Moving away from that, I posted a few journals back something about the person I really like. After finally gathering the courage and the constant bothering of Tabby, I decided to ask him out. Poor boy, I asked and he didn't get the message. I really hoped that he would just forget about it that way I wouldn't have to worry about anything. Now, due to my stupid anger issues on Wednesday, the boy got smart and asked Anais what was going on. Anais explained, he freaked out, and the next day told me that he wanted to talk to me in my art class. The way he said it made me feel real nervous. I prepared for the worse, and the worse came to be. He told me politely that he didn't feel that way towards me, but the clueless dork, in the middle of the big art class, told me no very, very, VERY, loudly, that everybody was eavesdropping and looking at us. I lost my dignity that day.
Now today, I kinda figured my vice president wanted more power and so therefore, she wants to quit the club in order to be it's president. I felt betrayed. She's my friend, and I love her and all. The least she could have done is at least approach me and tell me what she would like to change in the club besides the whole president deal. Now, during the beginning of art, Mr. C approached me and asked if I was doing any better. I told him no, and that a lot of things are still bothering me. He figured out that it was related to my friend who is causing me distress. I began to tell him everything that was on my mind, and he asked me why I am trying so hard to keep my friend a friend. I really didn't have an answer for him until now. I originally told him that I don't want to lose any friends, and he just kept answering back that she has two faces and that she just wants to hurt good people, such as me. I think I've come up with a response to his question though. In some way, my vice president reminds me of how I used to be before I entered middle school. I would always be picking fights with people and I would constantly be losing friends. I don't exaclty know why I just suddenly remembered this but it doesn't really matter. One thing for sure, Mr. C, I apologize for somehow getting you involved in this mess along with the rest of my other friends who are trying to be the peacemakers. I also apologize for giving my lovely friend relationship advice and that advice ended up affecting you. Very much apologize.
I must say that I would explain to you guys a bit more about how this is affecting me and why, but I don't really like to share anything about my past with others. It's something I prefer to keep to myself at all times.Maybe someday I'll open up to you guys further.
I guess that's all I have for now. I don't really want to get into details with this. So if you read these journal entries, thank you for taking the time to read them. Now I bid you all ado! Gooodbbbbbyyyyyyyeeeee!!!!!
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Just Stuff on Life

"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:9-10
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"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:9-10
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Community Member
I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you, but I've gone though it all haha...
Though gutsy to finally ask a guy out, but yeah, I'd die of shame with obliviousness like that.
You just wonder, argh, why do I even put up with this person even though they treat me like s**t and I do my best.
Then when you try to explain to an adult, you can't really put it into the right words and then wind up sounding really complainy when you're not trying to be.
Reality sux. Some people are just really dumb. Forreal.