True Anniversary
Yes, it was a really true anniversary. But the whole thing might be the wrong idea. It was nice to actually see them after a whole while since when... last year, but now that I think about it, it might be wrong to see them. It's a good thing to see them, cause now, I won't forget what there faces are. And the wrong part of thing anniversary is that I might not see them for a long time, and then I might get all heart broken, because I always fall for it... and I end up the one getting hurt. They might not know this because they aren't like those people who think deeply. But I don't want them to think of me in a bad way, or see me hurt cause that would be the only embarrassing to make me see them.
But the whole started when we were going to the church anniversary. It started at 2:00 to be exact. And I saw everyone there. I saw Pinky (>O< wink and I saw this cool guy that I just meet, his name is JJ. He's like a mad basketball player. He can really get on his game like so mad... OMG!! And then I hung out with my little cousin, Kate, who came along with my aunt. It was fun cause I just wander around in the church while I wait for my best friend Mizuki. She wasn't here with her parents when they were at church, I asked them like a million times when she was coming, because that was when Kevin and Kelly were there. Yes, Kevin and Kelly were there. I couldn't tell if that was Kelly at first cause she changed so much. I mean, she was wearing punk and everything!! She had these skater clothes and it didn't even look like her at all, from the last time I saw her. And she wasn't hanging out with Kevin, so I had to find that out a while ago.
I was running back and fort in the church cause it was really too hot. I coudln't stand sitting so still in a hot place. I would literally sweat to death. But once I was walking back to the place that I was sitting, which was in the back with my guy friend, I saw Kevin. I tried not to look at him as much, cause I think he would get the wrong idea. He was looking at me whenever I walked pass him. Actually he tried to trip me! When I had my boots on!!! Do you know how hard it is to jump over something, even though it's small and everything!! Man its hard to even do something like that!! Like you have no idea!! I almost tripped after jumping!!! I don't land very good, I broke my ankle trying to jump off a trailer. Well, Mizuki came at last after a few minutes later. I think that they came earlier, but I don't know.
What Mizuki said when we sat in the back was that Kevin was looking back at me and trying to get my attention. That made me happy and everything, that he would actually look at me and try to get my attention or at least meet my eyes. Naw.. iI doubt that he would try to do that, but getting my attention was what Mizuki said to me. Haha! But anyways, I walked back and fort in church cause it was still hot. Then it came to the time when my brother and the little church kids had to sing a song. It was funny cause me and Mizuki were making fun of them and crap. I mean, we had thumps up and we had like shaking hand at them... Then we put the lighter on, (cellphone used as the light in the concert) and we were waving like they were the band and what not. It was funny!!! I mean, the only people that I heard that were singing was like 4 to 3 people. And I won't blame them cause they didn't have a mike, but in the gym, they can be loud and stuff. But overall they were really good.
Then Mizuki had to take pictures of her mom and dad in the choir. I had to stnad up in the front cause she was like all, "No, I don't want to come to the front of the church where they will see me.. " and stuff like that. I didn't care either way to do it or not, but at least I helped out with her. And then we had to walk back, which was getting tiring cause like walking in my heels hurt like hell. I don't wear heels at all, and I think I only have one pair. So I'm not used to it, but at least I got to walk past Kevin, he stared at me every time I walked pass him. I tried so hard not to look no matter what, but then it came to the point where I couldn't resist myself, cause he really has a cute face to start with. After a while, I had to get out and change my shoes, cause really, it doesn't work with me in the heels. I got pretty used to flat better than the heels, I can actually run!
