biggrin Why am I smiling? My face is stuck like this.
smile Hehe... Smile and no one will suspect that you have evil intentions...
redface This is the most embarrassing day of your life! Congratulations!
"Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it!" B-but I don't know how to build a bridge!!!!!
stare Stop staring!!!!
xd This is my "I just ran into a door" expression.
blaugh What, is there a law against licking windows???
gonk Why...?
scream AAHHHH!!! I told you I don't like spicy food!!!! Water!!!!!! I need water!!!!
stressed Me? I'm not angry. I just don't like smiling! ^^ NO!!! Look what you made me do!!! You made me smile!!!!!
sweatdrop I didn't just drop your cell phone and watch it smash into a billion tiny pieces. I didn't do it. Whatever gave you that idea?
heart I'm a flying heart. Get over it.
emo I'm not crying!!! I'm just different!!!
xp This is my other expression. My "I just ran into a wall AFTER running into a door" expression.
whee Blah, blah, blah.
wink Yada, yada, yada.
sad I'm not frowning. I'm just not smiling.
surprised This is ME, telling you that you have no idea how hard it is to come up with funny explanations for these emotes!!!
eek What are you looking at...? WHAT!?!?!? My shirt's on fire?!?!? AHHH!!!!! Put it out, put it out, put it out!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh... fire's out.
confused I'm confused... How could that emote's shirt be on fire, when we're all just little emote head things... That emote couldn't wear a shirt.
cool I'm cool! Right? Hey where are all of you going!!! I'm the cool one!!! Not the emote below me!
lol Lol. Yep I'm the cool one now!
mad My face is stuck like this... But Atr least it's not stuck in a smile.
razz Lmao. Lol (two lines up) is the cool one now!!! Hehe.
cry This is the cool emote after he lost his coolness.
evil This is him over his saddness and extremely angry.
twisted And this is him thinking of evil ways to get his coolness back.
rolleyes And this is ME again, saying how uncool the used to be cool emote is.
exclaim !!!! !! !!! ! !!! !!!... !!!!!. Translation: This is all I can say... Sorry.
question ????? ?? ??? ??????????? ???.? ??'? ??? ????.Translation: Where is the translation guy? He's not here.
idea I got an idea!!! Wait... No... I lost my idea... No, wait here it is!!! Urgh... I forgot it again.
arrow --------------------------->
neutral '_' <---- This is me. I borrowed the arrow emote above me so I could point to me. ^_^
mrgreen Overly happy people scare me. Oh no!!! I scare myself!!!! @_@ Wahh!!!
ninja Shh... I'm a ninja! *whispers* But you have to keep it a secret. 'Kay? Oh great, look what you made me do! You made me give away my secret!
4laugh I am perpetually happy. Does that bother you...?
rofl Yes, I am spinning in circles. Yes I do look happy. No I am not happy. This is my dizzy face. Somebody help me.
pirate I'm a pirate. But its not a big secret like with that idiot ninja.
talk2hand Ignoring you.
burning_eyes My eyes didn't really catch on fire... Or did they...?
cheese_whine Food... why?
dramallama This is not your average dramatric llama. This is just a llama. A non-dramatic llama. A plain llama. A... never mind. You get the point.
wahmbulance The panic button.
View User's Journal
Summer's Random Journal
Whatever I wanna write, whenever I feel like it.
Series in my journal:
"Imma" Series (includes Imma Ninja, Imma Robot ect)
My Thoughts [new] (basically, what I think about stupid stuff)
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