SHALALA.... I'll sing for you!
When you look at my eyes
I can't help but to look away
Cause I know what I've done
Yet you know nothing
Why do I keep myself hidden away from you
When all I could ever thing is you
I don't want to break your heart
But what else am I supposed to do
When that's all my choices
I can't bring myself to say what I need to say
I can't bring myself to do what I have to do
What am I without you
What will you do without me
There's nothing that will break us up
But if I keep this up, then I might be the one to break
I want you to tell me what to do
I want you to just hold me
I want to cry...
"Don't you worry," you say to me
Yet I have no idea what that means
"I want us to be together, but I can't do that
if you're going to give up so easily."
So you kiss me on the forehead like a baby that I am
"I'll sing to you so you won't cry;
that you know I'm here for you;
that I'm holding on to you;
and I won't let this end..."
I think to myself,
'What are you going to sing to me?'
And as I thought
He sang to me..
With his velvet musical voice
And at that second,
I already know that he's close enough to reach me
"Shalala... I'll sing for you!
Shalala... Not for myself!
Shalala... I'll sing for you!
"Would you know that I'm here for you;
to kiss you, to hold you in my arms?
Would you know that I'm here to just here your voice?
What would you do when I call your name?
Run after that voice,
and find who said it?
Will you already know that it was me who said it?"
"Shalala... I'll sing for you!
Shalala... Not for myself!
Shalala.... I'll sing for you!
Shalala... Shalala...
I love you so much!"
That's when you rock me to sleep
Hold me tight that wonderful night
Whisper in my ears
What I wanted to say to you all along
My tears pour down as I dream
Of you and me together
Finally forever....

When you look at my eyes
I can't help but to look away
Cause I know what I've done
Yet you know nothing
Why do I keep myself hidden away from you
When all I could ever thing is you
I don't want to break your heart
But what else am I supposed to do
When that's all my choices
I can't bring myself to say what I need to say
I can't bring myself to do what I have to do
What am I without you
What will you do without me
There's nothing that will break us up
But if I keep this up, then I might be the one to break
I want you to tell me what to do
I want you to just hold me
I want to cry...
"Don't you worry," you say to me
Yet I have no idea what that means
"I want us to be together, but I can't do that
if you're going to give up so easily."
So you kiss me on the forehead like a baby that I am
"I'll sing to you so you won't cry;
that you know I'm here for you;
that I'm holding on to you;
and I won't let this end..."
I think to myself,
'What are you going to sing to me?'
And as I thought
He sang to me..
With his velvet musical voice
And at that second,
I already know that he's close enough to reach me
"Shalala... I'll sing for you!
Shalala... Not for myself!
Shalala... I'll sing for you!
"Would you know that I'm here for you;
to kiss you, to hold you in my arms?
Would you know that I'm here to just here your voice?
What would you do when I call your name?
Run after that voice,
and find who said it?
Will you already know that it was me who said it?"
"Shalala... I'll sing for you!
Shalala... Not for myself!
Shalala.... I'll sing for you!
Shalala... Shalala...
I love you so much!"
That's when you rock me to sleep
Hold me tight that wonderful night
Whisper in my ears
What I wanted to say to you all along
My tears pour down as I dream
Of you and me together
Finally forever....