So after a while, me and Mizuki went to the cafeteria and we got to eat first cause all the people there had to have a place to stay when they ate. So we ate and like after we ate, we went to the gym. Then all of a sudden, all these other people came in to eat and some people came to the gym. This guy that knows that I still like Kevin, he started to push him in the gym and force him to do whatever he was thinking. It was weird that I actually got the guy that I thought who was Kevin right. Usually I guessed it wrong, but I didn't cause I could tell he was the one that tripped me. Yeah, I said that already. But then, when me and Mizuki were playing around in the basketball part, my friend Pinky was there. So me and him play a few rounds and stuff. I have to say, for a little kid, he has some good skills. I lost to all rounds except for the first one which was like half a lost. I mean seriously, he was being so mean to me being like that and stuff, but you know, he is my best friend. I hate my brother for say stuff like, "Don't start flirting." cause he knows that me and Pinky are like the best friends in the world. And that won't change, ever. But some people say that Pinky has a crush on me, which is what I think is weird, cause I told him so many times that I am only his friend, and like he so young.
Yeah, and after a while of playing with Pinky, I got so tired, I had to get a drink. Mizuki followed me as I went to the cafeteria to see people everywhere. I mean everywhere, some people were still getting food and I figured that I had to change my shirt, after getting a drink. So I wen to my baby brother's bag, where I put my shirt and ran to the Girls' Bathroom. It was so tiring running everywhere up and down. I almost lost my heart there for a while, I even rushed myself to change clothes, and that's how my earring got stuck to my clothes. Never rush changing when you have earrings on, that's my advice. But anyways, after I changed, I went to get another drink cause I knew that I would be tired after a few minutes. and after putting my clothes back to the bag, I went back to the gym. Yes, then I started to joke around with Pinky and going like "Oh, you can't play." or "You can't shoot" and stuff like that. But he did prove me wrong for the first part of playing with me. But I like joking with him and stuff.
Then after a while, I went back to get a drink. I could have sworn that my face was beat red after running around like that for a long time. Mizuki went to follow me and get a drink, but she wondered off by the time I went to get the drink. But when I got my drink she said she wanted one too. She I went back with her and that was when I got so close to meeting Kelly and Kevin and stuff. I didn't say anything cause I would be afraid if they didn't know me. But I would probably think that they knew me cause I was and always being loud in their camp, so they would know who I am. But I was really waiting for them to say something to me. But they didn't. So I went to where my mom and dad was cause I was wondering what they were doing. Then I went to the gym. And I just keep coming back for a new drink, but there wasn't any Brisk, so I went to when I placed my Brisk before anyone else. Mizuki's sister's boyfriend had it, so I got to drink. He was a really nice guy. And after taking a drink, I threw it out and then went back to the gym.
I saw Kevin hanging in the other end of the hallway, it looked like they were coming back from the gym, but I didn't know. Kelly was there, so I was thinking that Kelly was looking for me in the gym, but didn't find me there so, she went back. But I passed her, and I didn't say anything until in the gym, hanging out with Pinky and stuff. So I was on the other side of the gym, where they had another basketball court. Me and Pinky were playing around until I turned around to see Kevin and Kelly sitting next to Mizuki. I was still playing around until I asked Kevin to join. I was like "Can you play?" and like "You can't even shoot when sitting..." So I passed him the ball that me and Pinky were using and he shoot, but it missed. So he tried again, and yes, he didn't get it. So I was teasing him and stuff. Then I went to Kelly, but she didn't want to, or at least not in the mood to. So I just started to hang out with Pinky and Kevin. But that was really a bad idea, cause all they did was joke around with me.
I mean, I tried really hard to get the ball away from them, and if not, then at least try to get the ball. It was hard, cause all they were saying to each other was like, "Pass it here!" and "Don't give her the ball." When Pinky had that ball, I would try to get it from him, but he would always pass it to Kevin and try to make as shot. It wasn't funny at all, but every time that Pinky or Kevin made a shoot, they would always miss and that is when I start laughing. One time did Kevin get a chance to get the whole, and that was probably it that I know of. The guy that I said that was JJ, who was a mad player was there. He started to shoot hoops and he didn't get it a first, but he was still good. There was one time that the ball rolled away from Pinky, so I tried to grab it before Kevin or Pinky can get it. And I did get it, but when I turned around, Kevin was right there. He had some good reflex, that's all I have to say. But you know what he did? Well, what he did was that he grabbed me by the waist and he went around me when I think that I turned the other direction. It was really romantic and crap, that's what I think. But I don't know.
