Yesterday was quite depressing.I had our Homecoming dance at school last night,and I was excited.So before I get to that,let me explain the rest of my day.Morning started in the usual way.So I was on the computer and a lot of people started calling me.First it was Rachael,she was coming over so we can edit her video and such.Then,shocking for me,Cody called me.It has been a while since we talked,it was quite new the way he sounded to me.I guess it's because he changed quite a lot.I hope he did.He didn't mention what happened between us at all.He just asked how Bob was doing.Bob was our imaginary baby boy that we both said was in my womb.He asked if he has been born yet. xd Anyways,after that Amanda called to see if I could go to a party with her.I said I couldn't but I told her that Rachael wasn't going to homecoming so she could call her.It was only after we hung up that I remembered that Rachael was coming over.
So skipping a few parts of the day and going straight for last night.I was on the computer once more,and I was chatting with Aqua.It was quite hilarious for a few parts,but then I had to start getting ready for homecoming.I had put on a black and white dress.The top was black and beneath it,it was red.then my mom came home.I became her Barbie,and she fixed my hair and did my makeup.She said I looked beautiful.So did many of my other friends.I guess it was the eyeliner and red lip gloss. xp Haha,but while I was there,I began to think of things that got me depressed.Then I fell asleep because I was incredibly sleepy.The rest was quite awesome,a guy I used to have a crush on kept on staring at me.Which got me blushing quite a bit.Haha well i should end this now.
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Just Stuff on Life

"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:9-10
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"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:9-10