I woke up in the strangest place this morning. I woke up and for some reason I wasn't underwater. I remember very little before waking up in the human world. I remember a bright light, and the Sea Witch-she's after my father's trient so she was obviously the one who turned me into a human-laughing. When I first woke up I could see a boy with brown hair, and gray eyes., but I was too tierd so feel back asleep.
When I woke up again I was in what humans call a hospital. I suppose that boy I saw took me there. He wasn't there when I woke up, but the doctor said he was worried about me.
I didn't tell the human doctor what I was or what happened to me, because I feard he would take me to some lab or something. All I know is I'm a human now, and I have to be careful about who I tell about me being a mermaid, or else I might be in danger.
I found the boy that saved me. He's helping me learn how to be a human now. He know's I'm a mermaid, and seems to find it fasanating. heart He's very handsome. heart He's not like most mermen I know. I just hope I can retrive my mermaid side one day, and return home.
I know the Sea Witch had only turned me into a human because she knew my father would hand over the trident so he could get me back. If he doesn't think she captured me he'll think human's captured me and attack the surface. My father can be so stubborn sometimes. He always says human's are cruel.
I don't believe him though. I explore sunken ships all the time, and find wonderful human tresures. So I know they can't be that bad if they make such beautiful, wonderful things.