The rest of the time we were just messing around with people. Kevin was always in my face and try to scare me or something, cause I couldn't remember if I was still playing with Pinky. All I knew is that I was trying to get the ball away from them was all that was true. I got the ball and I was sort of cornered on other side of the gym cause he wouldn't let me leave until I gave him the ball. And I would be like to his face "You can't play, so get outta here!" and stuff like that. All he did was try to get my attention when I had my back turned to him. But I liked that until I found out that he had to leave, and I was trying to get his attention. He didn't even say anything like, "Oh, I have to go, bye." Not even Kelly said anything after I found out that Mizuki had to leave also, with her brother and sister, and like, I had to look for her brother. So we looked and me and her went outside to look, that's when I saw them. Kelly waved bye to me and I waved back. I looked for Keving who was going to the other direction and he waved "Peace" when I waved bye and then waved peace again.
But the next day, I was really sad and mad at one thing, and one thing for sure. I talked to Kelly and I asked her a favor. To ask Kevin if he likes me cause I could of sworn that he was flirting with me, getting in my face and trying to get me attention like that. But when she text me back, she told me that "Oh, sorry, Kevin already has a girlfriend..." I told Mizuki that day, if Kevin does have a girlfriend, that I would back off. But what I meant with that is that I won't bother him anymore if he does have a girlfriend, cause I don't even know the girl. But I felt so hurt cause he would toy around with me like that. So the only thing that I would do is shove my boyfriend (if I did have one) and toy around with him. But seriously... I would be like, "THIS!! YES THIS!! HE IS MY BOYFRIEND!!!" and shake my boyfriend in front of my face. But overall, I did like it when it was just the two us... when it was really, the first true anniversary...

Yes, it was a really true anniversary. But the whole thing might be the wrong idea. It was nice to actually see them after a whole while since when... last year, but now that I think about it, it might be wrong to see them. It's a good thing to see them, cause now, I won't forget what there faces are. And the wrong part of thing anniversary is that I might not see them for a long time, and then I might get all heart broken, because I always fall for it... and I end up the one getting hurt. They might not know this because they aren't like those people who think deeply. But I don't want them to think of me in a bad way, or see me hurt cause that would be the only embarrassing to make me see them.
But the whole started when we were going to the church anniversary. It started at 2:00 to be exact. And I saw everyone there. I saw Pinky (>O< wink and I saw this cool guy that I just meet, his name is JJ. He's like a mad basketball player. He can really get on his game like so mad... OMG!! And then I hung out with my little cousin, Kate, who came along with my aunt. It was fun cause I just wander around in the church while I wait for my best friend Mizuki. She wasn't here with her parents when they were at church, I asked them like a million times when she was coming, because that was when Kevin and Kelly were there. Yes, Kevin and Kelly were there. I couldn't tell if that was Kelly at first cause she changed so much. I mean, she was wearing punk and everything!! She had these skater clothes and it didn't even look like her at all, from the last time I saw her. And she wasn't hanging out with Kevin, so I had to find that out a while ago.
I was running back and fort in the church cause it was really too hot. I coudln't stand sitting so still in a hot place. I would literally sweat to death. But once I was walking back to the place that I was sitting, which was in the back with my guy friend, I saw Kevin. I tried not to look at him as much, cause I think he would get the wrong idea. He was looking at me whenever I walked pass him. Actually he tried to trip me! When I had my boots on!!! Do you know how hard it is to jump over something, even though it's small and everything!! Man its hard to even do something like that!! Like you have no idea!! I almost tripped after jumping!!! I don't land very good, I broke my ankle trying to jump off a trailer. Well, Mizuki came at last after a few minutes later. I think that they came earlier, but I don't know.
