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Monster World
monster world chapter 6
minor note. stripes speaks, sarah speaks, striker speaks, ziran speaks, boa speaks, koji speaks
Monster World chapter 6- The Journey begins with a nightmare.

Stripes’ restless spirit sought vengeance on the very sword that destroyed him but he had no way to comeback to life. Inside Stripes’ demonic castle, stripes ghost was preparing to awaken his minions with an evil spell that could only be done with Dark Magic. Potions, elixirs and frightful moons, turn these statues back into masked goons. Stripes chanted the spell and his magic surrounded all of the castle statues and they started to break apart. Yes, awaken my minions. He called out as the statues broke open to reveal horrible black monsters with glowing red eyes and masked faces, they all bowed at their masters ghostly feet. Go forth my servants to outpost town, drain them all of their energy and bring it back here! After he said that, they disappeared but would reappear in the town which happens to be close to Koji’s dojo.

Meanwhile, back at the temple Koji, was having a horrible vision in his dream. He drempt that dozens of monsters were attacking the nearby village and they were all coming from stripes’ castle. Koji immediately woke up and realized the source of these bad feelings. Oh no, it can’t be true. Stripes has returned even after 100 years of death, he’s back. Koji thought to himself with fear in his old eyes. I hope striker and the others are ready for this journey, they’ll have to save the world or all will perish. luckily for Koji, it was morning and Sarah and her friends got up to start their day but today was the day their journey would begin but first they had a mission that had to do with those beasts that stripes sent on his behalf.

Striker, ziran, boa, Sarah, come to the training room now! Koji called out and they all rushed to the training room and found Koji with a look of concern on his face. What’s the matter master Koji? Sarah asked. There’s an emergency in town, the people are under attack and im sending the four of you to save them. They were all shocked by Koji’s words, striker was especially surprised, he felt worrisome about Sarah, she had been only practicing fighting for two and a half weeks. But she was getting better then he had expected. Alright guys lets do it. Sarah said. No way, she’s up for it. I guess I’ll have to do my best to protect her. Striker thought to himself with great concern on his mind. Go now the villagers need you four now. Koji said in a strong, commanding voice They raced out of the dojo and towards the village.

Meanwhile, Stripes watched from inside his castle as his minions were terrorizing the villagers and sucking out as much energy as they can from the defenseless bystanders. Yes, drain them my servants, drain out all their energy so I can return to my body. Stripes said with satisfaction. Then stripes sensed a familiar presence coming from outside the castle. Strange, I sense that someone or something is coming towards the village. Crystal ball, I command you to show me what im sensing. With a wave of his ghostly hand, the crystal ball showed him striker and the rest or our young heroes on their way to outpost town. What? Children? Why would some children set off my ghostly senses. He asked himself and then the crystal ball showed him that one of them was holding a sword fragment. (Gasp) a spirit sword fragment in the hands of a child? I can’t believe it. He said surprisingly because he had not expected to find a fragment so soon but he was indeed prepared. Grrr whoever they are, they wont beat my soldiers.

At the same time, striker and friends arrived at the village and were shock at what they saw. Doors were slashed open, walls smashed to bits and all the barriers of the village were panicking and being attacked by a horde of 30 masked monsters. (Gasps) what are those scary creatures? Sarah asked nervously. I don’t know, I’ve never seen them before. Striker said and he was as curious as Sarah was. Whatever they are, we have to stop them before they hurt anybody. Boa said while he pulled out his scepter. I agree boa, lets kick their butts. Ziran quoted confidently. Good thing Koji gave me the fire piece before we left. Striker thought, looking at the glowing red sword piece in his hand and he remembered the last thing Koji told him before he and his friends left. Striker take this with you! Im sure it’ll aid you in battle. Koji said as he gave striker the fire fragment. Alright master, I promised we wont fail. Striker said with courage in his voice. Go now! The villagers need you four. Striker came back into the present and said; Attack!

