So...a lot of things have been up this week.It started out very great,but then,everything just fell apart for me.Monday,was the best day I've had so far.Why?Because nothing was on my mind.All I wanted to focus on was my grades,my homework,my friends...Especially my friends.I hate seeing them or hearing that they are upset.I can take only so much sadness around me.So on Monday,I at tennis,I was practicing my serve and I hit really hard over the net.If you were there,you either would have burst out laughing or just would have gasped.I had served it straight to Twiggy's neck.And it swelled up and got red.I felt like crap for hitting it at him.I'm just happy he knew it was an accident.
Second,yesterday at lunch was terrible.I guess you could say I was being ignorant and a bit moody,but not in the bad way.So Teresa comes and sits next to me,and we exchange hugs.She leaves to throw her plate,and she comes back to sit down.Now here is where the problem had started.When Teresa left,she also went to the band room.I put my bag on the chair she was sitting on so I can look for our library passes.When Teresa came back,I was still looking for them.I don't remember what happened next,all I know is that was the part Teresa got mad at me.So when I was walking to 7th period,Anais walks up to me and says,"Teresa's mad at you for ditching her."
I looked at her like I didn't even know what she was talking about.Which was true.I DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT!!So I left it at that.Then also in 7th,Mayra,or Phil,got mad at me as well.It wasn't a good Tuesday for anybody.
Then today,Wednesday.I talked to Aqua.Oh my sweet friend!!I wish I could've been there for you!I really wished I could.Then at school,it didn't take me long to realize Teresa was still mad at me.Yeah she was mad and people would've expected me to be mad as well,but I should let Teresa be mad.Again why?Well,she doesn't get mad and it's rare if she is.So I let her release her anger on me.Then lunch came,and Teresa came to us.Desiree knew she was mad at me.So she started an argument there in front of me.It hurt to watch.My two baby girls arguing.So I said something that I knew would have hurt Teresa,and I still regret saying it."Dez,you know what?Drop it.If Teresa wants to be mad let her!Let her go cry alone without anybody to comfort her!"
After that,I left with Rachael and Tabby to the restrooms.When I got to seventh again today.I was happy that Teresa wasn't mad at me,and she forgave me for whatever the heck I was too ignorant to forget.I felt like crying because Teresa told me she was mad at herself for being mad at me.
So...the day ended pretty well actually.I went to open house,got my report card,and I found out I have pretty awesome grades.By awesome I mean I got pure A's!!!YAY!!!!!I even passed Pre-AP Algebra!! whee
Well that's it for today.Thanks for reading guys.Bye!! biggrin smile 3nodding 3nodding xd xd blaugh blaugh whee whee whee wink wink mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen ninja ninja 4laugh 4laugh rofl rofl burning_eyes burning_eyes cheese_whine cheese_whine dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama
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Just Stuff on Life

"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:9-10
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"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:9-10