What Mizuki said when we sat in the back was that Kevin was looking back at me and trying to get my attention. That made me happy and everything, that he would actually look at me and try to get my attention or at least meet my eyes. Naw.. iI doubt that he would try to do that, but getting my attention was what Mizuki said to me. Haha! But anyways, I walked back and fort in church cause it was still hot. Then it came to the time when my brother and the little church kids had to sing a song. It was funny cause me and Mizuki were making fun of them and crap. I mean, we had thumps up and we had like shaking hand at them... Then we put the lighter on, (cellphone used as the light in the concert) and we were waving like they were the band and what not. It was funny!!! I mean, the only people that I heard that were singing was like 4 to 3 people. And I won't blame them cause they didn't have a mike, but in the gym, they can be loud and stuff. But overall they were really good.
Then Mizuki had to take pictures of her mom and dad in the choir. I had to stnad up in the front cause she was like all, "No, I don't want to come to the front of the church where they will see me.. " and stuff like that. I didn't care either way to do it or not, but at least I helped out with her. And then we had to walk back, which was getting tiring cause like walking in my heels hurt like hell. I don't wear heels at all, and I think I only have one pair. So I'm not used to it, but at least I got to walk past Kevin, he stared at me every time I walked pass him. I tried so hard not to look no matter what, but then it came to the point where I couldn't resist myself, cause he really has a cute face to start with. After a while, I had to get out and change my shoes, cause really, it doesn't work with me in the heels. I got pretty used to flat better than the heels, I can actually run!
So after a while, me and Mizuki went to the cafeteria and we got to eat first cause all the people there had to have a place to stay when they ate. So we ate and like after we ate, we went to the gym. Then all of a sudden, all these other people came in to eat and some people came to the gym. This guy that knows that I still like Kevin, he started to push him in the gym and force him to do whatever he was thinking. It was weird that I actually got the guy that I thought who was Kevin right. Usually I guessed it wrong, but I didn't cause I could tell he was the one that tripped me. Yeah, I said that already. But then, when me and Mizuki were playing around in the basketball part, my friend Pinky was there. So me and him play a few rounds and stuff. I have to say, for a little kid, he has some good skills. I lost to all rounds except for the first one which was like half a lost. I mean seriously, he was being so mean to me being like that and stuff, but you know, he is my best friend. I hate my brother for say stuff like, "Don't start flirting." cause he knows that me and Pinky are like the best friends in the world. And that won't change, ever. But some people say that Pinky has a crush on me, which is what I think is weird, cause I told him so many times that I am only his friend, and like he so young.
Yeah, and after a while of playing with Pinky, I got so tired, I had to get a drink. Mizuki followed me as I went to the cafeteria to see people everywhere. I mean everywhere, some people were still getting food and I figured that I had to change my shirt, after getting a drink. So I wen to my baby brother's bag, where I put my shirt and ran to the Girls' Bathroom. It was so tiring running everywhere up and down. I almost lost my heart there for a while, I even rushed myself to change clothes, and that's how my earring got stuck to my clothes. Never rush changing when you have earrings on, that's my advice. But anyways, after I changed, I went to get another drink cause I knew that I would be tired after a few minutes. and after putting my clothes back to the bag, I went back to the gym. Yes, then I started to joke around with Pinky and going like "Oh, you can't play." or "You can't shoot" and stuff like that. But he did prove me wrong for the first part of playing with me. But I like joking with him and stuff.
Then after a while, I went back to get a drink. I could have sworn that my face was beat red after running around like that for a long time. Mizuki went to follow me and get a drink, but she wondered off by the time I went to get the drink. But when I got my drink she said she wanted one too. She I went back with her and that was when I got so close to meeting Kelly and Kevin and stuff. I didn't say anything cause I would be afraid if they didn't know me. But I would probably think that they knew me cause I was and always being loud in their camp, so they would know who I am. But I was really waiting for them to say something to me. But they didn't. So I went to where my mom and dad was cause I was wondering what they were doing. Then I went to the gym. And I just keep coming back for a new drink, but there wasn't any Brisk, so I went to when I placed my Brisk before anyone else. Mizuki's sister's boyfriend had it, so I got to drink. He was a really nice guy. And after taking a drink, I threw it out and then went back to the gym.
