We Takana will never turn away from other Takana who are in need, and never shall we fight one another, unless if it's neccessary, or shall we dare kill one another.
That was the way of the Takana, the Takana way (similar to my nindo, my ninja way). The Takana had been a strong clan, known to be stronger than the Uchiha, and more respected. They were famous for their poison and earth techniques. The Takana, coming from four other villages than the Rock, which was the Mist, Sand, Cloud, and the Leaf.
Coming from those many villages, the Takana soon learned more techniques, such as Fuuton (air element), Suiton (water element), raiton (lightning element), and a few Katon (fire element). The Takana's weakness is fire, since they do not know much. But as long as they learn water, they can defeat a fire user.
The Takana all started in the Rock village, where it was created and ruled by a woman named Kobayashi Takana. After creating the village, and people moved into the village, she became the first Tsuchikage. There, with her husband (not known who it is), she had two children, and she named them, Kasei and Kaiya. After Kobayashi died, her younger brother, Aki, became the 2nd Tsuchikage. The 3rd Tsuchikage was Kasei Takana, but while ruling, he fell in love with a woman who moved into the Rock recently. A woman named Keta. Those two married and moved to the Sand village, asking his niece, Katai, who was only 16, to be the 4th Tsuchikage.
Kaiya however, visited the Mist village to visit some friends when she met a guy named Haruka. Those two fell in love and moved to the Leaf village. After a while, when Keiko killed the Takana clan of the sand and Leaf, the other three villages in the Takana, including the Rock, got killed as well. Every single one of them, except Katai, who was Tsuchikage.

Keiko Takana
Age: 17
Rank: Anbu [jounin], missing nin of Leaf, Medic
Keiko is the older sister of Tsuni and Kauna. She is the favorite of their mom, Keta because her strengths and wits are as powerful as hers. Keiko was the one who killed the Takana clan of the Sand and Leaf (their family came from the sand and moved to the Leaf village). However, she left her younger sister, Tsuni to survive. She didn't kill her because she didn't realize that she had broken the Takana way of not killing other Takanas. Also, Tsuni was left to survive because she had a demon born inside of her. A demon called Gobi, the five tailed wolf.
Keiko joined Itachi, her friend, and the Akatsuki, but she became a subordinate to them, becoming a spy for the Akatsuki. She had been hated by Tsuni, but Tsuni does not want to kill her, since she will be breaking the Takana way. Even though Keiko broke the Takana way, Tsuni had gotten through her family and moved on.
Keiko mainly works alone, but once in a while, she will join Itachi and Kisame (such as when the three of them went to the Leaf village to get Naruto and Tsuni). During Shippuden, she was partnered with Zetsu when Sasori died and a guy named Tobi wanted to join the Akatsuki in replacement of him.
Keiko understands Zetsu and how he mainly speaks to himself, but they do talk to her most of the time.

Tsuni Takana
Age:12 (14 in Shippuden)
Rank: chuunin/medic (becomes jounin shortly)
Tsuni is the strongest girl in Konoha, and youngest in the Takana clan. She was born with the five tailed wolf, Gobi, inside of her. This demon is known to be one of the most powerful bijuu above all other demons. Tsuni is a girl that can be carefree, happy, and funny to a sad and serious girl. Tsuni can change her feelings very quickly.
The Sand village respects her because 11 years ago (when she was 11), Shukaku attacked the Sand village. Gobi appeared and fought him, with help from Kobayashi and her summoned cat, Kuzushi, they both, together, defeated him. The Leaf village also respects Tsuni as well, hearing about it from the Sand.
Tsuni became friends with Gaara, since she didn't want him to be so lonely. When she went to the Leaf to be with her other family, she met Itachi and Sasuke. Tsuni also went to the academy for girls, where she met Sakura and Ino, and Kiko as well.
She then went to the ninja academy with Sasuke. She graduated the academy with Sasuke and all the others to become the Rookie 12, fresh from the academy. She was in a three man squad with Zhong and Kong Rai, both twins, with their girl sensei, Sasaki Ayumu. Tsuni is very close with Sasuke, who share a bond with one another. Also, Tsuni has gone a lot of missions with Team 7, leaving Kiko to replace Tsuni in Team Takana. In the Valley in the end, she fought Sasuke after seeing what he did to Naruto. She ended up losing, and Sasuke, who loved her, brought her with him to the Sound (she was unconscious). In Shippuden, she is now with Sasuke, actually under direct orders of her Auntie Tsunade to make sure nothing bad happens to him, although Orochimaru is planning Tsuni to be his main vessel, making her in danger.