Name; chameleon Iguana
height;5ft 4in
So far in the story, chameleon has shown sarah and the gang how dangerous and cunning a hunter can be. He might be young but he has the skills of an elite hunter, and he seems to have taken an unusual liking to sarah for her beauty as well as her personality. He just wishes that there were some way that he could have her as a girlfriend without his father losing his temper over it. Hunters are not allowed to interact with their prey besides capturing them and keeping them as pets and chameleon was violated this principle. If his dad finds out, he'll never be able to inherit his dad's throne.

name; Rosalina(Rose) behemoth.
height; 4ft'6in
Rose is a young and interesting elf girl who has an incredibly high intellect and a powerful desire to take machines apart and figure out how they work. The reason she's so smart is because she took lessons from her uncle about machinery and it helped her become the genious she is today. When we first saw her, she was attacked by a small group of shadow warriors and ziran rescued her. She is totally unaware of zirans feelings for her but she'll find out soon.

Name; stripes
height; 7ft
He is currently a ghost because he died in his previous life, but his soul yearns for revenge. He is trying to prepare for a ritual that will undoubtly bring him back to life and it would be useless for him to try and poscess his own corpse without the ritual. He is none the less clever and smart. His plan is at least a fourth of the way of rejuvinating his body. To ensure that his world domination plan wont be stopped, he has summoned his shadow warriors to hunt down the spirit sword fragments and destroy them but so far, they have failed to catch even one piece of that sword. In his former life, stripes had already conquered half the planet before dieing.

Name; koji
height; 5ft
Koji is a wise old barrier who watches over the village where he grew up as it's protector but after some his bones and muscles started weakening over the years, he came to the conclusion that he could not protect them forever. So he opened up a fighting dojo for any children who wish to know how to defend others. His three best students are striker,ziran and boa who he sent out on a mission to save the world. He seems to know an awful lot about stripes and what that fiend had done to monstra in the past. One might wonder why he knows so much about the sword of six spirits and stripes, well lets just say that he was there when stripes died.