Chapter four: The Doctor
Mike and Bernie entered the room again. Mike had a smile on his face like he had just one a million dollars, and in some sick way i guess he did. " Your gonna make us rich!" he said with a grin. Bernie just stood there like some kind of a rock. I cant believe he came up with that rotten idea. And why would i want to go see a special docter, that just sounded scary.
Mike got closer and nelt down near my ear. He whispered," This is a great plan you want to know why,... cause i still get the pleasure of killing you. Ok now im freaked out!
Then he left. Bernie came toward me and said, " Not to worry i have a plan to get you out of this." And then he left.
It took me forever to fall asleep. When i finnaly did i only slept for like twenty minutes. And when i opened my eyes Mike was right in my face, and he was looking at me with that grin on his weird looking face. I think he has some serious problems he needs to work out. I tried my hardest to close my eyes and pretend he wasnt there, but i couldnt. He was breathing hard and he was stairing at me, i cant handle that kind of stuff.
"I cant wait till i get to kill you. I have so many ways to test on you and eventully you will just die from one of them."
He grabbed me by the arm and tried to snap it. " Even though i cant kill you it doesnt mean i cant hurt you!" Then he started to laugh, again with the laughing. He really made me mad, and hurt, i couldnt take it any more.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
"What did you say to me little girl."
"You heard me i told you to SHUT UP!"
Then Mike had gotten angry and then he punched me out of my seat. I fell flat right on the floor.I tried to drag my legs, but they hurt and i was trapped in this small room.
Mike just walked slowly to where i cralled and just punched me until i gave up and i blacked out again.
When i woke up and i was in the car, again. It seamed every time they put me in the car they had to beat me up first.
We got to a junky old place and stopped. I really hated being moved around all the time, it hurt.
"Rise and shine my beutiful sunshine." Mike said opening my door," time fore you check up."Okay he really started to creap me out.
We entered the building, i had a pretty good idea on what "a special docter" was, it was theirt so real docter that they used so the cops didnt find out about them.
Bernie sat me down and the doctor or one of the doctors came and pulled out a needle. Then he jammed it into my neck. Like 10 secounds passed and it had no affect. Then i couldnt move, but i didnt fall asleep or any thing.
"Okay she wont be able to move or talk for at least 24 hours. Then he handed Mike a whole case of that stuff and that made Mike smile.
Then they moved me to a different room and put casts on my legs after an Xray. And then we just left.
The junk that the doctor put in me made me dizzy, but at least my legs didnt hurt as bad.
"Hey dont puke in the car, okay know are you happy?" Mike asked
Bernie looked at him and nodded.
Next time Chapter five: The Phone Call
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A'nW the company xDD confedential (Not really..I dont know A'nW)

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i cant wait till chater 5 it freaking
good ...good job! i love this storeeee!