The Rai clan is a very strong clan, but not as well known as the Takana and Samui clan. The Rai clan specialize in fire and lightning techniques, and the techniques are more powerful than the regular fire and lightning techniques. This clan came from the cloud village.

Kong Rai
Age: 13 (15 in Shippuden)
Rank: jounin, medic
Kong is the youngest of the Rai twins. He is more of the quiet type, not really saying much unless if he's talking with his teammates. Although he knows fire and lightning, his mom, Mizu taught him water and air techniques. He uses them more often then fire and lightning. Kong respects Tsuni very well. He also works well with her, and is known that he also has a small crush on Kiko. Kong is a very trustworthy person, and can understand people's feelings, especially Tsuni when she lost her family. (Zhong and Kong lost their mom from their father)

Zhong Rai
Age: 13 (15 in Shippuden)
Rank: chuunin/medic
Zhong is the oldest among the Rai twins (although they don't look like twins) He is the wild and hyper one like Naruto, except he can get serious in situations. He and Tsuni always get into fights, mainly on missions or when the team is together, but Tsuni ends up winning, since she's the leader. He also has a crush on her, but his feelings for her are quite obvious. Zhong also doesn't like Sasuke, who is also interested in Tsuni, as well as Gaara.