Total Value: 796,426 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Hermes' Moon
Flame Sword
Yellow Polar Expedition Boots
Yellow Holographic Eyepiece
Holy Gauntlets
Crossed Belts
Holy Gauntlets
Holy Gauntlets
Ancient Katana
Elemental Wings
Gold Promise Ring
Those Blue 90s Gloves
Ribbon Luv Sleeves White
Blue Pink Dragon Torso Tattoo
Blue Pink Dragon Bottom Tattoo
Those 70s White Pants
Ivory Ookami Armor
HEY!! Thank you to all of you who donated and helped me with making this avi!! I completed it!! Another one bites the dust! *marks off list* what do you think of it?
Note: Actualy, I did change the final form of this avi slightly, I took off the glowing pendant in the middle of the avatar, and I took off the glowing light behind him, also I made the flame sword in it's un-flamed mode.
But I kept the GOLD Okami armor on, and I added the winter rose sakura pedals on it. ^.^