They all readied themselves for battle as stripes telepathically commanded his minions. Shadow soldiers, never mind the villagers for now, destroy those four brats and bring me that sword fragment! They all immediately turn to see the four children and charged at them. The 2 sides met in hand combat except for boa who had a scepter and he blasted 3 of them with an ice spell. You guys need to chill out. Boa said as the spell froze the masked fiends in a clear block of ice. Ziran kick boxed 5 of them into submission. Today’s special is a knuckle sandwich and you guys just got a 5 course meal. Ziran said triumphantly. Sarah has having trouble with the mask monsters she was fighting. Mostly she knocked out 3 of them but she was overpowered by 7 of them and they started sapping Sarah’s strength away. Ahhhh, guys Help Me! She screamed. Don’t worry Sarah I’ll save you. Striker yelled as his blood boiled from the sight of those beasts trapping her. He strapped his sword fragment to his belt and unleashed his special attack. Fireball Barrage. Striker blasted those black and purple creeps with fire balls from his hands and instantly freed Sarah. Thank you striker but watch your aim please, you could’ve hit me. Sarah said and she fell to her knees in exhaustion. Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Striker spoke with even more concern then before. No, but I think they sapped my strength out of me. Sarah said, panting in between her words. No way, guys watch out! They can suck out your energy. Striker yelled to ziran and boa. Then we have to end this right now. I call upon the lightning to vanquish these beasts. Boa cast a lightning spell that caused the clouds above to send a bolt of lightning into his scepter and redirected the bolt back to the masked monsters, electrifying all of them. Great job boa, you fried them. Ziran said. Thanks I do my best to help in a battle. Boa said proudly. Hey guys if your done celebrating. Can you help me with Sarah here. Striker said while helping Sarah get up on to her feet.

They both went to Sarah and striker’s side and helped them out, but it seems that their efforts to destroy those things were in vain. The monsters had absorbed a lot of energy from just those four young warriors and they were hungry for more. No way, they’re still standing after all that? Sarah said in fear. That’s impossible, that blast should’ve destroyed them. Boa said, shocked that his attack didn’t work. The fiendish beasts were ready to attack the children again but they were interrupted by their master. Stop, that’s enough for now, you all have collected more energy than I had expected and I didn’t expect them to be that strong, swipe that fire shard and comeback to the castle. They did just as he said. They ran up to striker and swiped the sword shard and avoided striker’s friends easily.

Hey they stole my spirit sword shard. Striker said in shock. Oh it may seem like they stole it but your wrong. A voice said. Huh? Master Koji? What are you doing here? Ziran asked him. I decided to help you out by evacuating all of the villagers. Thanks and what did you mean by they couldn’t steal the sword shard? Boa asked him. Nobody can steal the spirit sword whole or broken from it’s rightful owner. All you have to do is call it back and it will come. Koji said. Hm, go ahead striker and call your piece back. Sarah said, finally able to speak without panting. Alright, comeback to me fire shard. And at that striker’s shard came back to him. Woah cool. Sarah said. Im afraid the situation is worse than I had expected, stripes the greatest evil doer monstra has ever seen is back. I will restore your lost strength now. Koji said as he cast a healing spell that restored their bodies back to their normal stats. Thanks master we needed that. Sarah said and the boys nodded in agreement. You all must go on a journey now to find the spirit sword fragments, you must find them before stripes does. Then and only then will you be able to beat him. Koji told the four young warriors. They never expected it to be this serious then Sarah said; What about me? You said the sword can send me home. They can and they will Sarah, trust me once you four have all the pieces you can do anything. Koji said. Here are some traveling bags with everything you need. Wow thanks master. Ziran said gratefully. Your all welcome anytime, I wish you all the best of luck and don’t worry I’ll help the villagers clean up this mess. Okay thank you for everything master Koji and goodbye. Sarah said. Good bye for now my young apprentices. Koji said and then they all said; Good bye.
To be continued.

Please do leave comments on what you think of my story. smile

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Sun Oct 05, 2008 @ 10:22pm

Phew these chapters just keep getting long. This one took almost five pages(front and back) to write. 3nodding i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and any more that will come. wink

Community Member

Tue Oct 07, 2008 @ 12:53pm

Awsome! I love it! Best chapter EVER!

User Comments: [2]