Psst! Pssssssssst!!!!!! Remember me??? Hey it's me! Ninja Dude!!!
Author's note: Welcome back to Summer's Random Journal!! This is Imma Agent2!!!
Agent Story2 Part 1
Shh... *yelling* We gotta keep our voices down!!! I can't let Mr. Boss Guy find me here in the secret agent headquarters.
*still yelling* What? What do you mean by that?! I did not get fired as a superhero!!! They just didn't appreciate my way of dealing with robot attacks, that and the fact that RBot was my really my boss when I was a superhero... ......................... Yeah, yeah. Long story... I don't have time to explain now... Maybe the person writing this *cough, cough, Zoysia, cough* will tell you about "Imma Failure". It's a really deep story concerning how I spiraled into depression after being fired--I mean after quitting my job as a superhero... *begin rant* I was great at that job! They had no %&#$*@^$ reason to fire me!!!!!!!! And *blah, blah, blah, bleh* And therefore I shouldn't have ever been fired!!!! *end rant* .......................... I know, I know... so sad.
Uh... very *erm* interesting...
Agent Story2 Part 2
Thanks! Finally someone understands me... or at least the narrator. I don't think she really counts as someone...
What!? I'm just saying...
Just saying what?! Grr... *glares*
*creeping down headquarters hallway on the way to Mr. Boss Guy's office to beg for his job back* *[Yes... Ninja Dude/Secret Agent Man/Superhero Guy is a guy. {Just in case you hadn't figured it out based on "dude, man, and guy" in every name.}]* I didn't have to save you from that fire at the television studio last time when I was Secret Agent Guy!!!
*audiance* Ooh... You just got burned! *audiance*
And I don't have to keep playing your shows on live national television!!!!!!!!
Eep!!!! Shutting up now, sorry...
Agent Story2 Part 3
*finally makes it to Mr. Boss Guy's office* *gulp* Time to talk to him--err--beg for my job back--I mean ask for my job back.
Heheh... good luck with that.
*door creaks open slightly creating a small slit* *Secret Agent Guy peeks through but can't see anything* *then he pushes it open completely--* --Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agent Story2 Part 4
--Gasp!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh of relief* Oh, wait... *the back to the chair at Mr. Boss Guy's desk is facing toward the door* *whoever was sitting in it is facing out the window* Hello Jerry, I've been expecting you.
*gasp* What the heck is going on here?! And Jerry? Who is Jerry!?
Agent Story2 Part 5
*Secret Agent Guy stares at the back of the chair* How do you know my name?
*blink* Your name is Jerry?
I know all things Jerry. I am smarter than Mr. Boss Guy. I am smarter than you all. I outwitted you this time, and I will outwit you again. You're not... *gulp* ...Mr. Boss Guy? (Not even he knew my real name.) Of course not Jerry... because I'm-- *the chair flips around revealing the person sitting in it* --RBot!
That's a shock! This is getting to be a real drama! I need some popcorn!
Agent Story2 Part 6
The moral of the story? "Even short comedies have twists that turn them into real soap-opera-ish dramas!"
The author is right you know... You should listen to her... She's smart!
And... thanks again for reading Imma Agent2?!?
The next story should be written and posted soon...
Bye for now! heart
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Summer's Random Journal
Whatever I wanna write, whenever I feel like it.
Series in my journal:
"Imma" Series (includes Imma Ninja, Imma Robot ect)
My Thoughts [new] (basically, what I think about stupid stuff)
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