I saw Kevin hanging in the other end of the hallway, it looked like they were coming back from the gym, but I didn't know. Kelly was there, so I was thinking that Kelly was looking for me in the gym, but didn't find me there so, she went back. But I passed her, and I didn't say anything until in the gym, hanging out with Pinky and stuff. So I was on the other side of the gym, where they had another basketball court. Me and Pinky were playing around until I turned around to see Kevin and Kelly sitting next to Mizuki. I was still playing around until I asked Kevin to join. I was like "Can you play?" and like "You can't even shoot when sitting..." So I passed him the ball that me and Pinky were using and he shoot, but it missed. So he tried again, and yes, he didn't get it. So I was teasing him and stuff. Then I went to Kelly, but she didn't want to, or at least not in the mood to. So I just started to hang out with Pinky and Kevin. But that was really a bad idea, cause all they did was joke around with me.
I mean, I tried really hard to get the ball away from them, and if not, then at least try to get the ball. It was hard, cause all they were saying to each other was like, "Pass it here!" and "Don't give her the ball." When Pinky had that ball, I would try to get it from him, but he would always pass it to Kevin and try to make as shot. It wasn't funny at all, but every time that Pinky or Kevin made a shoot, they would always miss and that is when I start laughing. One time did Kevin get a chance to get the whole, and that was probably it that I know of. The guy that I said that was JJ, who was a mad player was there. He started to shoot hoops and he didn't get it a first, but he was still good. There was one time that the ball rolled away from Pinky, so I tried to grab it before Kevin or Pinky can get it. And I did get it, but when I turned around, Kevin was right there. He had some good reflex, that's all I have to say. But you know what he did? Well, what he did was that he grabbed me by the waist and he went around me when I think that I turned the other direction. It was really romantic and crap, that's what I think. But I don't know.
The rest of the time we were just messing around with people. Kevin was always in my face and try to scare me or something, cause I couldn't remember if I was still playing with Pinky. All I knew is that I was trying to get the ball away from them was all that was true. I got the ball and I was sort of cornered on other side of the gym cause he wouldn't let me leave until I gave him the ball. And I would be like to his face "You can't play, so get outta here!" and stuff like that. All he did was try to get my attention when I had my back turned to him. But I liked that until I found out that he had to leave, and I was trying to get his attention. He didn't even say anything like, "Oh, I have to go, bye." Not even Kelly said anything after I found out that Mizuki had to leave also, with her brother and sister, and like, I had to look for her brother. So we looked and me and her went outside to look, that's when I saw them. Kelly waved bye to me and I waved back. I looked for Keving who was going to the other direction and he waved "Peace" when I waved bye and then waved peace again.
But the next day, I was really sad and mad at one thing, and one thing for sure. I talked to Kelly and I asked her a favor. To ask Kevin if he likes me cause I could of sworn that he was flirting with me, getting in my face and trying to get me attention like that. But when she text me back, she told me that "Oh, sorry, Kevin already has a girlfriend..." I told Mizuki that day, if Kevin does have a girlfriend, that I would back off. But what I meant with that is that I won't bother him anymore if he does have a girlfriend, cause I don't even know the girl. But I felt so hurt cause he would toy around with me like that. So the only thing that I would do is shove my boyfriend (if I did have one) and toy around with him. But seriously... I would be like, "THIS!! YES THIS!! HE IS MY BOYFRIEND!!!" and shake my boyfriend in front of my face. But overall, I did like it when it was just the two us... when it was really, the first true anniversary...