(My true fom is back)
I finally got my true form back. But for some reason I don't want to go home yet. I don't know what it is. I think it's that boy who saved me, Plumpy. Sense I've gotten here I've been falling in love with him. Madley in love with him. It's like I can't live without him. He's more loving and caring towards me then my boyfriend back home.
I want to tell him how I feel about him but. .. I'm afraid too. But I think I already have told him how I feel. I flirt with him all the time so I guess in a way of looking at it I have.
Humans are still strange too me. They don't swim around all day like merpeople do. they walk on what is called "legs". They are so fasinating, but so confusing at the same time. I felt so imbressed when I started brushing my hair with a "fork" thinking it was a hairbrush, in front of the boy I like. redface I'll kill skutell next time I see him. He made me think humans use "forks" as brushes when they use them for eatting. DAMN YOU TO HELL SKUTELL!!!!!!!!
Surprisingly Plumpy didn't laugh at me. He knew it was because I'm a mermaid, and because I knew nothing of the human world. I don't see how humans live like this sometimes. There are so many queshtions I have for them. And so many things to learn. So little time.
I even kind of wander what there form of sex is like. It must be very different from mermpeoples. Then again I don't even know what merpeople sex is like. Mostly because I've never had sex. I want to ask Plumpy about it, but then again. . . maybe I shouldn't. sweatdrop sweatdrop