hat
Gothic Veil
Vampire Hunter Hat
Black Goth Boots - M
Black High School Wide Bottom Pants
#000000 Complex Jacket
Those Blue 90s Gloves
Ancient Katana
Demonic Anklets
Kratos Aurion
Ok, lots of people look at my name and go. "Oh, you must be Kratos from Tales of Symphonia, right?" Well I'm not! I did orginaly hear the name Kratos from ToS but Kratos Angelus is my own design, so I thought to please some of you, I would make a Kratos Aurion avi, and this is it.

Total Value: 169,290 Gold
After Exclusions: 102,790 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gold Promise Ring
Solar Cloak
Flame Sword
Fairy Wings
Expensive Sneakers White
Purple GetaGRIP Gloves
Satin Blue Pajama Pants
Elegant Violet Satin Vest
Blue Angel
This one is nothing special, I just really like Angels, and Nannshizu's fav color is blue, so I decided to combine the two, and this is what I came up with.

Total Value: 112,187 Gold
After Exclusions: 71,708 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Angelic Boots
Angelic Gloves
#0000FF Complex Pants M
#0000FF Complex Jacket
Mythic Hair
Blue Middle School Jacket
Gold Promise Ring