FIRST KISS!!!!! biggrin
I'm soooooo happy today!!!
Its the best day ever for me right now!
I just had my first kiss with the perfect guy I love so very much
I don't know what I would do without him
I love him with all my heart and whatever it is, I don't want to let go
Even though I might not see him for a while and school is almost over
He's the best thing that ever happened to me this year
I love him with all my heart
I don't want to let go no matter what
He's mine and only mine
Today was Deptford Day's 36th Anniversary 5/16/09
And my dad let me go out!
That's the best part ever! I can't believe my dad let me go out!!!
Probably cause I told him to let me go...ahahaha
So then I started hanging out with my friends and then I met up with other people
We were on the playground, swings, and even the tires!!!
Haha the tires was the best part also
Well actually everything was the best part cause I was having fun the whole entire time
Anyways.... when we were watching the fireworks..
It just sorta happened. And then we sorta also kept going for a while until I stopped
Its not like I didn't want to keep kissing him, cause I did
But my lips just sorta stopped moving for a while...
Next time I'm going to make it happen
Not like that! But I just want it to never last
I can't tell you how much of a perfect day it is today
I really wished that it didn't end
I don't want it to end soooo soon.
But I'm glad that I spent it with everyone that I loved
My friends who didn't come I'm still glad that I texted you during the time
You guys are meanies for not coming though!!
But I just can't hate you, so I must love you forever!!!

I'm soooooo happy today!!!
Its the best day ever for me right now!
I just had my first kiss with the perfect guy I love so very much
I don't know what I would do without him
I love him with all my heart and whatever it is, I don't want to let go
Even though I might not see him for a while and school is almost over
He's the best thing that ever happened to me this year
I love him with all my heart
I don't want to let go no matter what
He's mine and only mine
Today was Deptford Day's 36th Anniversary 5/16/09
And my dad let me go out!
That's the best part ever! I can't believe my dad let me go out!!!
Probably cause I told him to let me go...ahahaha
So then I started hanging out with my friends and then I met up with other people
We were on the playground, swings, and even the tires!!!
Haha the tires was the best part also
Well actually everything was the best part cause I was having fun the whole entire time
Anyways.... when we were watching the fireworks..
It just sorta happened. And then we sorta also kept going for a while until I stopped
Its not like I didn't want to keep kissing him, cause I did
But my lips just sorta stopped moving for a while...
Next time I'm going to make it happen
Not like that! But I just want it to never last
I can't tell you how much of a perfect day it is today
I really wished that it didn't end
I don't want it to end soooo soon.
But I'm glad that I spent it with everyone that I loved
My friends who didn't come I'm still glad that I texted you during the time
You guys are meanies for not coming though!!
But I just can't hate you, so I must love you forever!!!